
Gradient for batch normalization.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


Note that the size of 4D Tensors are defined by either "NHWC" or "NCHW". The size of 1D Tensors matches the dimension C of the 4D Tensors.

y_backprop A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: half, bfloat16, float32. A 4D Tensor for the gradient with respect to y.
x A Tensor. Must have the same type as y_backprop. A 4D Tensor for input data.
scale A Tensor of type float32. A 1D Tensor for scaling factor, to scale the normalized x.
reserve_space_1 A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: float32. When is_training is True, a 1D Tensor for the computed batch mean to be reused in gradient computation. When is_training is False, a 1D Tensor for the population mean to be reused in both 1st and 2nd order gradient computation.
reserve_space_2 A Tensor. Must have the same type as reserve_space_1. When is_training is True, a 1D Tensor for the computed batch variance (inverted variance in the cuDNN case) to be reused in gradient computation. When is_training is False, a 1D Tensor for the population variance to be reused in both 1st and 2nd order gradient computation.
reserve_space_3 A Tensor. Must have the same type as reserve_space_1. When is_training is True, a 1D Tensor for some intermediate results to be reused in gradient computation. When is_training is False, a dummy empty Tensor will be created.
epsilon An optional float. Defaults to 0.0001. A small float number added to the variance of x.
data_format An optional string from: "NHWC", "NCHW". Defaults to "NHWC". The data format for y_backprop, x, x_backprop. Either "NHWC" (default) or "NCHW".
is_training An optional bool. Defaults to True. A bool value to indicate the operation is for training (default) or inference.
name A name for the operation (optional).

A tuple of Tensor objects (x_backprop, scale_backprop, offset_backprop, reserve_space_4, reserve_space_5).
x_backprop A Tensor. Has the same type as y_backprop.
scale_backprop A Tensor. Has the same type as reserve_space_1.
offset_backprop A Tensor. Has the same type as reserve_space_1.
reserve_space_4 A Tensor. Has the same type as reserve_space_1.
reserve_space_5 A Tensor. Has the same type as reserve_space_1.