![]() |
Represents an autoregressive integrated moving-average (ARIMA) model.
Inherits From: StructuralTimeSeries
An autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) process is defined by the recursion
level[t + 1] = (
+ noise[t + 1]
+ sum(ar_coefficients * levels[t : t - order : -1])
+ sum(ma_coefficients * noise[t : t - order : -1]))
noise[t + 1] ~ Normal(0., scale=level_scale)
where `noise` is an iid noise process. An integrated ([ARIMA](
process corresponds to an ARMA model of the
`integration_degree`th-order differences of a sequence, or equivalently,
taking `integration_degree` cumulative sums of an underlying ARMA process.
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<tr><th colspan="2"><h2 class="add-link">Args</h2></th></tr>
`ar_order`<a id="ar_order"></a>
scalar Python positive `int` specifying the order of the
autoregressive process (`p` in `ARIMA(p, d, q)`).
`ma_order`<a id="ma_order"></a>
scalar Python positive `int` specifying the order of the
moving-average process (`q` in `ARIMA(p, d, q)`).
`integration_degree`<a id="integration_degree"></a>
scalar Python positive `int` specifying the number
of times to integrate an ARMA process. (`d` in `ARIMA(p, d, q)`).
Default value: `0`.
`ar_coefficients_prior`<a id="ar_coefficients_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a
prior on the `ar_coefficients` parameter. If `None`, a default standard
normal (`tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(scale_diag=tf.ones([ar_order]))`)
prior is used.
Default value: `None`.
`ma_coefficients_prior`<a id="ma_coefficients_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a
prior on the `ma_coefficients` parameter. If `None`, a default standard
normal (`tfd.MultivariateNormalDiag(scale_diag=tf.ones([ma_order]))`)
prior is used.
Default value: `None`.
`level_drift_prior`<a id="level_drift_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a prior
on the `level_drift` parameter. If `None`, the parameter is not inferred
and is instead fixed to zero.
Default value: `None`.
`level_scale_prior`<a id="level_scale_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a prior
on the `level_scale` parameter. If `None`, a heuristic default prior is
constructed based on the provided `observed_time_series`.
Default value: `None`.
`initial_state_prior`<a id="initial_state_prior"></a>
optional `tfd.Distribution` instance specifying a
prior on the initial state, corresponding to the values of the process
at a set of size `order` of imagined timesteps before the initial step.
If `None`, a heuristic default prior is constructed based on the
provided `observed_time_series`.
Default value: `None`.
`ar_coefficient_constraining_bijector`<a id="ar_coefficient_constraining_bijector"></a>
optional `tfb.Bijector` instance
representing a constraining mapping for the autoregressive coefficients.
For example, `tfb.Tanh()` constrains the coefficients to lie in
`(-1, 1)`, while `tfb.Softplus()` constrains them to be positive, and
`tfb.Identity()` implies no constraint. If `None`, the default behavior
constrains the coefficients to lie in `(-1, 1)` using a `Tanh` bijector.
Default value: `None`.
`ma_coefficient_constraining_bijector`<a id="ma_coefficient_constraining_bijector"></a>
optional `tfb.Bijector` instance
representing a constraining mapping for the moving average coefficients.
For example, `tfb.Tanh()` constrains the coefficients to lie in
`(-1, 1)`, while `tfb.Softplus()` constrains them to be positive, and
`tfb.Identity()` implies no constraint. If `None`, the default behavior
is to apply no constraint.
Default value: `None`.
`observed_time_series`<a id="observed_time_series"></a>
optional `float` `Tensor` of shape
`batch_shape + [T, 1]` (omitting the trailing unit dimension is also
supported when `T > 1`), specifying an observed time series. Any `NaN`s
are interpreted as missing observations; missingness may be also be
explicitly specified by passing a <a href="../../tfp/sts/MaskedTimeSeries"><code>tfp.sts.MaskedTimeSeries</code></a> instance.
Any priors not explicitly set will be given default values according to
the scale of the observed time series (or batch of time series).
Default value: `None`.
`name`<a id="name"></a>
the name of this model component.
Default value: 'ARIMA'.
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<tr><th colspan="2"><h2 class="add-link">Attributes</h2></th></tr>
`batch_shape`<a id="batch_shape"></a>
Static batch shape of models represented by this component.
`init_parameters`<a id="init_parameters"></a>
Parameters used to instantiate this `StructuralTimeSeries`.
`initial_state_prior`<a id="initial_state_prior"></a>
`integration_degree`<a id="integration_degree"></a>
`latent_size`<a id="latent_size"></a>
Python `int` dimensionality of the latent space in this model.
`name`<a id="name"></a>
Name of this model component.
`parameters`<a id="parameters"></a>
List of Parameter(name, prior, bijector) namedtuples for this model.
## Methods
<h3 id="batch_shape_tensor"><code>batch_shape_tensor</code></h3>
<a target="_blank" class="external" href="https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/blob/v0.23.0/tensorflow_probability/python/sts/structural_time_series.py#L121-L134">View source</a>
<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link">
Runtime batch shape of models represented by this component.
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<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>
`int` `Tensor` giving the broadcast batch shape of
all model parameters. This should match the batch shape of
derived state space models, i.e.,
<h3 id="copy"><code>copy</code></h3>
<a target="_blank" class="external" href="https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/blob/v0.23.0/tensorflow_probability/python/sts/structural_time_series.py#L179-L194">View source</a>
<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link">
Creates a deep copy.
Note: the copy distribution may continue to depend on the original
initialization arguments.
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<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>
String/value dictionary of initialization
arguments to override with new values.
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<colgroup><col width="214px"><col></colgroup>
<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>
A new instance of `type(self)` initialized from the union
of self.init_parameters and override_parameters_kwargs, i.e.,
`dict(self.init_parameters, **override_parameters_kwargs)`.
<h3 id="get_parameter"><code>get_parameter</code></h3>
<a target="_blank" class="external" href="https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/blob/v0.23.0/tensorflow_probability/python/sts/structural_time_series.py#L86-L92">View source</a>
<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link">
Returns the parameter with the given name, or a KeyError.
<h3 id="joint_distribution"><code>joint_distribution</code></h3>
<a target="_blank" class="external" href="https://github.com/tensorflow/probability/blob/v0.23.0/tensorflow_probability/python/sts/structural_time_series.py#L263-L406">View source</a>
<pre class="devsite-click-to-copy prettyprint lang-py tfo-signature-link">
Constructs the joint distribution over parameters and observed values.
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<tr><th colspan="2">Args</th></tr>
Optional observed time series to model, as a
`Tensor` or <a href="../../tfp/sts/MaskedTimeSeries"><code>tfp.sts.MaskedTimeSeries</code></a> instance having shape
`concat([batch_shape, trajectories_shape, num_timesteps, 1])`. If
an observed time series is provided, the `num_timesteps`,
`trajectories_shape`, and `mask` arguments are ignored, and
an unnormalized (pinned) distribution over parameter values is returned.
Default value: `None`.
scalar `int` `Tensor` number of timesteps to model. This
must be specified either directly or by passing an
Default value: `0`.
`int` `Tensor` shape of sampled trajectories
for each set of parameter values. Ignored if an `observed_time_series`
is passed.
Default value: `()`.
Optional scalar `int` `Tensor` specifying the starting
Default value: `0`.
Optional `bool` `Tensor` having shape
`concat([batch_shape, trajectories_shape, num_timesteps])`, in which
`True` entries indicate that the series value at the corresponding step
is missing and should be ignored. This argument should be passed only
if `observed_time_series` is not specified or does not already contain
a missingness mask; it is an error to pass both this
argument and an `observed_time_series` value containing a missingness
Default value: `None`.
If `True`, use parallel message passing
algorithms from <a href="../../tfp/experimental/parallel_filter"><code>tfp.experimental.parallel_filter</code></a> to perform time
series operations in `O(log num_timesteps)` sequential steps. The
overall FLOP and memory cost may be larger than for the sequential
implementations by a constant factor.
Default value: `False`.
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<tr><th colspan="2">Returns</th></tr>
joint distribution of model parameters and
observed trajectories. If no `observed_time_series` was specified, this
is an instance of `tfd.JointDistributionNamedAutoBatched` with a
random variable for each model parameter (with names and order matching
`self.parameters`), plus a final random variable `observed_time_series`
representing a trajectory(ies) conditioned on the parameters. If
`observed_time_series` was specified, the return value is given by
observed_time_series=observed_time_series)` where `joint_distribution`
is as just described, so it defines an unnormalized posterior
distribution over the parameters.
#### Example:
The joint distribution can generate prior samples of parameters and
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
import tensorflow_probability as tfp
# Sample and plot 100 trajectories from the prior.
model = tfp.sts.LocalLinearTrend()
prior_samples = model.joint_distribution(num_timesteps=200).sample([100])
tf.linalg.matrix_transpose(prior_samples['observed_time_series'][..., 0]))
It also integrates with TFP inference APIs, providing a more flexible alternative to the STS-specific fitting utilities.
jd = model.joint_distribution(observed_time_series)
# Variational inference.
surrogate_posterior = (
losses = tfp.vi.fit_surrogate_posterior(
parameter_samples = surrogate_posterior.sample(50)
# No U-Turn Sampler.
samples, kernel_results = tfp.experimental.mcmc.windowed_adaptive_nuts(
n_draws=500, joint_dist=dist)
Build the joint density log p(params) + log p(y|params)
as a callable. (deprecated)
Args | |
Observed Tensor trajectories of shape
sample_shape + batch_shape + [num_timesteps, 1] (the trailing
1 dimension is optional if num_timesteps > 1 ), where
batch_shape should match self.batch_shape (the broadcast batch
shape of all priors on parameters for this structural time series
model). Any NaN s are interpreted as missing observations; missingness
may be also be explicitly specified by passing a
tfp.sts.MaskedTimeSeries instance.
Returns | |
A function taking a Tensor argument for each model
parameter, in canonical order, and returning a Tensor log probability
of shape batch_shape . Note that, unlike tfp.Distributions
log_prob methods, the log_joint sums over the sample_shape from y,
so that sample_shape does not appear in the output log_prob. This
corresponds to viewing multiple samples in y as iid observations from a
single model, which is typically the desired behavior for parameter
Instantiate this model as a Distribution over specified num_timesteps
Args | |
Python int number of timesteps to model.
a list of Tensor parameter values in order corresponding to
self.parameters , or a dict mapping from parameter names to values.
an optional Distribution instance overriding the
default prior on the model's initial state. This is used in forecasting
("today's prior is yesterday's posterior").
optional int specifying the initial timestep to model.
This is relevant when the model contains time-varying components,
e.g., holidays or seasonality.
Optional additional keyword arguments to
to the base tfd.LinearGaussianStateSpaceModel constructor.
Returns | |
a LinearGaussianStateSpaceModel Distribution object.
Sample from the joint prior over model parameters and trajectories. (deprecated)
Args | |
Scalar int Tensor number of timesteps to model.
Optional scalar int Tensor specifying the starting
Default value: 0.
Number of possible worlds to sample iid from the
parameter prior, or more generally, Tensor int shape to fill with
iid samples.
Default value: [] (i.e., draw a single sample and don't expand the
For each sampled set of parameters, number
of trajectories to sample, or more generally, Tensor int shape to
fill with iid samples.
Default value: [] (i.e., draw a single sample and don't expand the
PRNG seed; see tfp.random.sanitize_seed for details.
Default value: None .
Returns | |
float Tensor of shape
trajectories_sample_shape + params_sample_shape + [num_timesteps, 1]
containing all sampled trajectories.
list of sampled parameter value Tensor s, in order
corresponding to self.parameters , each of shape
params_sample_shape + prior.batch_shape + prior.event_shape .
Models the sum of the series from the two components.