
public interface ExecutionEnvironment
Known Indirect Subclasses

Defines an environment for creating and executing TensorFlow Operations.

Nested Classes

Public Methods

abstract void
checkInput(Op input)
Checks that input is valid to use as an input in this execution environment.
abstract ExecutionEnvironment.Types
Get the type of this environment (from the `Environments` enumeration.
abstract boolean
abstract boolean
abstract boolean
isOpEnabled(String opType)
Returns true if the given operation is valid in this execution environment.
abstract OperationBuilder
opBuilder(String type, String name)
Returns a builder to create a new Operation.

Public Methods

public abstract void checkInput (Op input)

Checks that input is valid to use as an input in this execution environment. Throws IllegalArgumentException if not.

input The op to check
IllegalArgumentException if input can't be used as an input in this execution environment.

public abstract ExecutionEnvironment.Types environmentType ()

Get the type of this environment (from the `Environments` enumeration.

  • An `Environments` value indicating the type of execution environment.

public abstract boolean isEager ()

public abstract boolean isGraph ()

public abstract boolean isOpEnabled (String opType)

Returns true if the given operation is valid in this execution environment.

opType The op to check.
  • Whether the given operation is valid in this execution environment.

public abstract OperationBuilder opBuilder (String type, String name)

Returns a builder to create a new Operation.

type of the Operation (i.e., identifies the computation to be performed)
name to refer to the created Operation in this environment scope.