TensorFlow Probability experimental tangent spaces package.
class AxisAlignedSpace
: Tangent space of M for a distribution with axis-aligned subspace support.
class ConstantDiagonalSymmetricMatrixSpace
: Tangent space of M the space of n x n
symmetric matrices, with fixed constant diagonal.
class FullSpace
: Tangent space of M for distributions supported on all of R^n.
class GeneralSpace
: Arbitrary tangent space when no more-efficient special case applies.
class ProbabilitySimplexSpace
: Tangent space of M for Simplex distributions in R^n.
class SphericalSpace
: Tangent space of M for Spherical distributions in R^n.
class SymmetricMatrixSpace
: Tangent space of M the space of n x n
symmetric matrices.
class TangentSpace
: Represents a tangent space to some manifold M at a point x.
class UnspecifiedTangentSpaceError
: An exception raised when a tangent space has not been specified.
class ZeroSpace
: Tangent space of M for discrete distributions.