
Represents an autoregressive integrated moving-average (ARIMA) model.

Inherits From: StructuralTimeSeries

Main aliases


An autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) process is defined by the recursion

level[t + 1] = (
    + noise[t + 1]
    + sum(ar_coefficients * levels[t : t - order : -1])
    + sum(ma_coefficients * noise[t : t - order : -1]))
  noise[t + 1] ~ Normal(0., scale=level_scale)

where `noise` is an iid noise process. An integrated ([ARIMA](
process corresponds to an ARMA model of the
`integration_degree`th-order differences of a sequence, or equivalently,
taking `integration_degree` cumulative sums of an underlying ARMA process.

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<tr><th colspan="2"><h2 class="add-link">Args</h2></th></tr>

`ar_order`<a id="ar_order"></a>
scalar Python positive `int` specifying the order of the
autoregressive process (`p` in `ARIMA(p, d, q)`).
`ma_order`<a id="ma_order"></a>
scalar Python positive `int` specifying the order of the
moving-average process (`q` in `ARIMA(p, d, q)`).
`integration_degree`<a id="integration_degree"></a>
scalar Python positive `int` specifying the number
of times to integrate an ARMA process. (`d` in `ARIMA(p, d, q)`).
Default value: `0`.
`ar_coefficients_prior`<a id="ar_coefficients_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a
prior on the `ar_coefficients` parameter. If `None`, a default standard
normal (`tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(scale_diag=tf.ones([ar_order]))`)
prior is used.
Default value: `None`.
`ma_coefficients_prior`<a id="ma_coefficients_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a
prior on the `ma_coefficients` parameter. If `None`, a default standard
normal (`tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(scale_diag=tf.ones([ma_order]))`)
prior is used.
Default value: `None`.
`level_drift_prior`<a id="level_drift_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a prior
on the `level_drift` parameter. If `None`, the parameter is not inferred
and is instead fixed to zero.
Default value: `None`.
`level_scale_prior`<a id="level_scale_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a prior
on the `level_scale` parameter. If `None`, a heuristic default prior is
constructed based on the provided `observed_time_series`.
Default value: `None`.
`initial_state_prior`<a id="initial_state_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a
prior on the initial state, corresponding to the values of the process
at a set of size `order` of imagined timesteps before the initial step.
If `None`, a heuristic default prior is constructed based on the
provided `observed_time_series`.
Default value: `None`.
`ar_coefficient_constraining_bijector`<a id="ar_coefficient_constraining_bijector"></a>
optional `tfb.Bijector` instance
representing a constraining mapping for the autoregressive coefficients.
For example, `tfb.Tanh()` constrains the coefficients to lie in
`(-1, 1)`, while `tfb.Softplus()` constrains them to be positive, and
`tfb.Identity()` implies no constraint. If `None`, the default behavior
constrains the coefficients to lie in `(-1, 1)` using a `Tanh` bijector.
Default value: `None`.
`ma_coefficient_constraining_bijector`<a id="ma_coefficient_constraining_bijector"></a>
optional `tfb.Bijector` instance
representing a constraining mapping for the moving average coefficients.
For example, `tfb.Tanh()` constrains the coefficients to lie in
`(-1, 1)`, while `tfb.Softplus()` constrains them to be positive, and
`tfb.Identity()` implies no constraint. If `None`, the default behavior
is to apply no constraint.
Default value: `None`.
`observed_time_series`<a id="observed_time_series"></a>
optional `float` `Tensor` of shape
`batch_shape + [T, 1]` (omitting the trailing unit dimension is also
supported when `T > 1`), specifying an observed time series. Any `NaN`s
are interpreted as missing observations; missingness may be also be
explicitly specified by passing a <a href="../../../../tfp/sts/MaskedTimeSeries"><code>tfp.sts.MaskedTimeSeries</code></a> instance.
Any priors not explicitly set will be given default values according to
the scale of the observed time series (or batch of time series).
Default value: `None`.
`name`<a id="name"></a>
the name of this model component.
Default value: 'ARIMA'.

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<tr><th colspan="2"><h2 class="add-link">Attributes</h2></th></tr>

`batch_shape`<a id="batch_shape"></a>
Static batch shape of models represented by this component.
`init_parameters`<a id="init_parameters"></a>
Parameters used to instantiate this `StructuralTimeSeries`.
`initial_state_prior`<a id="initial_state_prior"></a>

`integration_degree`<a id="integration_degree"></a>

`latent_size`<a id="latent_size"></a>
Python `int` dimensionality of the latent space in this model.
`name`<a id="name"></a>
Name of this model component.
`parameters`<a id="parameters"></a>
List of Parameter(name, prior, bijector) namedtuples for this model.

## Methods

<h3 id="batch_shape_tensor"><code>batch_shape_tensor</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link">

Runtime batch shape of models represented by this component.

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<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>

`int` `Tensor` giving the broadcast batch shape of
all model parameters. This should match the batch shape of
derived state space models, i.e.,

<h3 id="copy"><code>copy</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link">

Creates a deep copy.

Note: the copy distribution may continue to depend on the original
initialization arguments.

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<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>

String/value dictionary of initialization
arguments to override with new values.

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<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>

A new instance of `type(self)` initialized from the union
of self.init_parameters and override_parameters_kwargs, i.e.,
`dict(self.init_parameters, **override_parameters_kwargs)`.

<h3 id="get_parameter"><code>get_parameter</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link">

Returns the parameter with the given name, or a KeyError.

<h3 id="joint_distribution"><code>joint_distribution</code></h3>

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<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link">

Constructs the joint distribution over parameters and observed values.

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<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>

Optional observed time series to model, as a
`Tensor` or <a href="../../../../tfp/sts/MaskedTimeSeries"><code>tfp.sts.MaskedTimeSeries</code></a> instance having shape
`concat([batch_shape, trajectories_shape, num_timesteps, 1])`. If
an observed time series is provided, the `num_timesteps`,
`trajectories_shape`, and `mask` arguments are ignored, and
an unnormalized (pinned) distribution over parameter values is returned.
Default value: `None`.
scalar `int` `Tensor` number of timesteps to model. This
must be specified either directly or by passing an
Default value: `0`.
`int` `Tensor` shape of sampled trajectories
for each set of parameter values. Ignored if an `observed_time_series`
is passed.
Default value: `()`.
Optional scalar `int` `Tensor` specifying the starting
Default value: `0`.
Optional `bool` `Tensor` having shape
`concat([batch_shape, trajectories_shape, num_timesteps])`, in which
`True` entries indicate that the series value at the corresponding step
is missing and should be ignored. This argument should be passed only
if `observed_time_series` is not specified or does not already contain
a missingness mask; it is an error to pass both this
argument and an `observed_time_series` value containing a missingness
Default value: `None`.
If `True`, use parallel message passing
algorithms from <a href="../../../../tfp/experimental/parallel_filter"><code>tfp.experimental.parallel_filter</code></a> to perform time
series operations in `O(log num_timesteps)` sequential steps. The
overall FLOP and memory cost may be larger than for the sequential
implementations by a constant factor.
Default value: `False`.

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<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>

joint distribution of model parameters and
observed trajectories. If no `observed_time_series` was specified, this
is an instance of `tfd.JointDistributionNamedAutoBatched` with a
random variable for each model parameter (with names and order matching
`self.parameters`), plus a final random variable `observed_time_series`
representing a trajectory(ies) conditioned on the parameters. If
`observed_time_series` was specified, the return value is given by
observed_time_series=observed_time_series)` where `joint_distribution`
is as just described, so it defines an unnormalized posterior
distribution over the parameters.

#### Example:

The joint distribution can generate prior samples of parameters and

from matplotlib import pylab as plt
import tensorflow_probability as tfp; tfp = tfp.substrates.jax

# Sample and plot 100 trajectories from the prior.
model = tfp.sts.LocalLinearTrend()
prior_samples = model.joint_distribution(num_timesteps=200).sample([100])
  tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(prior_samples['observed_time_series'][..., 0]))

It also integrates with TFP inference APIs, providing a more flexible alternative to the STS-specific fitting utilities.

jd = model.joint_distribution(observed_time_series)

# Variational inference.
surrogate_posterior = (
losses =
parameter_samples = surrogate_posterior.sample(50)

# No U-Turn Sampler.
samples, kernel_results = tfp.experimental.mcmc.windowed_adaptive_nuts(
  n_draws=500, joint_dist=dist)


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Build the joint density log p(params) + log p(y|params) as a callable.

observed_time_series Observed Tensor trajectories of shape sample_shape + batch_shape + [num_timesteps, 1] (the trailing 1 dimension is optional if num_timesteps > 1), where batch_shape should match self.batch_shape (the broadcast batch shape of all priors on parameters for this structural time series model). Any NaNs are interpreted as missing observations; missingness may be also be explicitly specified by passing a tfp.sts.MaskedTimeSeries instance.

log_joint_fn A function taking a Tensor argument for each model parameter, in canonical order, and returning a Tensor log probability of shape batch_shape. Note that, unlike tfp.Distributions log_prob methods, the log_joint sums over the sample_shape from y, so that sample_shape does not appear in the output log_prob. This corresponds to viewing multiple samples in y as iid observations from a single model, which is typically the desired behavior for parameter inference.


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Instantiate this model as a Distribution over specified num_timesteps.

num_timesteps Python int number of timesteps to model.
param_vals a list of Tensor parameter values in order corresponding to self.parameters, or a dict mapping from parameter names to values.
initial_state_prior an optional Distribution instance overriding the default prior on the model's initial state. This is used in forecasting ("today's prior is yesterday's posterior").
initial_step optional int specifying the initial timestep to model. This is relevant when the model contains time-varying components, e.g., holidays or seasonality.
**linear_gaussian_ssm_kwargs Optional additional keyword arguments to to the base tfd.LinearGaussianStateSpaceModel constructor.

dist a LinearGaussianStateSpaceModel Distribution object.


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Sample from the joint prior over model parameters and trajectories.

num_timesteps Scalar int Tensor number of timesteps to model.
initial_step Optional scalar int Tensor specifying the starting timestep. Default value: 0.
params_sample_shape Number of possible worlds to sample iid from the parameter prior, or more generally, Tensor int shape to fill with iid samples. Default value: [] (i.e., draw a single sample and don't expand the shape).
trajectories_sample_shape For each sampled set of parameters, number of trajectories to sample, or more generally, Tensor int shape to fill with iid samples. Default value: [] (i.e., draw a single sample and don't expand the shape).
seed PRNG seed; see tfp.random.sanitize_seed for details. Default value: None.

trajectories float Tensor of shape trajectories_sample_shape + params_sample_shape + [num_timesteps, 1] containing all sampled trajectories.
param_samples list of sampled parameter value Tensors, in order corresponding to self.parameters, each of shape params_sample_shape + prior.batch_shape + prior.event_shape.


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Models the sum of the series from the two components.