Backward differentiation formula (BDF) solver for stiff ODEs.
Inherits From: Solver
bdf_coefficients=(-0.185, -1.0 / 9.0, -0.0823, -0.0415, 0.0),
Implements the solver described in [Shampine and Reichelt (1997)][1], a variable step size, variable order (VSVO) BDF integrator with order varying between 1 and 5.
Algorithm details
Each step involves solving the following nonlinear equation by Newton's method:
0 = 1/1 * BDF(1, y)[n+1] + ... + 1/k * BDF(k, y)[n+1]
- h ode_fn(t[n+1], y[n+1])
- bdf_coefficients[k-1] * (1/1 + ... + 1/k) * (y[n+1] - y[n] - BDF(1, y)[n]
- ... - BDF(k, y)[n])
where k >= 1
is the current order of the integrator, h
is the current step
size, bdf_coefficients
is a list of numbers that parameterizes the method,
and BDF(m, y)
is the m
-th order backward difference of the vector y
. In
particular, BDF(0, y)[n] = y[n]
BDF(m + 1, y)[n] = BDF(m, y)[n] - BDF(m, y)[n - 1]
for m >= 0
Newton's method can fail because
- the method has exceeded the maximum number of iterations,
- the method is converging too slowly, or
- the method is not expected to converge (the last two conditions are determined by approximating the Lipschitz constant associated with the iteration).
When evaluate_jacobian_lazily
is True
, the solver avoids evaluating the
Jacobian of the dynamics function as much as possible. In particular, Newton's
method will try to use the Jacobian from a previous integration step. If
Newton's method fails with an out-of-date Jacobian, the Jacobian is
re-evaluated and Newton's method is restarted. If Newton's method fails and
the Jacobian is already up-to-date, then the step size is decreased and
Newton's method is restarted.
Even if Newton's method converges, the solution it generates can still be rejected if it exceeds the specified error tolerance due to truncation error. In this case, the step size is decreased and Newton's method is restarted.
[1]: Lawrence F. Shampine and Mark W. Reichelt. The MATLAB ODE Suite. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 18(1):1-22, 1997.
Solves an initial value problem.
An initial value problem consists of a system of ODEs and an initial condition:
dy/dt(t) = ode_fn(t, y(t), **constants)
y(initial_time) = initial_state
Here, t
(also called time) is a scalar float Tensor
and y(t)
called the state at time t
) is an N-D float or complex Tensor
is are values that are constant with respect to time. Passing
the constants here rather than just closing over them in ode_fn
is only
necessary if you want gradients with respect to these values.
The ODE dy/dt(t) = dot(A, y(t))
is solved below.
t_init, t0, t1 = 0., 0.5, 1.
y_init = tf.constant([1., 1.], dtype=tf.float64)
A = tf.constant([[-1., -2.], [-3., -4.]], dtype=tf.float64)
def ode_fn(t, y):
return tf.linalg.matvec(A, y)
results = tfp.math.ode.BDF().solve(ode_fn, t_init, y_init,
solution_times=[t0, t1])
y0 = results.states[0] # == dot(matrix_exp(A * t0), y_init)
y1 = results.states[1] # == dot(matrix_exp(A * t1), y_init)
If the exact solution times are not important, it can be much
more efficient to let the solver choose them using
This yields the state at various times between t_init
and final_time
in which case results.states[i]
is the state at time results.times[i]
The gradients are computed using the adjoint sensitivity method described in [Chen et al. (2018)][1].
grad = tf.gradients(y1, y0) # == dot(e, J)
# J is the Jacobian of y1 with respect to y0. In this case, J = exp(A * t1).
# e = [1, ..., 1] is the row vector of ones.
This is not capable of computing gradients with respect to values closed
over by ode_fn
, e.g., in the example above:
def ode_fn(t, y):
return tf.linalg.matvec(A, y)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
results = tfp.math.ode.BDF().solve(ode_fn, t_init, y_init,
solution_times=[t0, t1])
tape.gradient(results.states, A) # Undefined!
There are two options to get the gradients flowing through these values:
- Use
for these values. - Pass the values in explicitly using the
def ode_fn(t, y, A):
return tf.linalg.matvec(A, y)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
results = tfp.math.ode.BDF().solve(ode_fn, t_init, y_init,
solution_times=[t0, t1],
constants={'A': A})
tape.gradient(results.states, A) # Fine.
By default, this uses the same solver for the augmented ODE. This can be
controlled via make_adjoint_solver_fn
[1]: Chen, Tian Qi, et al. "Neural ordinary differential equations." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2018.
Args | |
Function of the form ode_fn(t, y, **constants) . The input t is
a scalar float Tensor . The input y and output are both Tensor s
with the same shape and dtype as initial_state . constants is are
values that are constant with respect to time. Passing the constants
here rather than just closing over them in ode_fn is only necessary if
you want gradients with respect to these values.
Scalar float Tensor specifying the initial time.
N-D float or complex Tensor specifying the initial state.
The dtype of initial_state must be complex for problems with
complex-valued states (even if the initial state is real).
1-D float Tensor specifying a list of times. The solver
stores the computed state at each of these times in the returned
Results object. Must satisfy initial_time <= solution_times[0] and
solution_times[i] < solution_times[i+1] . Alternatively, the user can
pass tfp.math.ode.ChosenBySolver(final_time) where final_time is a
scalar float Tensor satisfying initial_time < final_time . Doing so
requests that the solver automatically choose suitable times up to and
including final_time at which to store the computed state.
Optional function of the form jacobian_fn(t, y) . The input
t is a scalar float Tensor . The input y has the same shape and
dtype as initial_state . The output is a 2N-D Tensor whose shape is
initial_state.shape + initial_state.shape and whose dtype is the
same as initial_state . In particular, the (i1, ..., iN, j1, ...,
jN) -th entry of jacobian_fn(t, y) is the derivative of the (i1, ...,
iN) -th entry of ode_fn(t, y) with respect to the (j1, ..., jN) -th
entry of y . If this argument is left unspecified, the solver
automatically computes the Jacobian if and when it is needed.
Default value: None .
Optional 2N-D boolean Tensor whose shape is
initial_state.shape + initial_state.shape specifying the sparsity
pattern of the Jacobian. This argument is ignored if jacobian_fn is
Default value: None .
Optional nonnegative integer. When specified, the first
batch_ndims dimensions of initial_state are batch dimensions.
Default value: None .
Optional solver-specific argument used to
warm-start this invocation of solve .
Default value: None .
Optional dictionary with string keys and values being (possibly
nested) float Tensor s. These represent values that are constant with
respect to time. Specifying these here allows the adjoint sentitivity
method to compute gradients of the results with respect to these values.
Returns | |
Object of type Results .