Soft Thresholding operator.
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Main aliases
x, threshold, name=None
This operator is defined by the equations
{ x - gamma, x > gamma
SoftThreshold(x, gamma) = { 0, -gamma <= x <= gamma
{ x + gamma, x < -gamma
= sign(x) max(0, |x| - gamma)
In the context of proximal gradient methods, we have
SoftThreshold(x, gamma) = prox_{gamma L1}(x)
where prox
is the proximity operator. Thus the soft thresholding operator
is used in proximal gradient descent for optimizing a smooth function with
(non-smooth) L1 regularization, as outlined below.
The proximity operator is defined as:
prox_r(x) = argmin{ r(z) + 0.5 ||x - z||_2**2 : z },
where r
is a (weakly) convex function, not necessarily differentiable.
Because the L2 norm is strictly convex, the above argmin is unique.
One important application of the proximity operator is as follows. Let L
a convex and differentiable function with Lipschitz-continuous gradient. Let
be a convex lower semicontinuous function which is possibly
nondifferentiable. Let gamma
be an arbitrary positive real. Then
x_star = argmin{ L(x) + R(x) : x }
if and only if the fixed-point equation is satisfied:
x_star = prox_{gamma R}(x_star - gamma grad L(x_star))
Proximal gradient descent thus typically consists of choosing an initial value
and repeatedly applying the update
x^{(k+1)} = prox_{gamma^{(k)} R}(x^{(k)} - gamma^{(k)} grad L(x^{(k)}))
where gamma
is allowed to vary from iteration to iteration. Specializing to
the case where R(x) = ||x||_1
, we minimize L(x) + ||x||_1
by repeatedly
applying the update
x^{(k+1)} = SoftThreshold(x - gamma grad L(x^{(k)}), gamma)
(This idea can also be extended to second-order approximations, although the multivariate case does not have a known closed form like above.)
Returns | |
float Tensor with the same shape and dtype as x ,
representing the value of the SoftThreshold function.
[1]: Yu, Yao-Liang. The Proximity Operator.
[2]: Wikipedia Contributors. Proximal gradient methods for learning. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 2018.