
public class MeanSquaredError

Computes the mean of squares of errors between labels and predictions.

loss = loss = square(labels - predictions)

Standalone usage:

    Operand<TFloat32> labels =
        tf.constant(new float[][] { {0.f, 1.f}, {0.f, 0.f} });
    Operand<TFloat32> predictions =
        tf.constant(new float[][] { {1.f, 1.f}, {1.f, 0.f} });
    MeanSquaredError mse = new MeanSquaredError(tf);
    Operand<TFloat32> result =, predictions);
    // produces 0.5f

Calling with sample weight:

    Operand<TFloat32> sampleWeight = tf.constant(new float[] {0.7f, 0.3f});
    Operand<TFloat32> result =, predictions, sampleWeight);
    // produces 0.25f

Using SUM reduction type:

    MeanSquaredError mse = new MeanSquaredError(tf, Reduction.SUM);
    Operand<TFloat32> result =, predictions);
    // produces 1.0f

Using NONE reduction type:

    MeanSquaredError mse = new MeanSquaredError(tf, Reduction.NONE);
    Operand<TFloat32> result =, predictions);
    // produces [0.5f, 0.5f]

Inherited Fields

Public Constructors

MeanSquaredError(Ops tf)
Creates a MeanSquaredError Loss using getSimpleName() as the loss name and a Loss Reduction of REDUCTION_DEFAULT
MeanSquaredError(Ops tf, Reduction reduction)
Creates a MeanSquaredError Loss using getSimpleName() as the loss name
MeanSquaredError(Ops tf, String name, Reduction reduction)
Creates a MeanSquaredError

Public Methods

<T extends TNumber> Operand<T>
call(Operand<? extends TNumber> labels, Operand<T> predictions, Operand<T> sampleWeights)
Generates an Operand that calculates the loss.

Inherited Methods

Public Constructors

public MeanSquaredError (Ops tf)

Creates a MeanSquaredError Loss using getSimpleName() as the loss name and a Loss Reduction of REDUCTION_DEFAULT

tf the TensorFlow Ops

public MeanSquaredError (Ops tf, Reduction reduction)

Creates a MeanSquaredError Loss using getSimpleName() as the loss name

tf the TensorFlow Ops
reduction Type of Reduction to apply to the loss.

public MeanSquaredError (Ops tf, String name, Reduction reduction)

Creates a MeanSquaredError

tf the TensorFlow Ops
name the name of the loss
reduction Type of Reduction to apply to the loss.

Public Methods

public Operand<T> call (Operand<? extends TNumber> labels, Operand<T> predictions, Operand<T> sampleWeights)

Generates an Operand that calculates the loss.

labels the truth values or labels
predictions the predictions
sampleWeights Optional sampleWeights acts as a coefficient for the loss. If a scalar is provided, then the loss is simply scaled by the given value. If SampleWeights is a tensor of size [batch_size], then the total loss for each sample of the batch is rescaled by the corresponding element in the SampleWeights vector. If the shape of SampleWeights is [batch_size, d0, .. dN-1] (or can be broadcast to this shape), then each loss element of predictions is scaled by the corresponding value of SampleWeights. (Note on dN-1: all loss functions reduce by 1 dimension, usually axis=-1.)
  • the loss