
public final class Batch

Batches all input tensors nondeterministically.

When many instances of this Op are being run concurrently with the same container/shared_name in the same device, some will output zero-shaped Tensors and others will output Tensors of size up to max_batch_size.

All Tensors in in_tensors are batched together (so, for example, labels and features should be batched with a single instance of this operation.

Each invocation of batch emits an `id` scalar which will be used to identify this particular invocation when doing unbatch or its gradient.

Each op which emits a non-empty batch will also emit a non-empty batch_index Tensor, which, is a [K, 3] matrix where each row contains the invocation's id, start, and length of elements of each set of Tensors present in batched_tensors.

Batched tensors are concatenated along the first dimension, and all tensors in in_tensors must have the first dimension of the same size.

in_tensors: The tensors to be batched. num_batch_threads: Number of scheduling threads for processing batches of work. Determines the number of batches processed in parallel. max_batch_size: Batch sizes will never be bigger than this. batch_timeout_micros: Maximum number of microseconds to wait before outputting an incomplete batch. allowed_batch_sizes: Optional list of allowed batch sizes. If left empty, does nothing. Otherwise, supplies a list of batch sizes, causing the op to pad batches up to one of those sizes. The entries must increase monotonically, and the final entry must equal max_batch_size. grad_timeout_micros: The timeout to use for the gradient. See Unbatch. batched_tensors: Either empty tensors or a batch of concatenated Tensors. batch_index: If out_tensors is non-empty, has information to invert it. container: Controls the scope of sharing of this batch. id: always contains a scalar with a unique ID for this invocation of Batch. shared_name: Concurrently running instances of batch in the same device with the same container and shared_name will batch their elements together. If left empty, the op name will be used as the shared name. T: the types of tensors to be batched.

Nested Classes

class Batch.Options Optional attributes for Batch  

Public Methods

static Batch.Options
allowedBatchSizes(List<Long> allowedBatchSizes)
static Batch.Options
batchingQueue(String batchingQueue)
static Batch.Options
container(String container)
static Batch
create(Scope scope, Iterable<Operand<?>> inTensors, Long numBatchThreads, Long maxBatchSize, Long batchTimeoutMicros, Long gradTimeoutMicros, Options... options)
Factory method to create a class wrapping a new Batch operation.
static Batch.Options
maxEnqueuedBatches(Long maxEnqueuedBatches)
static Batch.Options
sharedName(String sharedName)

Inherited Methods

final boolean
equals(Object obj)
final int
Returns the underlying Operation
final String
equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void

Public Methods

public static Batch.Options allowedBatchSizes (List<Long> allowedBatchSizes)

public Output<Long> batchIndex ()

public List<Output<?>> batchedTensors ()

public static Batch.Options batchingQueue (String batchingQueue)

public static Batch.Options container (String container)

public static Batch create (Scope scope, Iterable<Operand<?>> inTensors, Long numBatchThreads, Long maxBatchSize, Long batchTimeoutMicros, Long gradTimeoutMicros, Options... options)

Factory method to create a class wrapping a new Batch operation.

scope current scope
options carries optional attributes values
  • a new instance of Batch

public Output<Long> id ()

public static Batch.Options maxEnqueuedBatches (Long maxEnqueuedBatches)

public static Batch.Options sharedName (String sharedName)