
public final class Shape

The possibly partially known shape of a tensor produced by an operation.

Public Methods

equals (Object obj)
static Shape
make (long firstDimensionSize, long... otherDimensionSizes)
Create a Shape representing an N-dimensional value.
numDimensions ()
Number of dimensions represented by this shape.
static Shape
scalar ()
Create a Shape representing a scalar value.
size (int i)
The size of the i-th dimension.
toString ()
Succinct description of the shape meant for debugging.
static Shape
unknown ()
Create a Shape representing an unknown number of dimensions.

Inherited Methods

equals (Object arg0)
final Class<?>
getClass ()
hashCode ()
final void
notify ()
final void
notifyAll ()
toString ()
final void
wait (long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait (long arg0)
final void
wait ()

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object obj)

public int hashCode ()

public static Shape make (long firstDimensionSize, long... otherDimensionSizes)

Create a Shape representing an N-dimensional value.

Creates a Shape representing an N-dimensional value (N being at least 1), with the provided size for each dimension. A -1 indicates that the size of the corresponding dimension is unknown. For example:

// A 2-element vector.
 Shape vector = Shape.create(2);

 // A 2x3 matrix.
 Shape matrix = Shape.create(2, 3);

 // A matrix with 4 columns but an unknown number of rows.
 // This is typically used to indicate the shape of tensors that represent
 // a variable-sized batch of values. The Shape below might represent a
 // variable-sized batch of 4-element vectors.
 Shape batch = Shape.create(-1, 4);

public int numDimensions ()

Number of dimensions represented by this shape.

  • -1 if the number of dimensions is unknown, 0 if the shape represents a scalar, 1 for a vector, 2 for a matrix etc.

public static Shape scalar ()

Create a Shape representing a scalar value.

public long size (int i)

The size of the i-th dimension.

  • The size of the requested dimension or -1 if it is unknown.

public String toString ()

Succinct description of the shape meant for debugging.

public static Shape unknown ()

Create a Shape representing an unknown number of dimensions.