Note that in order to have asset files copied correctly, any outputs that
represent asset filenames must be added to the tf.GraphKeys.ASSET_FILEPATHS
collection by the caller if using Transform's APIs in compat v1 mode.
A Beam PTransform that accepts a Beam PCollection where each
element is a tuple of ndarrays. Each element in the tuple contains a
batch of values for the corresponding input tensor of the analyzer and
maintain their shapes and dtypes.
It returns a PCollection, or a tuple of PCollections, each containing
a single element which is an ndarray or a list of primitive types. The
contents of these output PCollections must be consistent with the given
values of output_dtypes and output_shapes.
It may inherit from tft_beam.experimental.PTransformAnalyzer if access
to a temp base directory is needed.
Alternatively, it could be an instance of
tft.experimental.CacheablePTransformAnalyzer in order to enable cache
for this analyzer, when analyzer cache is enabled for this pipeline.
An ordered collection of TensorFlow dtypes of the output of
the analyzer.
An ordered collection of shapes of the output of the
analyzer. Must have the same length as output_dtypes.
(Optional) An ordered collection of optional
bytes aligned with output_dtypes/output_shapes. Every item in this
collection which is not None indicates that the output is a TF asset
path, and its value would be used as the default value of this asset file
prior to analysis.
(Optional) Similar to a TF op name. Used to define a unique scope for
this analyzer, which can be used for debugging info.
A list of output Tensors. These will have dtype and shape as
specified by output_dtypes and output_shapes.
If output_dtypes and output_shapes have different lengths.