
Bin values into discrete intervals.

Main aliases


Given edges = [c0, ..., cK], defining intervals I_0 = [c0, c1), I_1 = [c1, c2), ..., I_{K-1} = [c_{K-1}, cK], This function returns bins, such that x[i] lies within I_{bins[i]}.

x Numeric N-D Tensor with N > 0.
edges Tensor of same dtype as x. The first dimension indexes edges of intervals. Must either be 1-D or have x.shape[1:] == edges.shape[1:]. If rank(edges) > 1, edges[k] designates a shape edges.shape[1:] Tensor of bin edges for the corresponding dimensions of x.
extend_lower_interval Python bool. If True, extend the lowest interval I0 to (-inf, c1].
extend_upper_interval Python bool. If True, extend the upper interval I_{K-1} to [c_{K-1}, +inf).
dtype The output type (int32 or int64). Default value: x.dtype. This effects the output values when x is below/above the intervals, which will be -1/K+1 for int types and NaN for floats. At indices where x is NaN, the output values will be 0 for int types and NaN for floats.
name A Python string name to prepend to created ops. Default: 'find_bins'

bins Tensor with same shape as x and dtype. Has whole number values. bins[i] = k means the x[i] falls into the kth bin, ie, edges[bins[i]] <= x[i] < edges[bins[i] + 1].

ValueError If edges.shape[0] is determined to be less than 2.


Cut a 1-D array

x = [0., 5., 6., 10., 20.]
edges = [0., 5., 10.]
tfp.stats.find_bins(x, edges)
==> [0., 1., 1., 1., np.nan]

Cut x into its deciles

x = tf.random.stateless_uniform(shape=(100, 200))
decile_edges = tfp.stats.quantiles(x, num_quantiles=10)
bins = tfp.stats.find_bins(x, edges=decile_edges)
==> (100, 200)
tf.reduce_mean(bins == 0.)
==> approximately 0.1
tf.reduce_mean(bins == 1.)
==> approximately 0.1