Class that controls the outer loop of model training and evaluation.
global_step: tf.Variable,
trainer: Optional[orbit.AbstractTrainer
] = None,
evaluator: Optional[orbit.AbstractEvaluator
] = None,
strategy: Optional[tf.distribute.Strategy] = None,
train_actions: Optional[Iterable[Action]] = None,
eval_actions: Optional[Iterable[Action]] = None,
steps_per_loop: Optional[Union[int, Callable[[int], int]]] = None,
checkpoint_manager: Optional[tf.train.CheckpointManager] = None,
enable_async_checkpointing: bool = False,
summary_interval: Optional[int] = None,
summary_dir: Optional[str] = None,
eval_summary_dir: Optional[str] = None,
summary_manager: Optional[orbit.utils.SummaryManagerInterface
] = None,
eval_summary_manager: Optional[orbit.utils.SummaryManagerInterface
] = None
Orbit divides training and evaluation into "inner" and "outer" loops. Inner
loops are implemented by users in the form of AbstractTrainer
subclasses, and define how to run a given number of
training or evaluation steps. The outer loop is provided by this Controller
and interleaves calls to the user-provided inner loops with additional actions
such as saving checkpoints, running evaluations, writing summaries, as well as
(optionally) user provided Action
s (see below).
There are four top-level "outer loops" provided:
, which trains until a specified number of global steps is reached;evaluate
, for one-off model evaluation;train_and_evaluate
, for interleaved training and evaluation;evaluate_continuously
, for monitoring a given directory and running evaluations on new model checkpoints.
While this class attempts to provide out-of-the-box solutions for common training and evaluation use cases, the internal details and method implementations are also intended to be simple enough to make subclassing or other custom outer loop implementations easy to achieve.
Some additional customization can be achieved by supplying train_actions
when constructing the Controller
. Actions arbitrary callables
that are applied by the Controller
to the output of train steps (after each
inner loop of steps_per_loop
steps) or an evaluation. This provides a hook
mechanism, enabling things like reporting metrics to Vizier, model exporting,
additional logging, etc. See the orbit.actions
package for a small handful
of predefined actions and some utility classes that may be useful in defining
your own.
Args | |
An integer tf.Variable storing the global training step
number. Usually this can be obtained from the iterations property of
the model's optimizer (e.g. trainer.optimizer.iterations ). In cases
where multiple optimizers are used, or if one model "step" corresponds
to more than one update to model parameters, users can create and
increment their own global step variable as well. In this case it is
recommended to create the tf.Variable inside the distribution strategy
scope, with aggregation=tf.VariableAggregation.ONLY_FIRST_REPLICA (see
also orbit.utils.create_global_step() ).
An instance of orbit.AbstractTrainer , which implements the
inner training loop.
An instance of orbit.AbstractEvaluator , which implements
An instance of tf.distribute.Strategy . If not provided, the
strategy will be initialized from the current in-scope strategy using
tf.distribute.get_strategy() .
Optional orbit.Action s to call after each block of
steps_per_loop training steps are run. These will be called with the
output of trainer.train .
Optional orbit.Action s to call after each evaluation.
These will be called with the output of evaluator.evaluate .
Optional integer to indicate the number of steps to run in
each inner loop of training (passed as the num_steps parameter of
trainer.train ). It can be also a callable which takes the current
global step value as input and returns the number of steps to run as
An instance of tf.train.CheckpointManager . If
provided and there are checkpoints in the associated model directory,
the model will be restored from the most recent checkpoint inside this
__init__ method. If not provided, the Controller will not
automatically save to or restore from checkpoints.
Optional bool indicating whether to enable async checkpoint saving. |
Step interval for training summaries. Note that this
argument only applies to tf.summary calls inside the trainer.train
function. Summaries written by the Controller (specifically
"steps_per_second" and output from the trainer.train method) will
always be enabled unless the summary_dir parameter is None . If set,
the value must be divisible by steps_per_loop .
The directory to write summaries to. To use the same
directory as for checkpointing, pass . If
None , no training summaries will be written.
The directory to write eval summaries to. If None , it
will be set to summary_dir . If both summary_dir and
eval_summary_dir are None , no eval summaries will be written.
Instance of the summary manager. If set, the
summary_dir will be ignored. Otherwise the summary manager will be
created internally for TensorBoard summaries by default from the
summary_dir .
Instance of the eval summary manager. If set, the
eval_summary_dir will be ignored. Otherwise the eval summary manager
will be created internally for TensorBoard summaries by default from the
eval_summary_dir .
steps: int = -1
) -> Optional[runner.Output]
Runs evaluation for the given number of steps.
This method calls self.evaluator.evaluate(steps)
, then writes the returned
summaries (if any).
Args | |
The number of evaluation steps to run. The value -1 is reserved
as a special sentinel to indicate a "complete" evaluation that runs
until the underlying dataset is exhausted. Support for this is dependent
on the specific evaluator being used.
Returns | |
The evaluation results as a dictionary mapping names to NumPy values. |
Raises | |
If evaluator was not provided to Controller.init .
If no checkpoint is present in .
If steps is not a positive value or -1.
steps: int = -1,
timeout: Optional[Union[int, float]] = None,
timeout_fn: Optional[Callable[[], bool]] = None
) -> Optional[runner.Output]
Continuously monitors a directory and evaluates new checkpoints in it.
This method continuously monitors a directory as specified by this Controller's CheckpointManager init arg and runs evaluation on the checkpoints found there.
Args | |
The number of steps to run when evaluating. If -1, this method will evaluate over the entire evaluation dataset. |
The maximum number of seconds to wait between checkpoints. See tf.train.checkpoints_iterator documentation. |
Optional callable to call after a timeout. If the function returns True, then it means that no new checkpoints will be generated and the iterator will exit. |
Returns | |
The evaluation results as a dictionary mapping names to NumPy values. |
Raises | |
If no checkpoint found in .
If evaluator was not provided as a controller init arg.
checkpoint_path: Optional[str] = None
Restores the model from a checkpoint.
Args | |
An optional string specifying the checkpoint path to
restore from. If None , will restore from the most recent checkpoint
(or initialize the model using a custom init_fn if no checkpoints can
be found) using self.checkpoint_manager.restore_or_initialize() .
Returns | |
The path to the restored checkpoint if a restore happened, or None if no
restore occurred.
Saves the model to a checkpoint.
This method will save a checkpoint containing the current state of the model.
Raises | |
If no checkpoint_manager was provided to
Controller.init .
steps: int, checkpoint_at_completion: bool = True
Runs training until the specified global step count has been reached.
This method makes calls to self.trainer.train()
until the global step
count is equal to steps
. It will additionally save checkpoints (if a
was passed to Controller.init
) and summarize
training output (if summary_dir
is set).
When async checkpointing is enabled, a sync is triggered at the end of this method to make sure any ongoing async checkpoint saving is finished before returning.
Args | |
The global step count to train up to. |
Whether to save a checkpoint when this method
returns (regardless of the checkpointing interval). Defaults to True .
train_steps: int, eval_steps: int = -1, eval_interval: Optional[int] = None
) -> Optional[runner.Output]
Runs interleaved training and evaluation.
This method interleaves calls to self.train()
and self.evaluate()
training the model until the global step count equals train_steps
, and
running an evaluation for eval_steps
every eval_interval
training steps.
In addition, this method will run a final evaluation at the end of the
training sequence.
When async checkpointing is enabled, a sync is triggered at the end of this method to make sure any ongoing async checkpoint saving is finished before returning.
Args | |
The global step count to train up to. |
The number of steps to run during an evaluation. If -1, this method will evaluate over the entire evaluation dataset. |
The number of training steps to run between evaluations. If
set, training will always stop every eval_interval steps, even if this
results in a shorter inner loop than specified by steps_per_loop
setting. If None, evaluation will only be performed after training is
Returns | |
The evaluation results as a dictionary mapping names to NumPy values. |