
Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation [Germain et al. (2015)][1].

Main aliases


A AutoregressiveNetwork takes as input a Tensor of shape [..., event_size] and returns a Tensor of shape [..., event_size, params].

The output satisfies the autoregressive property. That is, the layer is configured with some permutation ord of {0, ..., event_size-1} (i.e., an ordering of the input dimensions), and the output output[batch_idx, i, ...] for input dimension i depends only on inputs x[batch_idx, j] where ord(j) < ord(i). The autoregressive property allows us to use output[batch_idx, i] to parameterize conditional distributions: p(x[batch_idx, i] | x[batch_idx, j] for ord(j) < ord(i)) which give us a tractable distribution over input x[batch_idx]: p(x[batch_idx]) = prod_i p(x[batch_idx, ord(i)] | x[batch_idx, ord(0:i)])

For example, when params is 2, the output of the layer can parameterize the location and log-scale of an autoregressive Gaussian distribution.


The AutoregressiveNetwork can be used to do density estimation as is shown in the below example:

# Generate data -- as in Figure 1 in [Papamakarios et al. (2017)][2]).
n = 2000
x2 = np.random.randn(n).astype(dtype=np.float32) * 2.
x1 = np.random.randn(n).astype(dtype=np.float32) + (x2 * x2 / 4.)
data = np.stack([x1, x2], axis=-1)

# Density estimation with MADE.
made = tfb.AutoregressiveNetwork(params=2, hidden_units=[10, 10])

distribution = tfd.TransformedDistribution(
    distribution=tfd.Sample(tfd.Normal(loc=0., scale=1.), sample_shape=[2]),

# Construct and fit model.
x_ = tfkl.Input(shape=(2,), dtype=tf.float32)
log_prob_ = distribution.log_prob(x_)
model = tfk.Model(x_, log_prob_)

              loss=lambda _, log_prob: -log_prob)

batch_size = 25,
          y=np.zeros((n, 0), dtype=np.float32),
          steps_per_epoch=1,  # Usually `n // batch_size`.

# Use the fitted distribution.
distribution.sample((3, 1))
distribution.log_prob(np.ones((3, 2), dtype=np.float32))

The conditional argument can be used to instead build a conditional density estimator. To do this the conditioning variable must be passed as a kwarg:

# Generate data as the mixture of two distributions.
n = 2000
c = np.r_[
mean_0, mean_1 = 0, 5
x = np.r_[
  np.random.randn(n//2).astype(dtype=np.float32) + mean_0,
  np.random.randn(n//2).astype(dtype=np.float32) + mean_1

# Density estimation with MADE.
made = tfb.AutoregressiveNetwork(
  hidden_units=[2, 2],

distribution = tfd.TransformedDistribution(
  distribution=tfd.Sample(tfd.Normal(loc=0., scale=1.), sample_shape=[1]),

# Construct and fit model.
x_ = tfkl.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32)
c_ = tfkl.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.float32)
log_prob_ = distribution.log_prob(
  x_, bijector_kwargs={'conditional_input': c_})
model = tfk.Model([x_, c_], log_prob_)

              loss=lambda _, log_prob: -log_prob)

batch_size = 25[x, c],
          y=np.zeros((n, 0), dtype=np.float32),
          steps_per_epoch=n // batch_size,

# Use the fitted distribution to sample condition on c = 1
n_samples = 1000
cond = 1
samples = distribution.sample(
  bijector_kwargs={'conditional_input': cond * np.ones((n_samples, 1))})

Examples: Handling Rank-2+ Tensors

AutoregressiveNetwork can be used as a building block to achieve different autoregressive structures over rank-2+ tensors. For example, suppose we want to build an autoregressive distribution over images with dimension [weight, height, channels] with channels = 3:

  1. We can parameterize a 'fully autoregressive' distribution, with cross-channel and within-pixel autoregressivity:

        r0    g0   b0     r0    g0   b0       r0   g0    b0
        ^   ^      ^         ^   ^   ^         ^      ^   ^
        |  /  ____/           \  |  /           \____  \  |
        | /__/                 \ | /                 \__\ |
        r1    g1   b1     r1 <- g1   b1       r1   g1 <- b1
                                             ^          |


    # Generate random images for training data.
    images = np.random.uniform(size=(100, 8, 8, 3)).astype(np.float32)
    n, width, height, channels = images.shape
    # Reshape images to achieve desired autoregressivity.
    event_shape = [height * width * channels]
    reshaped_images = tf.reshape(images, [n, event_shape])
    # Density estimation with MADE.
    made = tfb.AutoregressiveNetwork(params=2, event_shape=event_shape,
                                     hidden_units=[20, 20], activation='relu')
    distribution = tfd.TransformedDistribution(
        tfd.Normal(loc=0., scale=1.), sample_shape=[dims]),
    # Construct and fit model.
    x_ = tfkl.Input(shape=event_shape, dtype=tf.float32)
    log_prob_ = distribution.log_prob(x_)
    model = tfk.Model(x_, log_prob_)
                  loss=lambda _, log_prob: -log_prob)
    batch_size = 10,
              y=np.zeros((n, 0), dtype=np.float32),
              steps_per_epoch=n // batch_size,
    # Use the fitted distribution.
    distribution.sample((3, 1))
    distribution.log_prob(np.ones((5, 8, 8, 3), dtype=np.float32))
  2. We can parameterize a distribution with neither cross-channel nor within-pixel autoregressivity:

        r0    g0   b0
        ^     ^    ^
        |     |    |
        |     |    |
        r1    g1   b1


    # Generate fake images.
    images = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(100, 8, 8, 3))
    n, width, height, channels = images.shape
    # Reshape images to achieve desired autoregressivity.
    reshaped_images = np.transpose(
        np.reshape(images, [n, width * height, channels]),
        axes=[0, 2, 1])
    made = tfb.AutoregressiveNetwork(params=1, event_shape=[width * height],
                                     hidden_units=[20, 20], activation='relu')
    # Density estimation with MADE.
    # NOTE: Parameterize an autoregressive distribution over an event_shape of
    # [channels, width * height], with univariate Bernoulli conditional
    # distributions.
    distribution = tfd.Autoregressive(
        lambda x: tfd.Independent(
            tfd.Bernoulli(logits=tf.unstack(made(x), axis=-1)[0],
        sample0=tf.zeros([channels, width * height], dtype=tf.float32))
    # Construct and fit model.
    x_ = tfkl.Input(shape=(channels, width * height), dtype=tf.float32)
    log_prob_ = distribution.log_prob(x_)
    model = tfk.Model(x_, log_prob_)
                  loss=lambda _, log_prob: -log_prob)
    batch_size = 10,
              y=np.zeros((n, 0), dtype=np.float32),
              steps_per_epoch=n // batch_size,
    distribution.log_prob(np.ones((4, 8, 8, 3), dtype=np.float32))

    Note that one set of weights is shared for the mapping for each channel from image to distribution parameters -- i.e., the mapping layer(reshaped_images[..., channel, :]), where channel is 0, 1, or 2.

    To use separate weights for each channel, we could construct an AutoregressiveNetwork and TransformedDistribution for each channel, and combine them with a tfd.Blockwise distribution.


[1]: Mathieu Germain, Karol Gregor, Iain Murray, and Hugo Larochelle. MADE: Masked Autoencoder for Distribution Estimation. In International Conference on Machine Learning, 2015.

[2]: George Papamakarios, Theo Pavlakou, Iain Murray, Masked Autoregressive Flow for Density Estimation. In Neural Information Processing Systems, 2017.

params Python integer specifying the number of parameters to output per input.
event_shape Python list-like of positive integers (or a single int), specifying the shape of the input to this layer, which is also the event_shape of the distribution parameterized by this layer. Currently only rank-1 shapes are supported. That is, event_shape must be a single integer. If not specified, the event shape is inferred when this layer is first called or built.
conditional Python boolean describing whether to add conditional inputs.
conditional_event_shape Python list-like of positive integers (or a single int), specifying the shape of the conditional input to this layer (without the batch dimensions). This must be specified if conditional is True.
conditional_input_layers Python str describing how to add conditional parameters to the autoregressive network. When "all_layers" the conditional input will be combined with the network at every layer, whilst "first_layer" combines the conditional input only at the first layer which is then passed through the network autoregressively. Default: 'all_layers'.
hidden_units Python list-like of non-negative integers, specifying the number of units in each hidden layer.
input_order Order of degrees to the input units: 'random', 'left-to-right', 'right-to-left', or an array of an explicit order. For example, 'left-to-right' builds an autoregressive model: p(x) = p(x1) p(x2 | x1) ... p(xD | x<D). Default: 'left-to-right'.
hidden_degrees Method for assigning degrees to the hidden units: 'equal', 'random'. If 'equal', hidden units in each layer are allocated equally (up to a remainder term) to each degree. Default: 'equal'.
activation An activation function. See tf.keras.layers.Dense. Default: None.
use_bias Whether or not the dense layers constructed in this layer should have a bias term. See tf.keras.layers.Dense. Default: True.
kernel_initializer Initializer for the Dense kernel weight matrices. Default: 'glorot_uniform'.
bias_initializer Initializer for the Dense bias vectors. Default: 'zeros'.
kernel_regularizer Regularizer function applied to the Dense kernel weight matrices. Default: None.
bias_regularizer Regularizer function applied to the Dense bias weight vectors. Default: None.
kernel_constraint Constraint function applied to the Dense kernel weight matrices. Default: None.
bias_constraint Constraint function applied to the Dense bias weight vectors. Default: None.
validate_args Python bool, default False. When True, layer parameters are checked for validity despite possibly degrading runtime performance. When False invalid inputs may silently render incorrect outputs.
**kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed to this layer (but not to the tf.keras.layer.Dense layers constructed by this layer).





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Transforms the inputs and returns the outputs.

Suppose x has shape batch_shape + event_shape and conditional_input has shape conditional_batch_shape + conditional_event_shape. Then, the output shape is: broadcast(batch_shape, conditional_batch_shape) + event_shape + [params].

Also see for some generic discussion about Layer calling.

x A Tensor. Primary input to the layer.
conditional_input A `Tensor. Conditional input to the layer. This is required iff the layer is conditional.

y A Tensor. The output of the layer. Note that the leading dimensions follow broadcasting rules described above.


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See tfkl.Layer.compute_output_shape.