dòng chảy căng:: ôi:: AddManySparseToTensorsMap

#include <sparse_ops.h>

Thêm N -minibatch SparseTensor vào SparseTensorsMap , trả về N tay cầm.

Bản tóm tắt

Một SparseTensor xếp hạng R được biểu thị bằng ba tensor: sparse_indices , sparse_values sparse_shape , trong đó

```sparse_indices.shape[1] ==sparse_shape.shape[0] == R

An N-minibatch of SparseTensor objects is represented as a SparseTensor
having a first sparse_indices column taking values between [0, N), where
the minibatch size N == sparse_shape[0].

The input SparseTensor must have rank R greater than 1, and the first
dimension is treated as the minibatch dimension.  Elements of the SparseTensor
must be sorted in increasing order of this first dimension.  The stored
SparseTensor objects pointed to by each row of the output sparse_handles
will have rank R-1.

The SparseTensor values can then be read out as part of a minibatch by passing
the given keys as vector elements to TakeManySparseFromTensorsMap.  To ensure
the correct SparseTensorsMap is accessed, ensure that the same
container and shared_name are passed to that Op.  If no shared_name
is provided here, instead use the name of the Operation created by calling
AddManySparseToTensorsMap as the shared_name passed to
TakeManySparseFromTensorsMap.  Ensure the Operations are colocated.

* scope: A Scope object
* sparse_indices: 2-D.  The indices of the minibatch SparseTensor.
sparse_indices[:, 0] must be ordered values in [0, N).
* sparse_values: 1-D.  The values of the minibatch SparseTensor.
* sparse_shape: 1-D.  The shape of the minibatch SparseTensor.
The minibatch size N == sparse_shape[0].

Optional attributes (see Attrs):
* container: The container name for the SparseTensorsMap created by this op.
* shared_name: The shared name for the SparseTensorsMap created by this op.
If blank, the new Operation's unique name is used.

* Output: 1-D.  The handles of the SparseTensor now stored in the
SparseTensorsMap.  Shape: [N].  

Hàm tạo và hàm hủy

AddManySparseToTensorsMap (const :: tensorflow::Scope & scope, :: tensorflow::Input sparse_indices, :: tensorflow::Input sparse_values, :: tensorflow::Input sparse_shape)
AddManySparseToTensorsMap (const :: tensorflow::Scope & scope, :: tensorflow::Input sparse_indices, :: tensorflow::Input sparse_values, :: tensorflow::Input sparse_shape, const AddManySparseToTensorsMap::Attrs & attrs)

Thuộc tính công khai


Chức năng công cộng

node () const
::tensorflow::Node *
operator::tensorflow::Input () const
operator::tensorflow::Output () const

Các hàm tĩnh công khai

Container (StringPiece x)
SharedName (StringPiece x)

Cấu trúc

tensorflow:: ops:: AddManySparseToTensorsMap:: Attrs

Trình thiết lập thuộc tính tùy chọn cho AddManySparseToTensorsMap .

Thuộc tính công khai

hoạt động

Operation operation

thưa thớt_handles

::tensorflow::Output sparse_handles

Chức năng công cộng


  const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope,
  ::tensorflow::Input sparse_indices,
  ::tensorflow::Input sparse_values,
  ::tensorflow::Input sparse_shape


  const ::tensorflow::Scope & scope,
  ::tensorflow::Input sparse_indices,
  ::tensorflow::Input sparse_values,
  ::tensorflow::Input sparse_shape,
  const AddManySparseToTensorsMap::Attrs & attrs


::tensorflow::Node * node() const 

toán tử::tenorflow::Đầu vào

 operator::tensorflow::Input() const 

toán tử::tenorflow::Đầu ra

 operator::tensorflow::Output() const 

Các hàm tĩnh công khai

Thùng đựng hàng

Attrs Container(
  StringPiece x

Tên chia sẻ

Attrs SharedName(
  StringPiece x