
Randomly flip each image horizontally and vertically.

Inherits From: Layer, Module

Main aliases


Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.

tf.compat.v1.keras.layers.RandomFlip, tf.compat.v1.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.RandomFlip

This layer will flip the images based on the mode attribute. During inference time, the output will be identical to input. Call the layer with training=True to flip the input.

Input shape:

3D (unbatched) or 4D (batched) tensor with shape: (..., height, width, channels), in "channels_last" format.

Output shape:

3D (unbatched) or 4D (batched) tensor with shape: (..., height, width, channels), in "channels_last" format.

mode String indicating which flip mode to use. Can be "horizontal", "vertical", or "horizontal_and_vertical". Defaults to "horizontal_and_vertical". "horizontal" is a left-right flip and "vertical" is a top-bottom flip.
seed Integer. Used to create a random seed.