An operator providing methods on org.tensorflow.op.core.Shape tensors and 1d operands that represent the dimensions of a shape.
Ops tf = Ops.create(); Operand<TFloat32> yPred = tf.constant(new float[][][] { { {0f, 0.5f
, {0.3f, 0.9f} } }); ShapepredShape = tf.shape(yPred); Operand numLabels = tf.reduceProd(tf.shape.takeLast(predShape, // take all but the first dimension tf.math.sub( // by subtract 1 from the total dimensions represent by predShape tf.shape.numDimensions(predShape), tf.constant(1))), tf.constant(0)); Operand numPred = tf.shape.size(predShape, tf.constant(0)); Operand predFlat = tf.shape.flatten(yPred); Shape predShape64 = tf.shape(yPred, TInt64.class); Operand predSqueezed = tf.shape.squeeze(predShape64, TInt64.class); }
Public Constructors
Public Methods
static Operand<TInt64> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <T extends TNumber> Operand<T> | |
static <T extends TType, U extends TNumber> Operand<T> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static <T extends TType> Operand<T> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> |
numDimensions(Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Class<U> type)
Get the number of dimensions of the shape object.
static Operand<TInt64> | |
static <T extends TNumber> Operand<T> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> |
reduceDims(Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Operand<U> axis, Class<U> type)
Reduces the shape to the specified axis.
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <T extends TType> Operand<T> |
reduceDims(Scope scope, Operand<T> operand, Operand<TInt32> axis)
Reshapes the operand by reducing the shape to the specified axis.
static <T extends TType, U extends TNumber> Operand<T> |
reduceDims(Scope scope, Operand<T> operand, Operand<U> axis, Class<U> type)
Reshapes the operand by reducing the shape to the specified axis.
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static <T extends TType> Operand<TInt32> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static <T extends TType, U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static Operand<TInt32> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<U> | |
static <U extends TNumber> Operand<TInt32> |
Inherited Methods
boolean |
equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?> |
int |
final void |
final void |
String |
final void |
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void |
wait(long arg0)
final void |
Public Constructors
public Shapes ()
Public Methods
public static Operand<TInt64> append (Scope scope, Shape<TInt64> shape, long lastDimension)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand containing the dimensions of a shape followed by the last dimension.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
lastDimension | the dimension(s) to append |
- a 1-dimensional operand containing the dimensions of a shape followed by the last dimension
public static Operand<TInt32> append (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape, int lastDimension)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand containing the dimensions of a shape followed by the last dimension.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
lastDimension | the dimension(s) to append |
- a 1-dimensional operand containing the dimensions of a shape followed by the last dimension
public static Operand<T> append (Scope scope, Operand<T> shape, Operand<T> shapeToAppend)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand that represents a new shape containing the dimensions of the operand representing a shape, followed by the dimensions of an operand representing a shape to append.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
shapeToAppend | the other shape to append |
- a 1-dimensional operand that represents a new shape containing the dimensions of the operand representing a shape, followed by the dimensions of an operand representing a shape to append
public static Operand<T> flatten (Scope scope, Operand<T> operand, Class<U> type)
Flatten the operand to 1 dimension
scope | current scope |
operand | the operand to flatten |
type | the shape datatype |
- the reshaped operand
public static Operand<U> flatten (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Class<U> type)
Flatten the shape to 1 dimension.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
type | the shape datatype |
- the flattened shape
public static Operand<T> flatten (Scope scope, Operand<T> operand)
Flatten the operand to 1 dimension.
scope | current scope |
operand | the operand to flatten |
- the reshaped operand
public static Operand<TInt32> flatten (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape)
Flatten the shape to 1 dimension.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
- the flattened shape
public static Operand<U> head (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Class<U> type)
Creates a 1-dimensional Operand containing the Shape's first dimension.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
type | the shape datatype. |
- a 1-dimensional Operand containing the Shape's first dimension
public static Operand<TInt32> head (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape)
Creates a 1-dimensional Operand containing the Shape's first dimension.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
- a 1-dimensional Operand containing the Shape's first dimension
public static Operand<TInt32> numDimensions (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape)
Get the number of dimensions of the shape object.
scope | current scope |
shape | the shape |
- the number of dimensions
public static Operand<U> numDimensions (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Class<U> type)
Get the number of dimensions of the shape object.
scope | the curren scope |
shape | the shape |
type | the shape datatype |
- the number of dimensions
public static Operand<TInt64> prepend (Scope scope, Shape<TInt64> shape, long firstDimension)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand containing the first dimension followed by the dimensions of the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
firstDimension | the dimension to prepend |
- a 1-dimensional operand containing the first dimension followed by the dimensions of the shape
public static Operand<T> prepend (Scope scope, Operand<T> shape, Operand<T> shapeToPrepend)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand that represents a new shape containing the dimensions of an operand representing the shape to prepend, followed by the dimensions of an operand representing a shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | an operand containing the dimensions of a shape |
shapeToPrepend | an operand containing the dimensions of the shape to prepend |
- a 1-dimensional operand that represents a new shape containing the dimensions of an operand representing the shape to prepend, followed by the dimensions of an operand representing the shape
public static Operand<TInt32> prepend (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape, int firstDimension)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand containing the first dimension followed by the dimensions of the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
firstDimension | the dimension to prepend |
- a 1-dimensional operand containing the first dimension followed by the dimensions of the shape
public static Operand<U> reduceDims (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Operand<U> axis, Class<U> type)
Reduces the shape to the specified axis.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
axis | the axis |
type | the shape datatype |
- the reduced shape
public static Operand<TInt32> reduceDims (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape, Operand<TInt32> axis)
Reduces the shape to the specified axis.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
axis | the axis |
- an operand containing the dimensions for the reduced shape
public static Operand<T> reduceDims (Scope scope, Operand<T> operand, Operand<TInt32> axis)
Reshapes the operand by reducing the shape to the specified axis.
scope | current scope |
operand | the operand |
axis | the axis |
- the reshaped operand
public static Operand<T> reduceDims (Scope scope, Operand<T> operand, Operand<U> axis, Class<U> type)
Reshapes the operand by reducing the shape to the specified axis.
scope | current scope |
operand | the operand |
axis | the axis |
type | the shape datatype |
- the reshaped operand
public static Operand<U> size (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Class<U> type)
Get the size represented by the TensorFlow shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
type | the shape datatype |
- the size
public static Operand<TInt32> size (Scope scope, Operand<T> input, Operand<TInt32> dim)
Get the size of the specified dimension for the shape of the tensor.
scope | current scope |
input | the operand |
dim | the dimension |
- the size of the specified dimension
public static Operand<TInt32> size (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape)
Get the size represented by the TensorFlow shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
- the size
public static Operand<TInt32> size (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape, Operand<TInt32> dim)
Get the size of the specified dimension in the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
dim | the dimension |
- the size of the specified dimension
public static Operand<U> size (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Operand<U> dim, Class<U> type)
Get the size of the specified dimension in the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
dim | the dimension |
type | the shape datatype |
- the size of the specified dimension
public static Operand<U> size (Scope scope, Operand<T> input, Operand<U> dim, Class<U> type)
Get the size of the specified dimension for the shape of the tensor.
scope | current scope |
input | the operand |
dim | the dimension |
type | the shape datatype |
- the size of the specified dimension
public static Operand<TInt32> squeeze (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape)
Removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
- the squeezed shape
public static Operand<U> squeeze (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Class<U> type)
Removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
type | the shape datatype. |
- the squeezed shape
public static Operand<TInt32> tail (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape)
Creates a 1-dimensional Operand that contains the dimension matching the last dimension of the Shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
- a 1-dimensional Operand that contains the dimension matching the last dimension of the Shape
public static Operand<U> tail (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Class<U> type)
Creates a 1-dimensional Operand that contains the dimension matching the last dimension of * the Shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
type | the shape datatype. |
- a 1-dimensional Operand that contains the dimension matching the last dimension of the Shape
public static Operand<TInt32> take (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape, Operand<TInt32> n)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand with the dimensions matching the first n dimensions of the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
n | the number of leading dimensions to get, must be <= than the shape's numDimensions() |
- a 1-dimensional operand with the dimensions matching the first n dimensions of the shape
public static Operand<U> take (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Operand<U> n, Class<U> type)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand containin the dimensions matching the first n dimensions of the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
n | the number of leading dimensions to get, must be <= than the shape's numDimensions() |
type | the shape datatype. |
- a 1-dimensional operand with the dimensions matching * the first n dimensions of the shape
public static Operand<U> takeLast (Scope scope, Shape<U> shape, Operand<U> n, Class<U> type)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand containing the dimensions matching the last n dimensions of the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
n | the number of leading dimensions to get, must be <= than the shape's numDimensions() |
type | the shape datatype. |
- a 1-dimensional operand containing the dimensions matching the last n dimensions of the shape
public static Operand<TInt32> takeLast (Scope scope, Shape<TInt32> shape, Operand<TInt32> n)
Creates a 1-dimensional operand containing the dimensions matching the last n dimensions of the shape.
scope | current scope |
shape | the TensorFlow shape |
n | the number of leading dimensions to get, must be <= than the shape's numDimensions() |
- a 1-dimensional operand containing the dimensions matching the last n dimensions of the shape