
Lowers a Program that may have (recursive) FunctionCallOp instructions.

Main aliases


Mutates the ControlFlowGraph of the input program in place. After lowering, the result CFG

  • Has no FunctionCallOp instructions

  • Obeys a stack discipline

What is the stack discipline? Every function body becomes a CFG subset that:

  • Never transfers control in except to the first block (corresponding to being called), or to a block stored with PushGotoOp (corresponding to a subroutine returning)

  • Never transfers control out except with IndirectGotoOp (corresponding to returning), or with a PushGotoOp (corresponding to calling a subroutine)

  • Every path through the graph has the following effect on the variable stacks:

    • The formal parameters receive exactly one net pop

    • The return variables receive exactly one net push

    • All other variable stacks are left as they are

    • No data is read except the top frames of the formal parameter stacks

Why mutate in place? Because tying the knot in the result seemed too hard without an explicit indirection between Blocks and references thereto in various Ops. Specifically, when building a new CFG to replicate the structure of an existing one, it is necessary to allocate Blocks to serve as the targets of all BranchOp, GotoOp (and FunctionCallOp) before building those Ops, and then correctly reuse those Blocks when processing said targets. With an explicit indirection, however, it would have been possible to reuse the same Labels, simply creating a new mapping from them to Blocks.

Note that the semantics assumed by this transformation is that the CFGs being transformed do not use variable stacks internally, but they will only be used to implement the function sequence when function calls are lowered. This semantics licenses placing PopOps to enforce a stack discipline for FunctionCallOps.

program A Program whose function calls to lower. Blocks in the program may be mutated.

lowered A Program that defines no Functions and does not use the FunctionCallOp instruction. May share structure with the input program.

ValueError If an invalid instruction is encountered, if a live variable is undefined, if different paths into a Block cause different sets of variables to be defined, or if trying to lower function calls in a program that already has loops (within a Function body) or IndirectGotoOp instructions (they confuse the liveness analysis).