Module: tfp.layers.distribution_layer

Layers for combining tfp.distributions and tf.keras.


class CategoricalMixtureOfOneHotCategorical: A OneHotCategorical mixture Keras layer from k * (1 + d) params.

class DistributionLambda: Keras layer enabling plumbing TFP distributions through Keras models.

class IndependentBernoulli: An Independent-Bernoulli Keras layer from prod(event_shape) params.

class IndependentLogistic: An independent logistic Keras layer.

class IndependentNormal: An independent normal Keras layer.

class IndependentPoisson: An independent Poisson Keras layer.

class KLDivergenceAddLoss: Pass-through layer that adds a KL divergence penalty to the model loss.

class KLDivergenceRegularizer: Regularizer that adds a KL divergence penalty to the model loss.

class MixtureLogistic: A mixture distribution Keras layer, with independent logistic components.

class MixtureNormal: A mixture distribution Keras layer, with independent normal components.

class MixtureSameFamily: A mixture (same-family) Keras layer.

class MultivariateNormalTriL: A d-variate MVNTriL Keras layer from d + d * (d + 1) // 2 params.

class OneHotCategorical: A d-variate OneHotCategorical Keras layer from d params.

class VariationalGaussianProcess: A VariationalGaussianProcess Layer.