TensorFlow Probability GLM python package.
class Bernoulli
: Bernoulli(probs=mean)
where mean = sigmoid(X @ weights)
class BernoulliNormalCDF
: Bernoulli(probs=mean)
where mean = Normal(0, 1).cdf(X @ weights)
class Binomial
: Binomial(total_count, probs=mean)
class CustomExponentialFamily
: Constucts GLM from arbitrary distribution and inverse link function.
class ExponentialFamily
: Specifies a mean-value parameterized exponential family.
class GammaExp
: Gamma(concentration=1, rate=1 / mean)
where mean = exp(X @ w))
class GammaSoftplus
: Gamma(concentration=1, rate=1 / mean)
where mean = softplus(X @ w))
class LogNormal
: LogNormal(loc=log(mean) - log(2) / 2, scale=sqrt(log(2)))
where mean = exp(X @ weights)
class LogNormalSoftplus
: LogNormal(loc=log(mean) - log(2) / 2, scale=sqrt(log(2)))
mean = softplus(X @ weights)
class NegativeBinomial
: NegativeBinomial(total_count, probs=mean / (mean + total_count))
class NegativeBinomialSoftplus
: NegativeBinomial(total_count, probs=mean / (mean + total_count))
class Normal
: Normal(loc=mean, scale=1)
where mean = X @ weights
class NormalReciprocal
: Normal(loc=mean, scale=1)
where mean = 1 / (X @ weights)
class Poisson
: Poisson(rate=mean)
where mean = exp(X @ weights)
class PoissonSoftplus
: Poisson(rate=mean)
where mean = softplus(X @ weights)
: Computes model_matrix @ model_coefficients + offset
: Returns Python callable
which indicates fitting procedure has converged.
: Runs multiple Fisher scoring steps.
: Runs one step of Fisher scoring.
: Fits a GLM using coordinate-wise FIM-informed proximal gradient descent.
: One step of (the outer loop of) the GLM fitting algorithm.