
Runs one step of the Replica Exchange Monte Carlo.

Inherits From: TransitionKernel

Main aliases


Replica Exchange Monte Carlo is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that is also known as Parallel Tempering. This algorithm takes multiple samples (from tempered distributions) in parallel, then swaps these samples according to the Metropolis-Hastings criterion. See also the review paper [1].

The K replicas are parameterized in terms of inverse_temperature's, (beta[0], beta[1], ..., beta[K-1]). If the user provides target_log_prob_fn, then the kth replica samples from density p_k(x), with log(p_k(x)) = beta_k * target_log_prob(x). In this case, geometrically decaying beta often works well. That is, with R < 1, we recommend trying beta[k] = R^k so that 1.0 = beta[0] > beta[1] > ... > 0. See [2].

The user can also provide two functions, tempered_log_prob_fn and untempered_log_prob_fn. In this case, the kth replica samples from density p_k(x) with log(p_k(x)) = beta_k * tempered_log_prob_fn(x) + untempered_log_prob_fn(x). In this case, beta may be zero, and one often sets beta[-1] to zero. This means the last replica samples using untempered_log_prob_fn. In the Bayesian setup, untempered_log_prob_fn will often be the log prior, and tempered_log_prob_fn the likelihood.

In all cases,

  • beta[0] == 1 ==> First replica samples from the target density.
  • beta[k] < 1, for k = 1, ..., K-1 ==> Other replicas sample from "tempered" versions of target (peak is less high, valley less low). These distributions should allow easier exploration of separated modes.

By default, samples from adjacent replicas i, i + 1 are used as proposals for each other in a Metropolis step. This allows the lower beta samples, which explore less dense areas of p, to eventually swap state with the beta == 1 chain, allowing it to explore these new regions.

Samples from replica 0 are returned, and the others are discarded, unless state_includes_replicas.


Sampling from the Standard Normal Distribution.
import numpy as np
from tensorflow_probability.python.internal.backend import numpy as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp; tfp = tfp.substrates.numpy
tfd = tfp.distributions

dtype = np.float32

target = tfd.Normal(loc=dtype(0), scale=dtype(1))

# Geometric decay is a good rule of thumb.
inverse_temperatures = 0.5**tf.range(4, dtype=dtype)

# If everything was Normal, step_size should be ~ sqrt(temperature).
step_size = 1.5 / tf.sqrt(inverse_temperatures)

def make_kernel_fn(target_log_prob_fn):
  return tfp.mcmc.HamiltonianMonteCarlo(
      step_size=step_size, num_leapfrog_steps=3)

remc = tfp.mcmc.ReplicaExchangeMC(

def trace_swaps(unused_state, results):
  return (results.is_swap_proposed_adjacent,

samples, (is_swap_proposed_adjacent, is_swap_accepted_adjacent) = (

# conditional_swap_prob[k] = P[ExchangeAccepted | ExchangeProposed],
# for the swap between replicas k and k+1.
conditional_swap_prob = (
    tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(is_swap_accepted_adjacent, tf.float32), axis=0)
    tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(is_swap_proposed_adjacent, tf.float32), axis=0))
Sampling from a 2-D Mixture Normal Distribution.
import numpy as np
from tensorflow_probability.python.internal.backend import numpy as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp; tfp = tfp.substrates.numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
tfd = tfp.distributions

dtype = np.float32

target = tfd.MixtureSameFamily(
    mixture_distribution=tfd.Categorical(probs=[0.5, 0.5]),
        loc=[[-1., -1], [1., 1.]],
        scale_diag=0.1*tf.ones([2, 2])))

inverse_temperatures = 0.2**tf.range(4, dtype=dtype)

# step_size must broadcast with all batch and event dimensions of target.
# Here, this means it must broadcast with:
#  [len(inverse_temperatures)] + target.event_shape
step_size = 0.075 / tf.reshape(tf.sqrt(inverse_temperatures), shape=(4, 1))

def make_kernel_fn(target_log_prob_fn):
  return tfp.mcmc.HamiltonianMonteCarlo(
      step_size=step_size, num_leapfrog_steps=3)

remc = tfp.mcmc.ReplicaExchangeMC(

samples = tfp.mcmc.sample_chain(
    # Start near the [1, 1] mode. Standard HMC would get stuck there.
    current_state=tf.ones(2, dtype=dtype),

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.xlim(-2, 2)
plt.ylim(-2, 2)
plt.plot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], '.')


[1]: David J. Earl, Michael W. Deem Parallel Tempering: Theory, Applications, and New Perspectives [2]: David A. Kofke On the acceptance probability of replica-exchange Monte Carlo trials. J. of Chem. Phys. Vol. 117 No. 5.

target_log_prob_fn Python callable which takes an argument like current_state (or *current_state if it's a list) and returns its (possibly unnormalized) log-density under the target distribution. Must be None if the pair tempered/untempered_log_prob_fn is provided
inverse_temperatures Tensor of inverse temperatures to temper each replica. The leftmost dimension is the num_replica and the second dimension through the rightmost can provide different temperature to different batch members, doing a left-justified broadcast.
make_kernel_fn Python callable which takes a target_log_prob_fn arg and returns a tfp.mcmc.TransitionKernel instance.
swap_proposal_fn Python callable which take a number of replicas, and returns swaps, a shape [num_replica] + batch_shape Tensor, where axis 0 indexes a permutation of {0,..., num_replica-1}, designating replicas to swap.
state_includes_replicas Boolean indicating whether the leftmost dimension of each state sample should index replicas. If True, the leftmost dimension of the current_state kwarg to tfp.mcmc.sample_chain will be interpreted as indexing replicas.
untempered_log_prob_fn Python callable which takes an argument like current_state (or *current_state if it's a list) and returns its (possibly unnormalized) log-density under the target distribution. Must be None if target_log_prob_fn is provided.
tempered_log_prob_fn Optional Python callable with same signature as untempered_log_prob_fn. Provide this arg if and only if untempered_log_prob_fn is provided.
validate_args Python bool, default False. When True distribution parameters are checked for validity despite possibly degrading runtime performance. When False invalid inputs may silently render incorrect outputs.
name Python str name prefixed to Ops created by this function. Default value: None (i.e., "remc_kernel").

ValueError inverse_temperatures doesn't have statically known 1D shape.
ValueError If wrong combination of log prob functions are provided.

experimental_shard_axis_names The shard axis names for members of the state.

is_calibrated Returns True if Markov chain converges to specified distribution.

TransitionKernels which are "uncalibrated" are often calibrated by composing them with the tfp.mcmc.MetropolisHastings TransitionKernel.



parameters Return dict of __init__ arguments and their values.







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Returns an object with the same type as returned by one_step.

init_state Tensor or Python list of Tensors representing the initial state(s) of the Markov chain(s).

kernel_results A (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of Tensors representing internal calculations made within this function. This inculdes replica states.


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Non-destructively creates a deep copy of the kernel.

**override_parameter_kwargs Python String/value dictionary of initialization arguments to override with new values.

new_kernel TransitionKernel object of same type as self, initialized with the union of self.parameters and override_parameter_kwargs, with any shared keys overridden by the value of override_parameter_kwargs, i.e., dict(self.parameters, **override_parameters_kwargs).


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Returns a copy of the kernel with the provided shard axis names.

shard_axis_names a structure of strings indicating the shard axis names for each component of this kernel's state.

A copy of the current kernel with the shard axis information.


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Integer (Tensor) number of replicas being tracked.


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Takes one step of the TransitionKernel.

current_state Tensor or Python list of Tensors representing the current state(s) of the Markov chain(s).
previous_kernel_results A (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of Tensors representing internal calculations made within the previous call to this function (or as returned by bootstrap_results).
seed PRNG seed; see tfp.random.sanitize_seed for details.

next_state Tensor or Python list of Tensors representing the next state(s) of the Markov chain(s).
kernel_results A (possibly nested) tuple, namedtuple or list of Tensors representing internal calculations made within this function. This inculdes replica states.