A preprocessing layer which maps text features to integer sequences.
Inherits From: PreprocessingLayer
, Layer
, Module
View aliases
Main aliases
This layer has basic options for managing text in a Keras model. It transforms
a batch of strings (one example = one string) into either a list of token
indices (one example = 1D tensor of integer token indices) or a dense
representation (one example = 1D tensor of float values representing data
about the example's tokens). This layer is meant to handle natural language
inputs. To handle simple string inputs (categorical strings or pre-tokenized
strings) see tf.keras.layers.StringLookup
The vocabulary for the layer must be either supplied on construction or
learned via adapt()
. When this layer is adapted, it will analyze the
dataset, determine the frequency of individual string values, and create a
vocabulary from them. This vocabulary can have unlimited size or be capped,
depending on the configuration options for this layer; if there are more
unique values in the input than the maximum vocabulary size, the most frequent
terms will be used to create the vocabulary.
The processing of each example contains the following steps:
- Standardize each example (usually lowercasing + punctuation stripping)
- Split each example into substrings (usually words)
- Recombine substrings into tokens (usually ngrams)
- Index tokens (associate a unique int value with each token)
- Transform each example using this index, either into a vector of ints or a dense float vector.
Some notes on passing callables to customize splitting and normalization for this layer:
- Any callable can be passed to this Layer, but if you want to serialize
this object you should only pass functions that are registered Keras
serializables (see
for more details). - When using a custom callable for
, the data received by the callable will be exactly as passed to this layer. The callable should return a tensor of the same shape as the input. - When using a custom callable for
, the data received by the callable will have the 1st dimension squeezed out - instead of[["string to split"], ["another string to split"]]
, the Callable will see["string to split", "another string to split"]
. The callable should return a Tensor with the first dimension containing the split tokens - in this example, we should see something like[["string", "to", "split"], ["another", "string", "to", "split"]]
. This makes the callable site natively compatible withtf.strings.split()
For an overview and full list of preprocessing layers, see the preprocessing guide.
This example instantiates a TextVectorization
layer that lowercases text,
splits on whitespace, strips punctuation, and outputs integer vocab indices.
text_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
max_features = 5000 # Maximum vocab size.
max_len = 4 # Sequence length to pad the outputs to.
# Create the layer.
vectorize_layer = tf.keras.layers.TextVectorization(
# Now that the vocab layer has been created, call `adapt` on the text-only
# dataset to create the vocabulary. You don't have to batch, but for large
# datasets this means we're not keeping spare copies of the dataset.
# Create the model that uses the vectorize text layer
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential()
# Start by creating an explicit input layer. It needs to have a shape of
# (1,) (because we need to guarantee that there is exactly one string
# input per batch), and the dtype needs to be 'string'.
model.add(tf.keras.Input(shape=(1,), dtype=tf.string))
# The first layer in our model is the vectorization layer. After this
# layer, we have a tensor of shape (batch_size, max_len) containing vocab
# indices.
# Now, the model can map strings to integers, and you can add an embedding
# layer to map these integers to learned embeddings.
input_data = [["foo qux bar"], ["qux baz"]]
array([[2, 1, 4, 0],
[1, 3, 0, 0]])
This example instantiates a TextVectorization
layer by passing a list
of vocabulary terms to the layer's __init__()
vocab_data = ["earth", "wind", "and", "fire"]
max_len = 4 # Sequence length to pad the outputs to.
# Create the layer, passing the vocab directly. You can also pass the
# vocabulary arg a path to a file containing one vocabulary word per
# line.
vectorize_layer = tf.keras.layers.TextVectorization(
# Because we've passed the vocabulary directly, we don't need to adapt
# the layer - the vocabulary is already set. The vocabulary contains the
# padding token ('') and OOV token ('[UNK]') as well as the passed tokens.
['', '[UNK]', 'earth', 'wind', 'and', 'fire']
data, batch_size=None, steps=None
Computes a vocabulary of string terms from tokens in a dataset.
Calling adapt()
on a TextVectorization
layer is an alternative to
passing in a precomputed vocabulary on construction via the vocabulary
argument. A TextVectorization
layer should always be either adapted over a
dataset or supplied with a vocabulary.
During adapt()
, the layer will build a vocabulary of all string tokens
seen in the dataset, sorted by occurance count, with ties broken by sort
order of the tokens (high to low). At the end of adapt()
, if max_tokens
is set, the vocabulary wil be truncated to max_tokens
size. For example,
adapting a layer with max_tokens=1000
will compute the 1000 most frequent
tokens occurring in the input dataset. If output_mode='tf-idf'
, adapt()
will also learn the document frequencies of each token in the input dataset.
In order to make TextVectorization
efficient in any distribution context,
the vocabulary is kept static with respect to any compiled tf.Graph
s that
call the layer. As a consequence, if the layer is adapted a second time,
any models using the layer should be re-compiled. For more information
see tf.keras.layers.experimental.preprocessing.PreprocessingLayer.adapt
is meant only as a single machine utility to compute layer state.
To analyze a dataset that cannot fit on a single machine, see
Tensorflow Transform
for a multi-machine, map-reduce solution.
Arguments | |
The data to train on. It can be passed either as a
tf.data.Dataset , or as a numpy array.
Integer or None .
Number of samples per state update.
If unspecified, batch_size will default to 32.
Do not specify the batch_size if your data is in the
form of datasets, generators, or keras.utils.Sequence instances
(since they generate batches).
Integer or None .
Total number of steps (batches of samples)
When training with input tensors such as
TensorFlow data tensors, the default None is equal to
the number of samples in your dataset divided by
the batch size, or 1 if that cannot be determined. If x is a
tf.data dataset, and 'steps' is None, the epoch will run until
the input dataset is exhausted. When passing an infinitely
repeating dataset, you must specify the steps argument. This
argument is not supported with array inputs.
run_eagerly=None, steps_per_execution=None
Configures the layer for adapt
Arguments | |
Bool. Defaults to False . If True , this Model 's logic
will not be wrapped in a tf.function . Recommended to leave this as
None unless your Model cannot be run inside a tf.function .
steps_per_execution: Int. Defaults to 1. The number of batches to run
during each tf.function call. Running multiple batches inside a
single tf.function call can greatly improve performance on TPUs or
small models with a large Python overhead.
Returns the current vocabulary of the layer.
Args | |
If True, the returned vocabulary will include the padding and OOV tokens, and a term's index in the vocabulary will equal the term's index when calling the layer. If False, the returned vocabulary will not include any padding or OOV tokens. |
Resets the statistics of the preprocessing layer.
vocabulary, idf_weights=None
Sets vocabulary (and optionally document frequency) data for this layer.
This method sets the vocabulary and idf weights for this layer directly, instead of analyzing a dataset through 'adapt'. It should be used whenever the vocab (and optionally document frequency) information is already known. If vocabulary data is already present in the layer, this method will replace it.
Args | |
Either an array or a string path to a text file. If passing an array, can pass a tuple, list, 1D numpy array, or 1D tensor containing the vocbulary terms. If passing a file path, the file should contain one line per term in the vocabulary. |
A tuple, list, 1D numpy array, or 1D tensor of inverse
document frequency weights with equal length to vocabulary. Must be set
if output_mode is "tf_idf" . Should not be set otherwise.
Raises | |
If there are too many inputs, the inputs do not match, or input data is missing. |
If the vocabulary cannot be set when this function is
called. This happens when "multi_hot" , "count" , and "tf_idf" modes,
if pad_to_max_tokens is False and the layer itself has already been
Accumulates statistics for the preprocessing layer.
Arguments | |
A mini-batch of inputs to the layer. |
Gets the current size of the layer's vocabulary.
Returns | |
The integer size of the vocabulary, including optional mask and OOV indices. |