
interface pública MetaGraphDefOrBuilder
Subclasses indiretas conhecidas

Métodos Públicos

booleano abstrato
contémCollectionDef (chave de string)
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
booleano abstrato
contémSignatureDef (chave de string)
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
resumo AssetFileDef
getAssetFileDef (índice interno)
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
abstrato int
getAssetFileDefCount ()
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
Lista abstrata <AssetFileDef>
getAssetFileDefList ()
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
AssetFileDefOrBuilder abstrato
getAssetFileDefOrBuilder (índice interno)
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
lista abstrata<? estende AssetFileDefOrBuilder >
getAssetFileDefOrBuilderList ()
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
mapa abstrato<String, CollectionDef >
abstrato int
getCollectionDefCount ()
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
mapa abstrato<String, CollectionDef >
getCollectionDefMap ()
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
Coleção abstrataDef
getCollectionDefOrDefault (chave de string, CollectionDef defaultValue)
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
Coleção abstrataDef
getCollectionDefOrThrow (chave de string)
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
resumo GraphDef
getGraphDef ()
resumo GraphDefOrBuilder
getGraphDefOrBuilder ()
resumo MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef
getMetaInfoDef ()
.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;
abstrato MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDefOrBuilder
getMetaInfoDefOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;
resumo SavedObjectGraph
getObjectGraphDef ()
 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
abstrato SavedObjectGraphOrBuilder
getObjectGraphDefOrBuilder ()
 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
Resumo SaverDef
getSaverDef ()
Resumo SaverDefOrBuilder
getSaverDefOrBuilder ()
mapa abstrato<String, SignatureDef >
abstrato int
getSignatureDefCount ()
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
mapa abstrato<String, SignatureDef >
getSignatureDefMap ()
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
assinatura abstrataDef
getSignatureDefOrDefault (chave de string, SignatureDef defaultValue)
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
assinatura abstrataDef
getSignatureDefOrThrow (chave de string)
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
booleano abstrato
hasGraphDef ()
booleano abstrato
hasMetaInfoDef ()
.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;
booleano abstrato
hasObjectGraphDef ()
 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
booleano abstrato
hasSaverDef ()

Métodos Públicos

público abstrato booleano contémCollectionDef (chave String)

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

público abstrato booleano contémSignatureDef (chave String)

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

público abstrato AssetFileDef getAssetFileDef (índice int)

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

público abstrato int getAssetFileDefCount ()

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

Lista abstrata pública< AssetFileDef > getAssetFileDefList ()

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

público abstrato AssetFileDefOrBuilder getAssetFileDefOrBuilder (índice int)

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

lista abstrata pública<? estende AssetFileDefOrBuilder > getAssetFileDefOrBuilderList ()

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

público abstrato Map<String, CollectionDef > getCollectionDef ()

Use getCollectionDefMap() em vez disso.

público abstrato int getCollectionDefCount ()

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

público abstrato Map<String, CollectionDef > getCollectionDefMap ()

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

público abstrato CollectionDef getCollectionDefOrDefault (chave String, CollectionDef defaultValue)

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

público abstrato CollectionDef getCollectionDefOrThrow (chave String)

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

público abstrato GraphDef getGraphDef ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef graph_def = 2;

público abstrato GraphDefOrBuilder getGraphDefOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef graph_def = 2;

resumo público MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef getMetaInfoDef ()

.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;

público abstrato MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDefOrBuilder getMetaInfoDefOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;

resumo público SavedObjectGraph getObjectGraphDef ()

 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
.tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph object_graph_def = 7;

resumo público SavedObjectGraphOrBuilder getObjectGraphDefOrBuilder ()

 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
.tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph object_graph_def = 7;

público abstrato SaverDef getSaverDef ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef saver_def = 3;

público abstrato SaverDefOrBuilder getSaverDefOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef saver_def = 3;

mapa abstrato público<String, SignatureDef > getSignatureDef ()

Use getSignatureDefMap() em vez disso.

resumo público int getSignatureDefCount ()

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

público abstrato Map<String, SignatureDef > getSignatureDefMap ()

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

público abstrato SignatureDef getSignatureDefOrDefault (chave String, SignatureDef defaultValue)

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

público abstrato SignatureDef getSignatureDefOrThrow (chave String)

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

público abstrato booleano hasGraphDef ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef graph_def = 2;

público abstrato booleano hasMetaInfoDef ()

.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;

público abstrato booleano hasObjectGraphDef ()

 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
.tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph object_graph_def = 7;

público abstrato booleano hasSaverDef ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef saver_def = 3;