
public final class Quantize

Quantize the 'input' tensor of type float to 'output' tensor of type 'T'.

[min_range, max_range] are scalar floats that specify the range for the 'input' data. The 'mode' attribute controls exactly which calculations are used to convert the float values to their quantized equivalents. The 'round_mode' attribute controls which rounding tie-breaking algorithm is used when rounding float values to their quantized equivalents.

In 'MIN_COMBINED' mode, each value of the tensor will undergo the following:

out[i] = (in[i] - min_range) * range(T) / (max_range - min_range)
 if T == qint8: out[i] -= (range(T) + 1) / 2.0
here `range(T) = numeric_limits::max() - numeric_limits::min()`


Assume the input is type float and has a possible range of [0.0, 6.0] and the output type is quint8 ([0, 255]). The min_range and max_range values should be specified as 0.0 and 6.0. Quantizing from float to quint8 will multiply each value of the input by 255/6 and cast to quint8.

If the output type was qint8 ([-128, 127]), the operation will additionally subtract each value by 128 prior to casting, so that the range of values aligns with the range of qint8.

If the mode is 'MIN_FIRST', then this approach is used:

num_discrete_values = 1 << (# of bits in T)
 range_adjust = num_discrete_values / (num_discrete_values - 1)
 range = (range_max - range_min) * range_adjust
 range_scale = num_discrete_values / range
 quantized = round(input * range_scale) - round(range_min * range_scale) +
 quantized = max(quantized, numeric_limits<T>::min())
 quantized = min(quantized, numeric_limits<T>::max())
The biggest difference between this and MIN_COMBINED is that the minimum range is rounded first, before it's subtracted from the rounded value. With MIN_COMBINED, a small bias is introduced where repeated iterations of quantizing and dequantizing will introduce a larger and larger error.

SCALED mode Example

`SCALED` mode matches the quantization approach used in `QuantizeAndDequantize{V2|V3}`.

If the mode is `SCALED`, the quantization is performed by multiplying each input value by a scaling_factor. The scaling_factor is determined from `min_range` and `max_range` to be as large as possible such that the range from `min_range` to `max_range` is representable within values of type T.

const int min_T = std::numeric_limits<T>::min();
   const int max_T = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
   const float max_float = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
   const float scale_factor_from_min_side =
       (min_T * min_range > 0) ? min_T / min_range : max_float;
   const float scale_factor_from_max_side =
       (max_T * max_range > 0) ? max_T / max_range : max_float;
   const float scale_factor = std::min(scale_factor_from_min_side,
We next use the scale_factor to adjust min_range and max_range as follows:
min_range = min_T / scale_factor;
       max_range = max_T / scale_factor;
e.g. if T = qint8, and initially min_range = -10, and max_range = 9, we would compare -128/-10.0 = 12.8 to 127/9.0 = 14.11, and set scaling_factor = 12.8 In this case, min_range would remain -10, but max_range would be adjusted to 127 / 12.8 = 9.921875

So we will quantize input values in the range (-10, 9.921875) to (-128, 127).

The input tensor can now be quantized by clipping values to the range `min_range` to `max_range`, then multiplying by scale_factor as follows:

result = round(min(max_range, max(min_range, input)) * scale_factor)
The adjusted `min_range` and `max_range` are returned as outputs 2 and 3 of this operation. These outputs should be used as the range for any further calculations.

narrow_range (bool) attribute

If true, we do not use the minimum quantized value. i.e. for int8 the quantized output, it would be restricted to the range -127..127 instead of the full -128..127 range. This is provided for compatibility with certain inference backends. (Only applies to SCALED mode)

axis (int) attribute

An optional `axis` attribute can specify a dimension index of the input tensor, such that quantization ranges will be calculated and applied separately for each slice of the tensor along that dimension. This is useful for per-channel quantization.

If axis is specified, min_range and max_range

if `axis`=None, per-tensor quantization is performed as normal.

ensure_minimum_range (float) attribute

Ensures the minimum quantization range is at least this value. The legacy default value for this is 0.01, but it is strongly suggested to set it to 0 for new uses.

Nested Classes

class Quantize.Options Optional attributes for Quantize  


String OP_NAME The name of this op, as known by TensorFlow core engine

Public Methods

static Quantize.Options
axis(Long axis)
static <T extends TType> Quantize<T>
create(Scope scope, Operand<TFloat32> input, Operand<TFloat32> minRange, Operand<TFloat32> maxRange, Class<T> T, Options... options)
Factory method to create a class wrapping a new Quantize operation.
static Quantize.Options
ensureMinimumRange(Float ensureMinimumRange)
static Quantize.Options
mode(String mode)
static Quantize.Options
narrowRange(Boolean narrowRange)
The quantized data produced from the float input.
The final quantization range maximum, used to clip input values before scaling and rounding them to quantized values.
The final quantization range minimum, used to clip input values before scaling and rounding them to quantized values.
static Quantize.Options
roundMode(String roundMode)

Inherited Methods

final boolean
equals(Object obj)
final int
Return this unit of computation as a single Operation.
final String
equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void
abstract ExecutionEnvironment
Return the execution environment this op was created in.
abstract Operation
Return this unit of computation as a single Operation.


public static final String OP_NAME

The name of this op, as known by TensorFlow core engine

Constant Value: "QuantizeV2"

Public Methods

public static Quantize.Options axis (Long axis)

public static Quantize<T> create (Scope scope, Operand<TFloat32> input, Operand<TFloat32> minRange, Operand<TFloat32> maxRange, Class<T> T, Options... options)

Factory method to create a class wrapping a new Quantize operation.

scope current scope
minRange The minimum value of the quantization range. This value may be adjusted by the op depending on other parameters. The adjusted value is written to `output_min`. If the `axis` attribute is specified, this must be a 1-D tensor whose size matches the `axis` dimension of the input and output tensors.
maxRange The maximum value of the quantization range. This value may be adjusted by the op depending on other parameters. The adjusted value is written to `output_max`. If the `axis` attribute is specified, this must be a 1-D tensor whose size matches the `axis` dimension of the input and output tensors.
options carries optional attributes values
  • a new instance of Quantize

public static Quantize.Options ensureMinimumRange (Float ensureMinimumRange)

public static Quantize.Options mode (String mode)

public static Quantize.Options narrowRange (Boolean narrowRange)

public Output<T> output ()

The quantized data produced from the float input.

public Output<TFloat32> outputMax ()

The final quantization range maximum, used to clip input values before scaling and rounding them to quantized values. If the `axis` attribute is specified, this will be a 1-D tensor whose size matches the `axis` dimension of the input and output tensors.

public Output<TFloat32> outputMin ()

The final quantization range minimum, used to clip input values before scaling and rounding them to quantized values. If the `axis` attribute is specified, this will be a 1-D tensor whose size matches the `axis` dimension of the input and output tensors.

public static Quantize.Options roundMode (String roundMode)