
Sparse Mixer encoder network.

Based on "Sparse Mixers: Combining MoE and Mixing to build a more efficient BERT". Sparse Mixer is an efficient encoder network that replaces typical Transformer encoder blocks with a combination of linear mixing and sparsely activated Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) sublayers.

This implementation defaults to the canonical Sparse Mixer Base model. To use the "Fast Sparse Mixer" configuration, set *_capacity_factor=0.5. This yields a sparser and faster variant of the canonical Sparse Mixer model, in which each expert processes roughly 50% less tokens.


  • The underlying MoeLayer uses the Keras add_loss() and add_metric() APIs to propagate auxiliary MoE losses and metrics. Any model using this network, should collect these losses and, if desired, metrics.
  • The input length is fixed to 'max_sequence_length' to accomodate the mixing mechanisms.

vocab_size The size of the token vocabulary.
hidden_size The size of the transformer hidden layers.
num_layers The number of transformer layers.
moe_layers Specifies which layers, if any, should be sparsely activated Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) layers. The remaining [0, num_layers) setminus moe_layers will use the vanilla MLP sublayers. Defaults to placing MoE layers in the middle of the model.
attention_layers Specifies which layers, if any, should be attention layers in the encoder. The remaining [0, num_layers) setminus attention_layers will use the specified mixing_mechanism. If using attention layers, a good rule of thumb is to place them in the final few layers.
num_experts Number of experts. Experts are themselves MLP modules, with the same inner_dim and inner_activation as the vanilla MLP sublayers.
train_capacity_factor Scaling factor to increase the expert token capacity during training. See layers.MoeLayer for further details. The "Fast Sparse Mixer" increases model sparsity (and speed) by using a capacity factor of 0.5.
eval_capacity_factor As above, but used during evaluation.
max_group_size The total number of tokens on each device is subdivided into groups of this size. Router computations are then performed on a per-group basis. See layers.MoeLayer for further details.
mixing_mechanism Type of mixing mechanism used in place of self-attention layers. Defaults to 'Linear' mixing.
use_fft Only used for spectral mixing mechanisms. Determines whether to use Fast Fourier Transform (True) or the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) matrix (False; default) to compute the Fourier Transform. See layers.FourierTransformLayer or layers.HartleyTransformLayer for advice.
num_attention_heads The number of attention heads for each transformer. The hidden size must be divisible by the number of attention heads.
max_sequence_length The only sequence length that this encoder can consume. This determines the variable shape for positional embeddings and the size of the mixing matrices.
type_vocab_size The number of types that the 'type_ids' input can take.
inner_dim The output dimension of the first Dense layer in a two-layer feedforward network for each transformer.
inner_activation The activation for the first Dense layer in a two-layer feedforward network for each transformer.
output_dropout Dropout probability for the post-attention and output dropout.
attention_dropout The dropout rate to use for the attention layers within the transformer layers.
initializer The initializer to use for all weights in this encoder.
output_range The sequence output range, [0, output_range), by slicing the target sequence of the last transformer layer. None means the entire target sequence will attend to the source sequence, which yields the full output.
embedding_width The width of the word embeddings. If the embedding width is not equal to hidden size, embedding parameters will be factorized into two matrices in the shape of ['vocab_size', 'embedding_width'] and 'embedding_width', 'hidden_size'.
embedding_layer An optional Layer instance which will be called to generate embeddings for the input word IDs.
norm_first Whether to normalize inputs to attention and intermediate dense layers. If set False, output of attention and intermediate dense layers is normalized.
with_dense_inputs Whether to accept dense embeddings as the input.
export_metrics Whether to export metrics using Keras add_metric API.

activity_regularizer Optional regularizer function for the output of this layer.
compute_dtype The dtype of the layer's computations.

This is equivalent to Layer.dtype_policy.compute_dtype. Unless mixed precision is used, this is the same as Layer.dtype, the dtype of the weights.

Layers automatically cast their inputs to the compute dtype, which causes computations and the output to be in the compute dtype as well. This is done by the base Layer class in, so you do not have to insert these casts if implementing your own layer.

Layers often perform certain internal computations in higher precision when compute_dtype is float16 or bfloat16 for numeric stability. The output will still typically be float16 or bfloat16 in such cases.

dtype The dtype of the layer weights.

This is equivalent to Layer.dtype_policy.variable_dtype. Unless mixed precision is used, this is the same as Layer.compute_dtype, the dtype of the layer's computations.

dtype_policy The dtype policy associated with this layer.

This is an instance of a tf.keras.mixed_precision.Policy.

dynamic Whether the layer is dynamic (eager-only); set in the constructor.
input Retrieves the input tensor(s) of a layer.

Only applicable if the layer has exactly one input, i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer.

input_spec InputSpec instance(s) describing the input format for this layer.

When you create a layer subclass, you can set self.input_spec to enable the layer to run input compatibility checks when it is called. Consider a Conv2D layer: it can only be called on a single input tensor of rank 4. As such, you can set, in __init__():

self.input_spec = tf.keras.layers.InputSpec(ndim=4)

Now, if you try to call the layer on an input that isn't rank 4 (for instance, an input of shape (2,), it will raise a nicely-formatted error:

ValueError: Input 0 of layer conv2d is incompatible with the layer:
expected ndim=4, found ndim=1. Full shape received: [2]

Input checks that can be specified via input_spec include:

  • Structure (e.g. a single input, a list of 2 inputs, etc)
  • Shape
  • Rank (ndim)
  • Dtype

For more information, see tf.keras.layers.InputSpec.

losses List of losses added using the add_loss() API.

Variable regularization tensors are created when this property is accessed, so it is eager safe: accessing losses under a tf.GradientTape will propagate gradients back to the corresponding variables.

class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
  def call(self, inputs):
    return inputs
l = MyLayer()
l(np.ones((10, 1)))
inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs)
outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
# Activity regularization.
inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10, kernel_initializer='ones')
x = d(inputs)
outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
# Weight regularization.
model.add_loss(lambda: tf.reduce_mean(d.kernel))
[<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=1.0>]

metrics List of metrics attached to the layer.
non_trainable_weights List of all non-trainable weights tracked by this layer.

Non-trainable weights are not updated during training. They are expected to be updated manually in call().

output Retrieves the output tensor(s) of a layer.

Only applicable if the layer has exactly one output, i.e. if it is connected to one incoming layer.

pooler_layer The pooler dense layer after the transformer layers.
supports_masking Whether this layer supports computing a mask using compute_mask.

trainable_weights List of all trainable weights tracked by this layer.

Trainable weights are updated via gradient descent during training.

transformer_layers List of Transformer layers in the encoder.
variable_dtype Alias of Layer.dtype, the dtype of the weights.
weights Returns the list of all layer variables/weights.



Add loss tensor(s), potentially dependent on layer inputs.

Some losses (for instance, activity regularization losses) may be dependent on the inputs passed when calling a layer. Hence, when reusing the same layer on different inputs a and b, some entries in layer.losses may be dependent on a and some on b. This method automatically keeps track of dependencies.

This method can be used inside a subclassed layer or model's call function, in which case losses should be a Tensor or list of Tensors.


class MyLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
  def call(self, inputs):
    return inputs

The same code works in distributed training: the input to add_loss() is treated like a regularization loss and averaged across replicas by the training loop (both built-in and compliant custom training loops).

The add_loss method can also be called directly on a Functional Model during construction. In this case, any loss Tensors passed to this Model must be symbolic and be able to be traced back to the model's Inputs. These losses become part of the model's topology and are tracked in get_config.


inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
x = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)(inputs)
outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
# Activity regularization.

If this is not the case for your loss (if, for example, your loss references a Variable of one of the model's layers), you can wrap your loss in a zero-argument lambda. These losses are not tracked as part of the model's topology since they can't be serialized.


inputs = tf.keras.Input(shape=(10,))
d = tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)
x = d(inputs)
outputs = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)(x)
model = tf.keras.Model(inputs, outputs)
# Weight regularization.
model.add_loss(lambda: tf.reduce_mean(d.kernel))

losses Loss tensor, or list/tuple of tensors. Rather than tensors, losses may also be zero-argument callables which create a loss tensor.
**kwargs Used for backwards compatibility only.


Creates the variables of the layer (for subclass implementers).

This is a method that implementers of subclasses of Layer or Model can override if they need a state-creation step in-between layer instantiation and layer call. It is invoked automatically before the first execution of call().

This is typically used to create the weights of Layer subclasses (at the discretion of the subclass implementer).

input_shape Instance of TensorShape, or list of instances of TensorShape if the layer expects a list of inputs (one instance per input).


Builds the layer's states with the supplied config dict.

By default, this method calls the build(config["input_shape"]) method, which creates weights based on the layer's input shape in the supplied config. If your config contains other information needed to load the layer's state, you should override this method.

config Dict containing the input shape associated with this layer.


Computes an output mask tensor.

inputs Tensor or list of tensors.
mask Tensor or list of tensors.

None or a tensor (or list of tensors, one per output tensor of the layer).


Computes the output shape of the layer.

This method will cause the layer's state to be built, if that has not happened before. This requires that the layer will later be used with inputs that match the input shape provided here.

input_shape Shape tuple (tuple of integers) or tf.TensorShape, or structure of shape tuples / tf.TensorShape instances (one per output tensor of the layer). Shape tuples can include None for free dimensions, instead of an integer.

A tf.TensorShape instance or structure of tf.TensorShape instances.


Count the total number of scalars composing the weights.

An integer count.

ValueError if the layer isn't yet built (in which case its weights aren't yet defined).


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Creates a layer from its config.

This method is the reverse of get_config, capable of instantiating the same layer from the config dictionary. It does not handle layer connectivity (handled by Network), nor weights (handled by set_weights).

config A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config.

A layer instance.


Returns a dictionary with the layer's input shape.

This method returns a config dict that can be used by build_from_config(config) to create all states (e.g. Variables and Lookup tables) needed by the layer.

By default, the config only contains the input shape that the layer was built with. If you're writing a custom layer that creates state in an unusual way, you should override this method to make sure this state is already created when Keras attempts to load its value upon model loading.

A dict containing the input shape associated with the layer.


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Returns the config of the layer.

A layer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the configuration of a layer. The same layer can be reinstantiated later (without its trained weights) from this configuration.

The config of a layer does not include connectivity information, nor the layer class name. These are handled by Network (one layer of abstraction above).

Note that get_config() does not guarantee to return a fresh copy of dict every time it is called. The callers should make a copy of the returned dict if they want to modify it.

Python dictionary.


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Returns the current weights of the layer, as NumPy arrays.

The weights of a layer represent the state of the layer. This function returns both trainable and non-trainable weight values associated with this layer as a list of NumPy arrays, which can in turn be used to load state into similarly parameterized layers.

For example, a Dense layer returns a list of two values: the kernel matrix and the bias vector. These can be used to set the weights of another Dense layer:

layer_a = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1,
a_out = layer_a(tf.convert_to_tensor([[1., 2., 3.]]))
       [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]
layer_b = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1,
b_out = layer_b(tf.convert_to_tensor([[10., 20., 30.]]))
       [2.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]
       [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]

Weights values as a list of NumPy arrays.


Loads the state of the layer.

You can override this method to take full control of how the state of the layer is loaded upon calling keras.models.load_model().

store Dict from which the state of the model will be loaded.


Saves the state of the layer.

You can override this method to take full control of how the state of the layer is saved upon calling

store Dict where the state of the model will be saved.


Sets the weights of the layer, from NumPy arrays.

The weights of a layer represent the state of the layer. This function sets the weight values from numpy arrays. The weight values should be passed in the order they are created by the layer. Note that the layer's weights must be instantiated before calling this function, by calling the layer.

For example, a Dense layer returns a list of two values: the kernel matrix and the bias vector. These can be used to set the weights of another Dense layer:

layer_a = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1,
a_out = layer_a(tf.convert_to_tensor([[1., 2., 3.]]))
       [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]
layer_b = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1,
b_out = layer_b(tf.convert_to_tensor([[10., 20., 30.]]))
       [2.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]
       [1.]], dtype=float32), array([0.], dtype=float32)]

weights a list of NumPy arrays. The number of arrays and their shape must match number of the dimensions of the weights of the layer (i.e. it should match the output of get_weights).

ValueError If the provided weights list does not match the layer's specifications.


Wraps call, applying pre- and post-processing steps.

*args Positional arguments to be passed to
**kwargs Keyword arguments to be passed to

Output tensor(s).


  • The following optional keyword arguments are reserved for specific uses:
    • training: Boolean scalar tensor of Python boolean indicating whether the call is meant for training or inference.
    • mask: Boolean input mask.
  • If the layer's call method takes a mask argument (as some Keras layers do), its default value will be set to the mask generated for inputs by the previous layer (if input did come from a layer that generated a corresponding mask, i.e. if it came from a Keras layer with masking support.
  • If the layer is not built, the method will call build.

ValueError if the layer's call method returns None (an invalid value).
RuntimeError if super().__init__() was not called in the constructor.