
Annotates expected properties of a Tensor-valued distribution parameter.

Main aliases


Distributions and Bijectors implementing ._parameter_properties specify a ParameterProperties annotation for each of their Tensor-valued parameters.

event_ndims Python int, structure of ints, or callable, specifying the minimum effective Tensor rank of this parameter. See description below. May also be None or NO_EVENT_NDIMS, indicating that this parameter does not follow a batch-shape-vs-event-shape distinction (for example, if the parameter cannot have batch dimensions, or if its value itself specifies a shape). When event_ndims is callable, it should return None to indicate that the instance-dependent event_ndims value is unknown. Alternatively, it should return NO_EVENT_NDIMS to indicate that this parameter does not participate in batch semantics in an instance-dependent manner. Default value: 0.
event_ndims_tensor optional value like event_ndims, except that callables are allowed to perform Tensor operations. Defaults to event_ndims if not provided. Default value: None.
shape_fn Python callable with signature parameter_shape = shape_fn(shape). Given the desired shape of an 'output' from this instance, returns the expected shape of the parameter. For Distributions, an output is a value returned by self.sample() (whose shape is the concatenation of self.batch_shape with self.event_shape). For Bijectors, an output is a value y = self.forward(x) where x is an input Tensor of rank self.forward_min_event_ndims (and the shape of y is the concatenation of self.batch_shape with an 'event' shape of rank self.inverse_min_event_ndims). May raise an exception if the shape cannot be inferred. Default value: lambda shape: shape.
default_constraining_bijector_fn Optional Python callable with signature bijector = default_constraining_bijector_fn(). The return value is a tfb.Bijector instance that maps from an unconstrained real-valued vector to the support of the parameter. Default value: tfb.Identity.
is_preferred Python bool value specifying whether this parameter should be passed when this distribution or bijector is automatically instantiated. Only one of a set of mutually-exclusive parameters, such as logits and probs, may set is_preferred=True; as a guideline, this is generally the parameterization that allows for more stable computation. Default value: True.
is_tensor Python bool specifying whether this parameter is (or may be) a Tensor. This should be False for non-numeric parameters such as other distributions or bijectors. Default value: True.
specifies_shape Python bool indicating whether this parameter is a shape, index, axis, or other quantity such that Tensor shapes may depend on the value (rather than just the shape) of this parameter. Default value: False.

Batch shapes and parameter event_ndims

The batch_shape of a distribution/bijector/linear operator/PSD kernel/etc. instance is the shape of distinct parameterizations represented by that instance. It is computed by broadcasting the batch shapes of that instance's parameters, where an individual parameter's 'batch shape' is the shape of values specified for that parameter.

To compute the batch shape of a given parameter, we need to know what counts as a 'single value' of that parameter. For example, the scale parameter of tfd.Normal is semantically scalar-valued, so a value of shape [d] would have batch shape [d]. On the other hand, the scale_diag parameter of tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag is semantically vector-valued, so in this context a value of shaped [d] would have batch shape []. TFP formalizes this by annotating the scale parameter with event_ndims=0, and the scale_diag parameter with event_ndims=1.

In general, the event_ndims of a Tensor-valued parameter is the number of rightmost dimensions of its shape used to describe a single event of the parameterized instance. Equivalently, it is the minimal Tensor rank of a valid value for that parameter. The portion of each Tensor parameter's shape that remains after slicing off the rightmost event_ndims is its 'parameter batch shape'. The batch shape(s) of all parameters must broadcast with each other. For example, in a tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc, scale_diag) distribution, where loc.shape == [3, 2] and scale_diag.shape == [4, 1, 2], the parameter batch shapes are [3] and [4, 1] respectively, and these broadcast to an overall batch shape of [4, 3].

Instance-dependent (callable) event_ndims

A parameter's event_ndims may be specified as a callable that returns an integer and takes as its argument an instance self of the class being parameterized. This allows parameters whose interpretation depends on other parameters. Callables for Bijector parameters must also accept a second argument x_event_ndims, described below.

For example, for the distribution parameter of tfd.Independent, we would specify event_ndims=lambda self: self.reinterpreted_batch_ndims, indicating that the outer class's relationship to the inner distribution depends on another instance parameter (reinterpreted_batch_ndims). The value returned from an event_ndims callable may be a Python int or an integer Tensor, but the callable itself may not cause graph side effects (e.g., create new Tensors). In cases where graph ops can't be avoided, the event_ndims callable should return None, and a separate callable event_ndims_tensor must be provided.

Parameters of non-Distribution objects

The notion of an 'event' generalizes beyond distributions. In general, an event refers to an instance of an object with batch_shape==[], and the event_ndims of a parameter describes the parameter value that would define such an instance. For example:

  • tf.linalg.LinearOperators: an 'event' of a linear operator is a single linear transformation. For example, the diag parameter to tf.linalg.LinearOperatorDiag has event_ndims=1, because a diagonal matrix is defined by the vector of values along the diagonal.

  • tfp.math.psd_kernels.PositiveSemidefiniteKernels: an event of a PSD kernel defines a single kernel function. For example, the amplitude parameter to tf.math.psd_kernels.ExponentiatedQuadratic has event_ndims=0, since a scalar amplitude is sufficient to specify the kernel (more precisely, because dimensions above a scalar will induce batch shape, describing a batch of kernels).

  • tfb.Bijectors: the notion of an 'event' for bijectors varies according to the event_ndims of the value being transformed. TFP supports two approaches to annotating the event_ndims of Bijector parameters:

    • Using min_event_ndims (static): the parameter event_ndims is a static integer corresponding to the parameter's rank when transforming an event of rank forward_min_event_ndims. For example, tfb.ScaleMatvecTriL has forward_min_event_ndims==1, indicating that it can transform vector events, so we would annotate its scale_tril parameter with event_ndims=2 to indicate that such a transformation is parameterized by a matrix-valued scale_tril. This implies that transformations of matrix events would in general be parameterized by a rank-3 scale_tril parameter (with lower-rank parameter values implicitly broadcasting to rank 3), and so on.

    • Callable event_ndims: Alternately, a parameter's event_ndims may be specified as callable event_ndims(bijector_instance, x_event_ndims) that returns the rank of the parameter used to transform an event of rank x_event_ndims. This more general annotation strategy is required for multipart bijectors that define _parts_interact=False, since their parameters may interact with only some parts of the event. For example, the bijector tfb.JointMap([tfb.Scale(scale=tf.ones([2])), tfb.Scale(scale=tf.ones([3]))]) is parameterized by two Scale bijectors (themselves each parameterized by a scale Tensor), each of which applies separately to the corresponding event part. When transforming events with event_ndims=[0, 1], [1, 0], or [1, 1], the bijectors parameter to the JointMap may therefore have event_ndims of [0, 1], [1, 0], or [1, 1], respectively (implying contextual batch shape of [2], [3], or [] respectively). We could annotate this as a callable parameter event_ndims given by lambda self, x_event_ndims: x_event_ndims (the actual generic JointMap annotation is more complex, but will ground out to this in this case). Note that this bijector cannot transform an event with event_ndims=[0, 0], since this would imply a contextual batch shape of broadcast_shape([2], [3]), which is not defined.

Non-Tensor-valued parameters (Distributions, Bijectors, etc).

The previous section discussed annotating parameters of non-Distribution objects. We'll now consider the orthogonal generalization: parameters that themselves take non-Tensor values. For example, the distribution and bijector parameters of tfd.TransformedDistribution are themselves a distribution and a bijector, respectively.

  • Distribution, LinearOperator, PositiveSemidefiniteKernel, and other batchable parameters: the event_ndims annotation for a parameter that has a (context-independent) batch shape is the number of rightmost dimensions of that batch shape required to describe an event of the parameterized object. For example, in tfd.Independent(inner_dist, reinterpreted_batch_ndims=nd), a single event of the outer Independent distribution consumes a batch of events of shape inner_dist.batch_shape[-nd:] from the inner distribution. Here, we would take event_ndims=nd for the distribution parameter of tfd.Independent. This is analogous to the definition for Tensor parameters, simply replacing Tensor shape with batch_shape.

  • Bijector-valued parameters: the event_ndims annotation for a bijector-valued parameter is the rank of the x values with which the bijector will be invoked during an event of the outer object . For example, an event of TransformedDistribution(distribution, bijector) invokes the bijector with events of rank rank_from_shape(distribution.event_shape).

Structured parameter event_ndims

A parameter's event_ndims will be a nested structure of integers (list, dict, etc.) if either of the following applies:

  1. The parameter value itself is a nested structure. For example, in the joint bijector tfb.JointMap(bijectors=[tfb.Softplus(), tfb.Exp()]), the event_ndims of the bijectors parameter would be [0, 0], matching the structure of the bijectors value (note that since this structure is instance-dependent, the event_ndims would need to be specified using a callable, as detailed above).

  2. The parameter is a Bijector with structured forward_min_event_ndims. For example, in tfb.JointMap(bijectors=[tfb.Softplus(), tfb.Invert(tfb.Split(2))]), the event_ndims of the bijectors parameter would be [0, [1, 1]], since the inverse of the Split bijector has forward_min_event_ndims=[1, 1].

Any ambiguity between these two uses for structured event_ndims can be resolved by examining the parameter value. For example, event_ndims = [[2, 1], [1, 0]] could describe a nested structure containing four Tensors (or distributions, single-part bijectors, etc.), a list containing two structured bijectors, or a single bijector operating on nested lists of Tensors, but we can always tell which of these is the case by examining the actually instantiated parameter.

Note that JointDistribution-valued parameters never have structured event_ndims, despite having structured event shapes, because the event_ndims annotation of a Distribution parameter describes the number of that distribution's batch dimensions that contribute to an event of the outer parameterized object. Bijectors require additional annotation not because they operate on structured events, but rather because they operate in a context-specific manner depending on the event being transformed.

Choice of constraining bijectors

The practical support of a parameter---defined as the regime in which the distribution may be expected to produce numerically valid samples and (log-)densities---may differ slightly from the mathematical support. For example, Normal scale is mathematically supported on positive real numbers, but in practice, dividing by very small scales may cause overflow. We might therefore prefer a bijector such as tfb.Softplus(low=eps) that excludes very small values.

In general, default constraining bijectors should attempt to implement a practical rather than mathematical support, and users of default bijectors should be aware that extreme elements of the mathematical support may not be attainable. The notion of 'practical support' is inherently fuzzy, and defining it may require arbitrary choices. However, this is preferred to the alternative of allowing the default behavior to be numerically unstable in common settings. As a general guide, any restrictions on the mathematical support should be 'conceptually infinitesimal': it may be appropriate to constrain a Beta concentration parameter to be greater than eps, but not to be greater than 1 + eps, since the latter is a non-infinitesimal restriction of the mathematical support.

event_ndims A namedtuple alias for field number 0
event_ndims_tensor A namedtuple alias for field number 1
shape_fn A namedtuple alias for field number 2
default_constraining_bijector_fn A namedtuple alias for field number 3
is_preferred A namedtuple alias for field number 4
is_tensor A namedtuple alias for field number 5
specifies_shape A namedtuple alias for field number 6



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Computes parameter event_ndims when parameterizing a bijector.


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