
Expands signal's axis dimension into frames of frame_length.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


Slides a window of size frame_length over signal's axis dimension with a stride of frame_step, replacing the axis dimension with [frames, frame_length] frames.

If pad_end is True, window positions that are past the end of the axis dimension are padded with pad_value until the window moves fully past the end of the dimension. Otherwise, only window positions that fully overlap the axis dimension are produced.

For example:

pcm = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 9152])
frames = tf.signal.frame(pcm, 512, 180)
magspec = tf.abs(tf.signal.rfft(frames, [512]))
image = tf.expand_dims(magspec, 3)

signal A [..., samples, ...] Tensor. The rank and dimensions may be unknown. Rank must be at least 1.
frame_length The frame length in samples. An integer or scalar Tensor.
frame_step The frame hop size in samples. An integer or scalar Tensor.
pad_end Whether to pad the end of signal with pad_value.
pad_value An optional scalar Tensor to use where the input signal does not exist when pad_end is True.
axis A scalar integer Tensor indicating the axis to frame. Defaults to the last axis. Supports negative values for indexing from the end.
name An optional name for the operation.

A Tensor of frames with shape [..., frames, frame_length, ...].

ValueError If frame_length, frame_step, pad_value, or axis are not scalar.