
Decodes the encoded stream inside handle.

Main aliases


The output shape is defined as handle.shape + MakeShape(shape), and therefore both handle and shape arguments determine how many symbols are decoded.

Like encoders, decoders in handle reference multiple distributions. The last (innermost) dimension of value determines which distribution is used to decode each value in the output. For example, if decoded is a 3-D array, then output(i,j,k) is decoded using the k-th distribution.

handle controls the number of coding streams. Suppose that index has the shape [2, 3, 4] and that handle has shape [2]. Then the first output slice [0, :, :] of shape [3, 4] is decoded from handle[0] and the second output slice [1, :, :] is decoded from handle[1]. If handle has shape [], then there is only one handle, and the entire output is decoded from a single stream.

The input handle may be produced by the CreateRangeDecoder op, or may be passed through from a different EntropyDecode* op.

This op modifies the input handle. The handle input edge to the op nodes of this type should not have other consumers in the graph.

handle A Tensor of type variant.
shape A Tensor of type int32.
Tdecoded A tf.DType from: tf.int32.
name A name for the operation (optional).

A tuple of Tensor objects (aliased_handle, decoded).
aliased_handle A Tensor of type variant.
decoded A Tensor of type Tdecoded.