Perform hybrid quantized convolution of float Tensor `lhs` and quantized Tensor `rhs`.
Given float `lhs` and quantized `rhs`, internally performs quantization on `lhs`, and then performs quantized convolution on quantized `lhs` and `rhs`.
The internal quantization on `lhs` is a quantization to `Trhs`, dynamic range, per-batch (per-axis along axis `dimension_numbers.input_batch_dimension`), asymmetric, and not narrow range (the range is [Trhs_MIN, Trhs_MAX]).
`lhs` and `rhs` must be Tensors of same rank, and meet following shape conditions. - lhs_feature % feature_group_count == 0 - lhs_feature % rhs_input_feature == 0 - lhs_feature / feature_group_count == rhs_input_feature - rhs_output_feature % feature_group_count == 0 - lhs_batch % batch_group_count == 0 - rhs_output_feature % batch_group_count == 0
`rhs` must be quantized Tensor, where its data value is quantized using the formula: quantized_data = clip(original_data / scale + zero_point, quantization_min_val, quantization_max_val).
Nested Classes
class | UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options | Optional attributes for UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid
Public Methods
Output<V> |
Returns the symbolic handle of a tensor.
static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options |
batchGroupCount(Long batchGroupCount)
static <V extends Number, T extends Number, U> UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid<V> |
create(Scope scope, Operand<T> lhs, Operand<U> rhs, Operand<Float> rhsScales, Operand<Integer> rhsZeroPoints, Class<V> Tout, String padding, Long rhsQuantizationMinVal, Long rhsQuantizationMaxVal, Options... options)
Factory method to create a class wrapping a new UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid operation.
static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options |
dimensionNumbers(String dimensionNumbers)
static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options |
explicitPadding(List<Long> explicitPadding)
static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options |
featureGroupCount(Long featureGroupCount)
static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options |
lhsDilation(List<Long> lhsDilation)
Output<V> |
The output Tensor of `Tout`, same rank as `lhs` and `rhs`.
static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options |
rhsDilation(List<Long> rhsDilation)
static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options |
rhsQuantizationAxis(Long rhsQuantizationAxis)
static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options |
windowStrides(List<Long> windowStrides)
Inherited Methods
boolean |
equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?> |
int |
final void |
final void |
String |
final void |
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void |
wait(long arg0)
final void |
Public Methods
public Output<V> asOutput ()
Returns the symbolic handle of a tensor.
Inputs to TensorFlow operations are outputs of another TensorFlow operation. This method is used to obtain a symbolic handle that represents the computation of the input.
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options batchGroupCount (Long batchGroupCount)
batchGroupCount | The number of batch groups. Used for grouped filters. Must be a divisor of output_feature. |
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid<V> create (Scope scope, Operand<T> lhs, Operand<U> rhs, Operand<Float> rhsScales, Operand<Integer> rhsZeroPoints, Class<V> Tout, String padding, Long rhsQuantizationMinVal, Long rhsQuantizationMaxVal, Options... options)
Factory method to create a class wrapping a new UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid operation.
scope | current scope |
lhs | Must be a non-quantized Tensor of `Tlhs`, rank >= 3. |
rhs | Must be a quantized Tensor of `Trhs`, same rank as `lhs`. |
rhsScales | The float value(s) used as scale factors when quantizing the original data that `rhs` represents. Must be a scalar Tensor for per-tensor quantization, or 1D Tensor of size `rhs.dim_size(kernel_output_feature_dimension)`, for per-channel quantization. |
rhsZeroPoints | The int32 value(s) used as zero_point when quantizing original data that `rhs` represents. Same shape condition as `rhs_scales`. |
Tout | The type of output Tensor. |
padding | string from: `"SAME"`, `"VALID"`, or `"EXPLICIT"`, indicating the type of padding algorithm to use. |
rhsQuantizationMinVal | The min value of the quantized data stored in `rhs`. For example, if `Trhs` is qint8, this must be set to -127 if narrow range quantized or -128 if not. |
rhsQuantizationMaxVal | The max value of the quantized data stored in `rhs`. For example, if `Trhs` is qint8, this must be set to 127. |
options | carries optional attributes values |
- a new instance of UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options dimensionNumbers (String dimensionNumbers)
dimensionNumbers | Structure of dimension information for the convolution op. Must be an empty string (default) or a serialized string of tensorflow.UniformQuantizedConvolutionDimensionNumbersAttr proto. If empty string, the default is `("NCHW", "OIHW", "NCHW")` (for a 2D convolution). |
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options explicitPadding (List<Long> explicitPadding)
explicitPadding | If `padding` Attr is `"EXPLICIT"`, must be set as a list indicating
the explicit paddings at the start and end of each lhs spatial dimension.
Otherwise, this Attr is must be empty.
(If used,) Must be a list of size 2 * (number of lhs spatial dimensions), where (explicit_padding[2 * i], explicit_padding[2 * i + 1]) indicates spatial_dimensions[i] (start_padding, end_padding). |
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options featureGroupCount (Long featureGroupCount)
featureGroupCount | The number of feature groups. Used for grouped convolutions. Must be a divisor of both lhs_feature and output_feature. |
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options lhsDilation (List<Long> lhsDilation)
lhsDilation | The dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `lhs`. Must be an empty list (default) or a list of size (number of lhs spatial dimensions). If empty list, the dilation for each lhs spatial dimension is set to 1. |
public Output<V> output ()
The output Tensor of `Tout`, same rank as `lhs` and `rhs`. The output data is the non-quantized output data.
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options rhsDilation (List<Long> rhsDilation)
rhsDilation | The dilation factor to apply in each spatial dimension of `rhs`. Must be an empty list (default) or a list of size (number of rhs spatial dimensions). If empty list, the dilation for each rhs spatial dimension is set to 1. |
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options rhsQuantizationAxis (Long rhsQuantizationAxis)
rhsQuantizationAxis | Indicates the dimension index of the tensor where per-axis quantization is applied for the slices along that dimension. If set to -1 (default), this indicates per-tensor quantization. For the `rhs`, only per-tensor quantization or per-channel quantization along kernel_output_feature_dimension is supported. Thus, this attribute must be set to -1 or `dimension_numbers.kernel_output_feature_dimension`. Other values will raise error at OpKernel construction. |
public static UniformQuantizedConvolutionHybrid.Options windowStrides (List<Long> windowStrides)
windowStrides | The stride of the sliding window for each spatial dimension of `lhs`. Must be an empty list (default) or a list of size (number of spatial dimensions). If an empty list is provided, the stride for each spatial dimension is set to 1. |