
Encodes each input in value according to a distribution selected by index.

Main aliases


In general, entropy encoders in handle reference multiple distributions. index selects which distribution is used to encode value. For example, if value is a 3-D array, then value(i,j,k) is encoded using the index(i,j,k)-th distribution. index and value must have the same shape.

handle controls the number of coding streams. Suppose that value and index have the shape [2, 3, 4] and that handle has shape [2]. Then the first slice [0, :, :] of shape [3, 4] is encoded into handle[0] and the second slice [1, :, :] is encoded into handle[1]. If handle has shape [], then there is only one handle, and the entire input is encoded into a single stream.

Values must be in the provided ranges specified when the input handle was originally created, unless overflow functionality was enabled. The handle may be produced by the CreateRangeEncoder op, or may be passed through from a different EntropyEncodeChannel/EntropyEncodeIndex op.

Because the op modifies handle, the corresponding input edge to the op nodes of this type should not have other consumers in the graph.

handle A Tensor of type variant.
index A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: int32.
value A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: int32.
name A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type variant.