
public final class Constant

An operator producing a constant value.

All endpoints of this operator are named `constant`, except those accepting vararg elements in parameter, which are named `array`. For example:

Ops tf = Ops.create();
 tf.constant(1.0f);  // mapped to Constant.scalarOf(scope, float);
 tf.constant(new float[] {1.0f, 2.0f);  // mapped to Constant.vectorOf(scope, float[])
 tf.constant(new float[][] { {1.0f, 2.0f}, {3.0f, 4.0f} });  //mapped to Constant.tensorOf(scope, float[][])
 tf.array(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);  // mapped to Constant.arrayOf(scope, float...)

Public Methods

static Constant<TString>
arrayOf(Scope scope, Charset charset, String... data)
Creates a constant of String elements, using the given charset.
static Constant<TInt32>
arrayOf(Scope scope, int... data)
Creates a constant of int elements.
static Constant<TInt64>
arrayOf(Scope scope, long... data)
Creates a constant of long elements.
static Constant<TString>
arrayOf(Scope scope, String... data)
Creates a constant of String elements, using the default UTF-8 charset.
static Constant<TUint8>
arrayOf(Scope scope, byte... data)
Creates a constant of byte elements.
static Constant<TFloat32>
arrayOf(Scope scope, float... data)
Creates a constant of float elements.
static Constant<TBool>
arrayOf(Scope scope, boolean... data)
Creates a constant of boolean elements.
static Constant<TFloat64>
arrayOf(Scope scope, double... data)
Creates a constant of double elements.
Returns the symbolic handle of the tensor.
static <T extends TType> Constant<T>
create(Scope scope, T tensor)
Create a constant by making an immutable copy of tensor.
static Constant<TFloat32>
scalarOf(Scope scope, float data)
Creates a constant containing a single float element.
static Constant<TUint8>
scalarOf(Scope scope, byte data)
Creates a constant containing a single byte element.
static Constant<TString>
scalarOf(Scope scope, Charset charset, String data)
Creates a String constant using a specified encoding.
static Constant<TFloat64>
scalarOf(Scope scope, double data)
Creates a constant containing a single double element.
static Constant<TInt32>
scalarOf(Scope scope, int data)
Creates a constant containing a single int element.
static Constant<TBool>
scalarOf(Scope scope, boolean data)
Creates a constant containing a single boolean element.
static Constant<TString>
scalarOf(Scope scope, String data)
Creates a String constant using the default, UTF-8 encoding.
static Constant<TInt64>
scalarOf(Scope scope, long data)
Creates a constant containing a single long element.
static Constant<TBool>
tensorOf(Scope scope, boolean[][][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-6 constant of boolean elements.
static Constant<TFloat64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, double[][][] data)
Creates a rank-3 constant of double elements.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, String[][][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-6 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.
static Constant<TUint8>
tensorOf(Scope scope, byte[][][][] data)
Creates a rank-4 constant of byte elements.
static Constant<TInt32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, int[][] data)
Creates a rank-2 constant of int elements.
static Constant<TInt32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Shape shape, IntDataBuffer data)
Create a TInt32 constant with data from the given buffer.
static Constant<TInt64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, long[][] data)
Creates a rank-2 constant of long elements.
static Constant<TInt64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Shape shape, LongDataBuffer data)
Create a TInt64 constant with data from the given buffer.
static Constant<TFloat32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, float[][][][] data)
Creates a rank-4 constant of float elements.
static Constant<TBool>
tensorOf(Scope scope, boolean[][][] data)
Creates a rank-3 constant of boolean elements.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, String[][][] data)
Creates a rank-3 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.
static Constant<TInt64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, long[][][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-6 constant of long elements.
static Constant<TInt64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, long[][][][] data)
Creates a rank-4 constant of long elements.
static Constant<TInt32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, int[][][] data)
Creates a rank-3 constant of int elements.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Shape shape, DataBuffer<String> data)
Create a TString constant with data from the given buffer, using the default UTF-8 encoding.
static Constant<TBool>
tensorOf(Scope scope, boolean[][] data)
Creates a rank-2 constant of boolean elements.
static Constant<TInt32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, int[][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-5 constant of int elements.
static Constant<TFloat64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, DoubleNdArray data)
Creates a constant of double elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Charset charset, NdArray<String> data)
Creates a constant of String elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array, using the given encoding.
static <T extends TType> Constant<T>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Class<T> type, Shape shape, ByteDataBuffer data)
Create a constant with data from the given buffer.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Charset charset, Shape shape, DataBuffer<String> data)
Create a TString constant with data from the given buffer, using the given encoding.
static Constant<TFloat64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, double[][][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-6 constant of double elements.
static Constant<TFloat32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, FloatNdArray data)
Creates a constant of float elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.
static Constant<TBool>
tensorOf(Scope scope, boolean[][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-5 constant of boolean elements.
static <T extends TNumber> Constant<T>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Class<T> type, Number number)
Creates a scalar of type, with the value of number.
static Constant<TUint8>
tensorOf(Scope scope, ByteNdArray data)
Creates a constant of byte elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.
static Constant<TBool>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Shape shape, BooleanDataBuffer data)
Create a TBool constant with data from the given buffer.
static Constant<TFloat32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, float[][] data)
Creates a rank-2 constant of float elements.
static Constant<TUint8>
tensorOf(Scope scope, byte[][] data)
Creates a rank-2 constant of byte elements.
static Constant<TFloat32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Shape shape, FloatDataBuffer data)
Create a TFloat32 constant with data from the given buffer.
static Constant<TBool>
tensorOf(Scope scope, BooleanNdArray data)
Creates a constant of boolean elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.
static Constant<TInt64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Shape shape)
Creates a rank-1 constant of long elements representing the size of each dimensions of the given shape.
static Constant<TFloat32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, float[][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-5 constant of float elements.
static Constant<TUint8>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Shape shape, ByteDataBuffer data)
Create a TUint8 constant with data from the given buffer.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, NdArray<String> data)
Creates a constant of String elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array, using the default UTF-8 encoding.
static Constant<TUint8>
tensorOf(Scope scope, byte[][][] data)
Creates a rank-3 constant of byte elements.
static Constant<TFloat64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, double[][] data)
Creates a rank-2 constant of double elements.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, String[][] data)
Creates a rank-2 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.
static Constant<TFloat64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, Shape shape, DoubleDataBuffer data)
Create a TFloat64 constant with data from the given buffer.
static Constant<TInt64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, long[][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-5 constant of long elements.
static Constant<TBool>
tensorOf(Scope scope, boolean[][][][] data)
Creates a rank-4 constant of boolean elements.
static Constant<TFloat32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, float[][][] data)
Creates a rank-3 constant of float elements.
static Constant<TUint8>
tensorOf(Scope scope, byte[][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-5 constant of byte elements.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, String[][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-5 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.
static Constant<TInt64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, long[][][] data)
Creates a rank-3 constant of long elements.
static Constant<TUint8>
tensorOf(Scope scope, byte[][][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-6 constant of byte elements.
static Constant<TFloat32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, float[][][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-6 constant of float elements.
static Constant<TInt32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, int[][][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-6 constant of int elements.
static Constant<TInt32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, IntNdArray data)
Creates a constant of int elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.
static Constant<TInt32>
tensorOf(Scope scope, int[][][][] data)
Creates a rank-4 constant of int elements.
static Constant<TFloat64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, double[][][][][] data)
Creates a rank-5 constant of double elements.
static Constant<TInt64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, LongNdArray data)
Creates a constant of long elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.
static Constant<TString>
tensorOf(Scope scope, String[][][][] data)
Creates a rank-4 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.
static Constant<TFloat64>
tensorOf(Scope scope, double[][][][] data)
Creates a rank-4 constant of double elements.
static <T extends TNumber> Constant<T>
tensorOfSameType(Scope scope, Operand<T> toMatch, Number number)
Creates a scalar of the same type as toMatch, with the value of number.
static Constant<TUint8>
vectorOf(Scope scope, byte[] data)
Creates a rank-1 constant of byte elements.
static Constant<TInt64>
vectorOf(Scope scope, long[] data)
Creates a rank-1 constant of long elements.
static Constant<TFloat64>
vectorOf(Scope scope, double[] data)
Creates a rank-1 constant of double elements.
static Constant<TInt32>
vectorOf(Scope scope, int[] data)
Creates a rank-1 constant of int elements.
static Constant<TString>
vectorOf(Scope scope, Charset charset, String[] data)
Creates a constant of String elements, using the given charset.
static Constant<TFloat32>
vectorOf(Scope scope, float[] data)
Creates a rank-1 constant of float elements.
static Constant<TBool>
vectorOf(Scope scope, boolean[] data)
Creates a rank-1 constant of boolean elements.
static Constant<TString>
vectorOf(Scope scope, String[] data)
Creates a rank-1 constant of String elements.

Inherited Methods

final boolean
equals(Object obj)
final int
Return this unit of computation as a single Operation.
final String
equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void
abstract ExecutionEnvironment
Return the execution environment this op was created in.
abstract Operation
Return this unit of computation as a single Operation.
abstract Output<T>
Returns the symbolic handle of the tensor.
abstract T
Returns the tensor at this operand.
abstract Shape
Returns the (possibly partially known) shape of the tensor referred to by the Output of this operand.
abstract Class<T>
Returns the tensor type of this operand
abstract int
abstract Shape
abstract long
Computes and returns the total size of this container, in number of values.

Public Methods

public static Constant<TString> arrayOf (Scope scope, Charset charset, String... data)

Creates a constant of String elements, using the given charset.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
charset charset for encoding/decoding strings bytes.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. String elements are sequences of bytes from the last array dimension.
  • the String constant

public static Constant<TInt32> arrayOf (Scope scope, int... data)

Creates a constant of int elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TInt64> arrayOf (Scope scope, long... data)

Creates a constant of long elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TString> arrayOf (Scope scope, String... data)

Creates a constant of String elements, using the default UTF-8 charset.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.
  • the String constant

public static Constant<TUint8> arrayOf (Scope scope, byte... data)

Creates a constant of byte elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TFloat32> arrayOf (Scope scope, float... data)

Creates a constant of float elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TBool> arrayOf (Scope scope, boolean... data)

Creates a constant of boolean elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<TFloat64> arrayOf (Scope scope, double... data)

Creates a constant of double elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.
  • a double constant

public Output<T> asOutput ()

Returns the symbolic handle of the tensor.

Inputs to TensorFlow operations are outputs of another TensorFlow operation. This method is used to obtain a symbolic handle that represents the computation of the input.

public static Constant<T> create (Scope scope, T tensor)

Create a constant by making an immutable copy of tensor. tensor may be closed afterwards without issue.

Note: this endpoint cannot be simply called constant since it will conflict with other endpoints accepting an NdArray in parameter {e.g. tensorOf(Scope, FloatNdArray)}.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
tensor a Tensor holding the constant value
  • a constant of the same data type as `tensor`

public static Constant<TFloat32> scalarOf (Scope scope, float data)

Creates a constant containing a single float element.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data The value to put into the new constant.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TUint8> scalarOf (Scope scope, byte data)

Creates a constant containing a single byte element.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data The value to put into the new constant.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TString> scalarOf (Scope scope, Charset charset, String data)

Creates a String constant using a specified encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
charset The encoding from String to bytes.
data The string to put into the new constant.
  • a string constant

public static Constant<TFloat64> scalarOf (Scope scope, double data)

Creates a constant containing a single double element.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data The value to put into the new constant.
  • a double constant

public static Constant<TInt32> scalarOf (Scope scope, int data)

Creates a constant containing a single int element.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data The value to put into the new constant.
  • an integer constant

public static Constant<TBool> scalarOf (Scope scope, boolean data)

Creates a constant containing a single boolean element.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data The value to put into the new constant.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<TString> scalarOf (Scope scope, String data)

Creates a String constant using the default, UTF-8 encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data The string to put into the new constant.
  • a string constant

public static Constant<TInt64> scalarOf (Scope scope, long data)

Creates a constant containing a single long element.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data The value to put into the new constant.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TBool> tensorOf (Scope scope, boolean[][][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-6 constant of boolean elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<TFloat64> tensorOf (Scope scope, double[][][] data)

Creates a rank-3 constant of double elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a double constant

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, String[][][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-6 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.

public static Constant<TUint8> tensorOf (Scope scope, byte[][][][] data)

Creates a rank-4 constant of byte elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TInt32> tensorOf (Scope scope, int[][] data)

Creates a rank-2 constant of int elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • an integer constant

public static Constant<TInt32> tensorOf (Scope scope, Shape shape, IntDataBuffer data)

Create a TInt32 constant with data from the given buffer.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • an integer constant
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TInt64> tensorOf (Scope scope, long[][] data)

Creates a rank-2 constant of long elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TInt64> tensorOf (Scope scope, Shape shape, LongDataBuffer data)

Create a TInt64 constant with data from the given buffer.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • a long constant
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TFloat32> tensorOf (Scope scope, float[][][][] data)

Creates a rank-4 constant of float elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TBool> tensorOf (Scope scope, boolean[][][] data)

Creates a rank-3 constant of boolean elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, String[][][] data)

Creates a rank-3 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.

public static Constant<TInt64> tensorOf (Scope scope, long[][][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-6 constant of long elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TInt64> tensorOf (Scope scope, long[][][][] data)

Creates a rank-4 constant of long elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TInt32> tensorOf (Scope scope, int[][][] data)

Creates a rank-3 constant of int elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • an integer constant

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, Shape shape, DataBuffer<String> data)

Create a TString constant with data from the given buffer, using the default UTF-8 encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • a string constant
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TBool> tensorOf (Scope scope, boolean[][] data)

Creates a rank-2 constant of boolean elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<TInt32> tensorOf (Scope scope, int[][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-5 constant of int elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • an integer constant

public static Constant<TFloat64> tensorOf (Scope scope, DoubleNdArray data)

Creates a constant of double elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data an n-dimensional array of double elements.
  • a double constant

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, Charset charset, NdArray<String> data)

Creates a constant of String elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array, using the given encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
charset charset used to encode/decode string bytes.
data an n-dimensional array of String elements.
  • a string constant

public static Constant<T> tensorOf (Scope scope, Class<T> type, Shape shape, ByteDataBuffer data)

Create a constant with data from the given buffer.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
type the tensor type class
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • a constant of type `type`
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor datatype or shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, Charset charset, Shape shape, DataBuffer<String> data)

Create a TString constant with data from the given buffer, using the given encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
charset charset used to encode/decode string bytes.
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • a string constant
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TFloat64> tensorOf (Scope scope, double[][][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-6 constant of double elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a double constant

public static Constant<TFloat32> tensorOf (Scope scope, FloatNdArray data)

Creates a constant of float elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data an n-dimensional array of float elements.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TBool> tensorOf (Scope scope, boolean[][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-5 constant of boolean elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<T> tensorOf (Scope scope, Class<T> type, Number number)

Creates a scalar of type, with the value of number. number may be truncated if it does not fit in the target type.

type the type of tensor to create. Must be concrete (i.e. not TFloating)
number the value of the tensor
  • a constant of the passed type
IllegalArgumentException if the type is abstract (i.e. TFloating) or unknown.

public static Constant<TUint8> tensorOf (Scope scope, ByteNdArray data)

Creates a constant of byte elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data an n-dimensional array of byte elements.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TBool> tensorOf (Scope scope, Shape shape, BooleanDataBuffer data)

Create a TBool constant with data from the given buffer.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • an boolean constant
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TFloat32> tensorOf (Scope scope, float[][] data)

Creates a rank-2 constant of float elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TUint8> tensorOf (Scope scope, byte[][] data)

Creates a rank-2 constant of byte elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TFloat32> tensorOf (Scope scope, Shape shape, FloatDataBuffer data)

Create a TFloat32 constant with data from the given buffer.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • a float constant
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TBool> tensorOf (Scope scope, BooleanNdArray data)

Creates a constant of boolean elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data an n-dimensional array of boolean elements.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<TInt64> tensorOf (Scope scope, Shape shape)

Creates a rank-1 constant of long elements representing the size of each dimensions of the given shape.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
shape a shape
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TFloat32> tensorOf (Scope scope, float[][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-5 constant of float elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TUint8> tensorOf (Scope scope, Shape shape, ByteDataBuffer data)

Create a TUint8 constant with data from the given buffer.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • a byte constant
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, NdArray<String> data)

Creates a constant of String elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array, using the default UTF-8 encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data an n-dimensional array of String elements.
  • a string constant

public static Constant<TUint8> tensorOf (Scope scope, byte[][][] data)

Creates a rank-3 constant of byte elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TFloat64> tensorOf (Scope scope, double[][] data)

Creates a rank-2 constant of double elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a double constant

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, String[][] data)

Creates a rank-2 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.

public static Constant<TFloat64> tensorOf (Scope scope, Shape shape, DoubleDataBuffer data)

Create a TFloat64 constant with data from the given buffer.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
shape the tensor shape.
data a buffer containing the tensor data.
  • a double constant
IllegalArgumentException If the tensor shape is not compatible with the buffer

public static Constant<TInt64> tensorOf (Scope scope, long[][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-5 constant of long elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TBool> tensorOf (Scope scope, boolean[][][][] data)

Creates a rank-4 constant of boolean elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<TFloat32> tensorOf (Scope scope, float[][][] data)

Creates a rank-3 constant of float elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TUint8> tensorOf (Scope scope, byte[][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-5 constant of byte elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, String[][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-5 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.

public static Constant<TInt64> tensorOf (Scope scope, long[][][] data)

Creates a rank-3 constant of long elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TUint8> tensorOf (Scope scope, byte[][][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-6 constant of byte elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TFloat32> tensorOf (Scope scope, float[][][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-6 constant of float elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TInt32> tensorOf (Scope scope, int[][][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-6 constant of int elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • an integer constant

public static Constant<TInt32> tensorOf (Scope scope, IntNdArray data)

Creates a constant of int elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data an n-dimensional array of int elements.
  • an integer constant

public static Constant<TInt32> tensorOf (Scope scope, int[][][][] data)

Creates a rank-4 constant of int elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • an integer constant

public static Constant<TFloat64> tensorOf (Scope scope, double[][][][][] data)

Creates a rank-5 constant of double elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a double constant

public static Constant<TInt64> tensorOf (Scope scope, LongNdArray data)

Creates a constant of long elements that is a copy of a given n-dimensional array.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data an n-dimensional array of long elements.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TString> tensorOf (Scope scope, String[][][][] data)

Creates a rank-4 constant of String elements, using default UTF-8 encoding.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.

public static Constant<TFloat64> tensorOf (Scope scope, double[][][][] data)

Creates a rank-4 constant of double elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a double constant

public static Constant<T> tensorOfSameType (Scope scope, Operand<T> toMatch, Number number)

Creates a scalar of the same type as toMatch, with the value of number. number may be truncated if it does not fit in the target type.

toMatch the operand providing the target type
number the value of the tensor
  • a constant with the same type as toMatch
IllegalArgumentException if the type is unknown (which should be impossible).

public static Constant<TUint8> vectorOf (Scope scope, byte[] data)

Creates a rank-1 constant of byte elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a byte constant

public static Constant<TInt64> vectorOf (Scope scope, long[] data)

Creates a rank-1 constant of long elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a long constant

public static Constant<TFloat64> vectorOf (Scope scope, double[] data)

Creates a rank-1 constant of double elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a double constant

public static Constant<TInt32> vectorOf (Scope scope, int[] data)

Creates a rank-1 constant of int elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • an integer constant

public static Constant<TString> vectorOf (Scope scope, Charset charset, String[] data)

Creates a constant of String elements, using the given charset.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
charset charset for encoding/decoding strings bytes.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. String elements are sequences of bytes from the last array dimension.
  • the String constant

public static Constant<TFloat32> vectorOf (Scope scope, float[] data)

Creates a rank-1 constant of float elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a float constant

public static Constant<TBool> vectorOf (Scope scope, boolean[] data)

Creates a rank-1 constant of boolean elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant. The dimensions of the new constant will match those of the array.
  • a boolean constant

public static Constant<TString> vectorOf (Scope scope, String[] data)

Creates a rank-1 constant of String elements.

scope is a scope used to add the underlying operation.
data An array containing the values to put into the new constant.