• इस पेज पर, यह जानकारी उपलब्ध है
  • Args
  • Returns


  • इस पेज पर, यह जानकारी उपलब्ध है
  • Args
  • Returns

Creates a single-client mesh.

If both mesh_dims and devices are specified, they must match each otehr. As a special case, when all arguments are missing, this creates a 1D CPU mesh with an empty name, assigning all available devices to that dimension.

mesh_dims A list of (dim_name, dim_size) tuples. Defaults to a single batch-parallel dimension called 'x' using all devices. As a special case, a single-element mesh_dims whose dim_size is -1 also uses all devices.
mesh_name Name of the created mesh. Defaults to ''.
devices String representations of devices to use. This is the device part of tf.DeviceSpec, e.g. 'CPU:0'. Defaults to all available logical devices.
device_type If devices is missing, the type of devices to use. Defaults to 'CPU'.
use_xla_spmd Boolean when True, will use XLA SPMD instead of DTensor SPMD.

A single-client mesh created from specified or default arguments.