Cholesky factor of the covariance matrix of vector-variate random samples.
x, sample_axis=0, keepdims=False, name=None
This function can be use to fit a multivariate normal to data.
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
tfd = tfp.distributions
# Assume data.shape = (1000, 2). 1000 samples of a random variable in R^2.
observed_data = read_data_samples(...)
# The mean is easy
mu = tf.reduce_mean(observed_data, axis=0)
# Get the scale matrix
L = tfp.stats.cholesky_covariance(observed_data)
# Make the best fit multivariate normal (under maximum likelihood condition).
mvn = tfd.MultivariateNormalTriL(loc=mu, scale_tril=L)
# Plot contours of the pdf.
xs, ys = tf.meshgrid(
tf.linspace(-5., 5., 50), tf.linspace(-5., 5., 50), indexing='ij')
xy = tf.stack((tf.reshape(xs, [-1]), tf.reshape(ys, [-1])), axis=-1)
pdf = tf.reshape(mvn.prob(xy), (50, 50))
CS = plt.contour(xs, ys, pdf, 10)
plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10)
Why does this work?
Given vector-variate random variables X = (X1, ..., Xd)
, one may obtain the
sample covariance matrix in R^{d x d}
(see tfp.stats.covariance
The Cholesky factor
of this matrix is analogous to standard deviation for scalar random variables:
Suppose X
has covariance matrix C
, with Cholesky factorization C = L L^T
Then multiplying a vector of iid random variables which have unit variance by
produces a vector with covariance L L^T
, which is the same as X
observed_data = read_data_samples(...)
L = tfp.stats.cholesky_covariance(observed_data, sample_axis=0)
# Make fake_data with the same covariance as observed_data.
uncorrelated_normal = tf.random.normal(shape=(500, 10))
fake_data = tf.linalg.matvec(L, uncorrelated_normal)