Optional attributes for DebugNumericsSummary
Public Methods
DebugNumericsSummary.Options |
tensorDebugMode(Long tensorDebugMode)
DebugNumericsSummary.Options |
tensorId(Long tensorId)
Inherited Methods
boolean |
equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?> |
int |
final void |
final void |
String |
final void |
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void |
wait(long arg0)
final void |
Public Methods
public DebugNumericsSummary.Options tensorDebugMode (Long tensorDebugMode)
tensorDebugMode | Tensor debug mode: the mode in which the input tensor is summarized
by the op. See the TensorDebugMode enum in
tensorflow/core/protobuf/debug_event.proto for details.
Supported values: 2 (CURT_HEALTH): Output a float32/64 tensor of shape [2]. The 1st element is the tensor_id, if provided, and -1 otherwise. The 2nd element is a bit which is set to 1 if the input tensor has an infinity or nan value, or zero otherwise. 3 (CONCISE_HEALTH): Output a float32/64 tensor of shape [5]. The 1st element is the tensor_id, if provided, and -1 otherwise. The remaining four slots are the total number of elements, -infs, +infs, and nans in the input tensor respectively. 4 (FULL_HEALTH): Output a float32/64 tensor of shape [11]. The 1st element is the tensor_id, if provided, and -1 otherwise. The 2nd element is the device_id, if provided, and -1 otherwise. The 3rd element holds the datatype value of the input tensor as according to the enumerated type in tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto. The remaining elements hold the total number of elements, -infs, +infs, nans, negative finite numbers, zeros, and positive finite numbers in the input tensor respectively. 5 (SHAPE): Output a float32/64 tensor of shape [10]. The 1st element is the tensor_id, if provided, and -1 otherwise. The 2nd element holds the datatype value of the input tensor as according to the enumerated type in tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto. The 3rd element holds the rank of the tensor. The 4th element holds the number of elements within the tensor. Finally the remaining 6 elements hold the shape of the tensor. If the rank of the tensor is lower than 6, the shape is right padded with zeros. If the rank is greater than 6, the head of the shape is truncated. 6 (FULL_NUMERICS): Output a float32/64 tensor of shape [22]. The 1st element is the tensor_id, if provided, and -1 otherwise. The 2nd element is the device_id, if provided, and -1 otherwise. The 3rd element holds the datatype value of the input tensor as according to the enumerated type in tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto. The 4th element holds the rank of the tensor. The 5th to 11th elements hold the shape of the tensor. If the rank of the tensor is lower than 6, the shape is right padded with zeros. If the rank is greater than 6, the head of the shape is truncated. The 12th to 18th elements hold the number of elements, -infs, +infs, nans, denormal floats, negative finite numbers, zeros, and positive finite numbers in the input tensor respectively. The final four elements hold the min value, max value, mean, and variance of the input tensor. 8 (REDUCE_INF_NAN_THREE_SLOTS): Output a float32/64 tensor of shape [3]. The 1st element is -inf if any elements of the input tensor is -inf, or zero otherwise. The 2nd element is +inf if any elements of the input tensor is +inf, or zero otherwise. The 3rd element is nan if any element of the input tensor is nan, or zero otherwise. |
public DebugNumericsSummary.Options tensorId (Long tensorId)
tensorId | Optional. An integer identifier for the tensor being summarized by this op. |