
public interface FloatNdArray
Known Indirect Subclasses

An NdArray of floats.

Public Methods

abstract FloatNdArray
copyTo(NdArray<Float> dst)
abstract NdArraySequence<FloatNdArray>
elements(int dimensionIdx)
Returns a sequence of all elements at a given dimension.
abstract FloatNdArray
get(long... coordinates)
Returns the N-dimensional element of this array at the given coordinates.
abstract float
getFloat(long... coordinates)
Returns the float value of the scalar found at the given coordinates.
abstract Float
getObject(long... coordinates)
Returns the value of the scalar found at the given coordinates.
abstract FloatNdArray
abstract FloatNdArray
read(DataBuffer<Float> dst)
abstract NdArraySequence<FloatNdArray>
Returns a sequence of all scalars in this array.
abstract FloatNdArray
set(NdArray<Float> src, long... coordinates)
abstract FloatNdArray
setFloat(float value, long... coordinates)
Assigns the float value of the scalar found at the given coordinates.
abstract FloatNdArray
setObject(Float value, long... coordinates)
abstract FloatNdArray
slice(Index... coordinates)
Creates a multi-dimensional view (or slice) of this array by mapping one or more dimensions to the given index selectors.
abstract FloatNdArray
write(DataBuffer<Float> src)
abstract FloatNdArray

Inherited Methods

abstract NdArray<Float>
copyTo(NdArray<Float> dst)
Copy the content of this array to the destination array.
abstract NdArraySequence<? extends NdArray<T>>
elements(int dimensionIdx)
Returns a sequence of all elements at a given dimension.
abstract boolean
equals(Object obj)
Checks equality between n-dimensional arrays.
abstract NdArray<Float>
get(long... coordinates)
Returns the N-dimensional element of this array at the given coordinates.
abstract Float
getObject(long... coordinates)
Returns the value of the scalar found at the given coordinates.
abstract NdArray<Float>
read(DataBuffer<Float> dst)
Read the content of this N-dimensional array into the destination buffer.
abstract NdArraySequence<? extends NdArray<T>>
Returns a sequence of all scalars in this array.
abstract NdArray<Float>
set(NdArray<Float> src, long... coordinates)
Assigns the value of the N-dimensional element found at the given coordinates.
abstract NdArray<Float>
setObject(Float value, long... coordinates)
Assigns the value of the scalar found at the given coordinates.
abstract NdArray<Float>
slice(Index... indices)
Creates a multi-dimensional view (or slice) of this array by mapping one or more dimensions to the given index selectors.
abstract NdArray<Float>
write(DataBuffer<Float> src)
Write the content of this N-dimensional array from the source buffer.
abstract int
abstract Shape
abstract long
Computes and returns the total size of this container, in number of values.

Public Methods

public abstract FloatNdArray copyTo (NdArray<Float> dst)

public abstract NdArraySequence<FloatNdArray> elements (int dimensionIdx)

Returns a sequence of all elements at a given dimension.

Logically, the N-dimensional array can be flatten in a single vector, where the scalars of the (n - 1)th element precedes those of the (n)th element, for a total of size() values.

For example, given a n x m matrix on the [x, y] axes, elements are iterated in the following order:

x0y0, x0y1, ..., x0ym-1, x1y0, x1y1, ..., xn-1ym-1

The returned sequence can then be iterated to visit each elements, either by calling forEach(Consumer) or forEachIndexed(BiConsumer).

// Iterate matrix for initializing each of its vectors
    matrixOfFloats.elements(0).forEach(v -> {
      v.set(vector(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f));

    // Iterate a vector for reading each of its scalar
    vectorOfFloats.scalars().forEachIdx((coords, s) -> {
      System.out.println("Value " + s.getFloat() + " found at " + coords);

dimensionIdx index of the dimension
  • an NdArray sequence

public abstract FloatNdArray get (long... coordinates)

Returns the N-dimensional element of this array at the given coordinates.

Elements of any of the dimensions of this array can be retrieved. For example, if the number of coordinates is equal to the number of dimensions of this array, then a rank-0 (scalar) array is returned, which value can then be obtained by calling `array.getObject()`.

Any changes applied to the returned elements affect the data of this array as well, as there is no copy involved.

Note that invoking this method is an equivalent and more efficient way to slice this array on single scalar, i.e. array.get(x, y, z) is equal to array.slice(at(x), at(y), at(z))

coordinates coordinates of the element to access, none will return this array
  • the element at this index

public abstract float getFloat (long... coordinates)

Returns the float value of the scalar found at the given coordinates.

To access the scalar element, the number of coordinates provided must be equal to the number of dimensions of this array (i.e. its rank). For example:

FloatNdArray matrix = NdArrays.ofFloats(shape(2, 2));  // matrix rank = 2
  matrix.getFloat(0, 1);  // succeeds, returns 0.0f
  matrix.getFloat(0);  // throws IllegalRankException

  FloatNdArray scalar = matrix.get(0, 1);  // scalar rank = 0
  scalar.getFloat();  // succeeds, returns 0.0f

coordinates coordinates of the scalar to resolve
  • value of that scalar
IndexOutOfBoundsException if some coordinates are outside the limits of their respective dimension
IllegalRankException if number of coordinates is not sufficient to access a scalar element

public abstract Float getObject (long... coordinates)

Returns the value of the scalar found at the given coordinates.

To access the scalar element, the number of coordinates provided must be equal to the number of dimensions of this array (i.e. its rank). For example:

FloatNdArray matrix = NdArrays.ofFloats(shape(2, 2));  // matrix rank = 2
  matrix.getObject(0, 1);  // succeeds, returns 0.0f
  matrix.getObject(0);  // throws IllegalRankException

  FloatNdArray scalar = matrix.get(0, 1);  // scalar rank = 0
  scalar.getObject();  // succeeds, returns 0.0f
Note: if this array stores values of a primitive type, prefer the usage of the specialized method in the subclass for that type. For example, floatArray.getFloat(0); .

coordinates coordinates of the scalar to resolve
  • value of that scalar

public abstract FloatNdArray read (FloatDataBuffer dst)

public abstract FloatNdArray read (DataBuffer<Float> dst)

public abstract NdArraySequence<FloatNdArray> scalars ()

Returns a sequence of all scalars in this array.

This is equivalent to call elements(shape().numDimensions() - 1)

  • an NdArray sequence

public abstract FloatNdArray set (NdArray<Float> src, long... coordinates)

public abstract FloatNdArray setFloat (float value, long... coordinates)

Assigns the float value of the scalar found at the given coordinates.

To access the scalar element, the number of coordinates provided must be equal to the number of dimensions of this array (i.e. its rank). For example:

FloatNdArray matrix = NdArrays.ofFloats(shape(2, 2));  // matrix rank = 2
  matrix.setFloat(10.0f, 0, 1);  // succeeds
  matrix.setFloat(10.0f, 0);  // throws IllegalRankException

  FloatNdArray scalar = matrix.get(0, 1);  // scalar rank = 0
  scalar.setFloat(10.0f);  // succeeds

value value to assign
coordinates coordinates of the scalar to assign
  • this array
IndexOutOfBoundsException if some coordinates are outside the limits of their respective dimension
IllegalRankException if number of coordinates is not sufficient to access a scalar element

public abstract FloatNdArray setObject (Float value, long... coordinates)

public abstract FloatNdArray slice (Index... coordinates)

Creates a multi-dimensional view (or slice) of this array by mapping one or more dimensions to the given index selectors.

Slices allow to traverse an N-dimensional array in any of its axis and/or to filter only elements of interest. For example, for a given matrix on the [x, y] axes, it is possible to iterate elements at y=0 for all x.

Any changes applied to the returned slice affect the data of this array as well, as there is no copy involved.

Example of usage:

FloatNdArray matrix3d = NdArrays.ofFloats(shape(3, 2, 4));  // with [x, y, z] axes

    // Iterates elements on the x axis by preserving only the 3rd value on the z axis,
    // (i.e. [x, y, 2])
    matrix3d.slice(all(), all(), at(2)).elements(0).forEach(m -> {
      assertEquals(shape(2), m); // y=2, z=0 (scalar)

    // Creates a slice that contains only the last element of the y axis and elements with an
    // odd `z` coordinate.
    FloatNdArray slice = matrix3d.slice(all(), at(1), odd());
    assertEquals(shape(3, 2), slice.shape());  // x=3, y=0 (scalar), z=2 (odd coordinates)

    // Iterates backward the elements on the x axis
    matrix3d.slice(flip()).elements(0).forEach(m -> {
      assertEquals(shape(2, 4), m);  // y=2, z=4

coordinates index selectors per dimensions, starting from dimension 0 of this array.
  • the element resulting of the index selection

public abstract FloatNdArray write (DataBuffer<Float> src)

public abstract FloatNdArray write (FloatDataBuffer src)