A TensorFlow computation, represented as a dataflow graph.
View aliases
Compat aliases for migration
See Migration guide for more details.
, `tf.compat.v2.Graph`
A Graph
contains a set of
which represent units of computation; and
objects, which represent
the units of data that flow between operations.
A default Graph
is always registered, and accessible by calling
To add an operation to the default graph, simply call one of the functions
that defines a new Operation
c = tf.constant(4.0)
assert c.graph is tf.compat.v1.get_default_graph()
Another typical usage involves the
context manager, which overrides the current default graph for the
lifetime of the context:
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
# Define operations and tensors in `g`.
c = tf.constant(30.0)
assert c.graph is g
Important note: This class is not thread-safe for graph construction. All operations should be created from a single thread, or external synchronization must be provided. Unless otherwise specified, all methods are not thread-safe.
A Graph
instance supports an arbitrary number of "collections"
that are identified by name. For convenience when building a large
graph, collections can store groups of related objects: for
example, the tf.Variable
uses a collection (named
) for
all variables that are created during the construction of a graph. The caller
may define additional collections by specifying a new name.
Attributes | |
Returns True iff this graph represents a function. |
Returns the names of the collections known to this graph. |
True if this graph has been finalized. |
The GraphDef version information of this graph.
For details on the meaning of each version, see
The graph-level random seed of this graph. |
Returns a version number that increases as ops are added to the graph.
Note that this is unrelated to the
name, value
Stores value
in the collection with the given name
Note that collections are not sets, so it is possible to add a value to a collection several times.
Args | |
The key for the collection. The GraphKeys class contains many
standard names for collections.
The value to add to the collection. |
names, value
Stores value
in the collections given by names
Note that collections are not sets, so it is possible to add a value to
a collection several times. This function makes sure that duplicates in
are ignored, but it will not check for pre-existing membership of
in any of the collections in names
can be any iterable, but if names
is a string, it is treated as a
single collection name.
Args | |
The keys for the collections to add to. The GraphKeys class
contains many standard names for collections.
The value to add to the collections. |
Returns a context manager that makes this Graph
the default graph.
This method should be used if you want to create multiple graphs in the same process. For convenience, a global default graph is provided, and all ops will be added to this graph if you do not create a new graph explicitly.
Use this method with the with
keyword to specify that ops created within
the scope of a block should be added to this graph. In this case, once
the scope of the with
is exited, the previous default graph is set again
as default. There is a stack, so it's ok to have multiple nested levels
of as_default
The default graph is a property of the current thread. If you
create a new thread, and wish to use the default graph in that
thread, you must explicitly add a with g.as_default():
in that
thread's function.
The following code examples are equivalent:
# 1. Using Graph.as_default():
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
c = tf.constant(5.0)
assert c.graph is g
# 2. Constructing and making default:
with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
c = tf.constant(5.0)
assert c.graph is g
If eager execution is enabled ops created under this context manager will be added to the graph instead of executed eagerly.
Returns | |
A context manager for using this graph as the default graph. |
from_version=None, add_shapes=False
Returns a serialized GraphDef
representation of this graph.
The serialized GraphDef
can be imported into another Graph
(using tf.import_graph_def
) or used with the
C++ Session API.
This method is thread-safe.
Args | |
Optional. If this is set, returns a GraphDef containing
only the nodes that were added to this graph since its version
property had the given value.
If true, adds an "_output_shapes" list attr to each node with the inferred shapes of each of its outputs. |
Returns | |
protocol buffer.
Raises | |
If the graph_def would be too large.
obj, allow_tensor=True, allow_operation=True
Returns the object referred to by obj
, as an Operation
or Tensor
This function validates that obj
represents an element of this
graph, and gives an informative error message if it is not.
This function is the canonical way to get/validate an object of one of the allowed types from an external argument reference in the Session API.
This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.
Args | |
A Tensor , an Operation , or the name of a tensor or operation. Can
also be any object with an _as_graph_element() method that returns a
value of one of these types. Note: _as_graph_element will be called
inside the graph's lock and so may not modify the graph.
If true, obj may refer to a Tensor .
If true, obj may refer to an Operation .
Returns | |
The Tensor or Operation in the Graph corresponding to obj .
Raises | |
If obj is not a type we support attempting to convert
to types.
If obj is of an appropriate type but invalid. For
example, an invalid string.
If obj is not an object in the graph.
Clears all values in a collection.
Args | |
The key for the collection. The GraphKeys class contains many
standard names for collections.
colocate_with( op, ignore_existing=False )
Returns a context manager that specifies an op to colocate with.
For example:
a = tf.Variable([1.0])
with g.colocate_with(a):
b = tf.constant(1.0)
c = tf.add(a, b)
and c
will always be colocated with a
, no matter where a
is eventually placed.
If op
is None
then ignore_existing
must be True
and the new
scope resets all colocation and device constraints.
Args | |
The op to colocate all created ops with, or None .
If true, only applies colocation of this op within the
context, rather than applying all colocation properties on the stack.
If op is None , this value must be True .
Raises | |
if op is None but ignore_existing is False. |
A context manager that specifies the op with which to colocate newly created ops.
container( container_name )
Returns a context manager that specifies the resource container to use.
Stateful operations, such as variables and queues, can maintain their
states on devices so that they can be shared by multiple processes.
A resource container is a string name under which these stateful
operations are tracked. These resources can be released or cleared
with tf.Session.reset()
For example:
with g.container('experiment0'):
# All stateful Operations constructed in this context will be placed
# in resource container "experiment0".
v1 = tf.Variable([1.0])
v2 = tf.Variable([2.0])
with g.container("experiment1"):
# All stateful Operations constructed in this context will be
# placed in resource container "experiment1".
v3 = tf.Variable([3.0])
q1 = tf.queue.FIFOQueue(10, tf.float32)
# All stateful Operations constructed in this context will be
# be created in the "experiment0".
v4 = tf.Variable([4.0])
q1 = tf.queue.FIFOQueue(20, tf.float32)
with g.container(""):
# All stateful Operations constructed in this context will be
# be placed in the default resource container.
v5 = tf.Variable([5.0])
q3 = tf.queue.FIFOQueue(30, tf.float32)
# Resets container "experiment0", after which the state of v1, v2, v4, q1
# will become undefined (such as uninitialized).
tf.Session.reset(target, ["experiment0"])
Args | |
container name string. |
Returns | |
A context manager for defining resource containers for stateful ops, yields the container name. |
Returns a context manager that specifies control dependencies.
Use with the with
keyword to specify that all operations constructed
within the context should have control dependencies on
. For example:
with g.control_dependencies([a, b, c]):
# `d` and `e` will only run after `a`, `b`, and `c` have executed.
d = ...
e = ...
Multiple calls to control_dependencies()
can be nested, and in
that case a new Operation
will have control dependencies on the union
of control_inputs
from all active contexts.
with g.control_dependencies([a, b]):
# Ops constructed here run after `a` and `b`.
with g.control_dependencies([c, d]):
# Ops constructed here run after `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d`.
You can pass None to clear the control dependencies:
with g.control_dependencies([a, b]):
# Ops constructed here run after `a` and `b`.
with g.control_dependencies(None):
# Ops constructed here run normally, not waiting for either `a` or `b`.
with g.control_dependencies([c, d]):
# Ops constructed here run after `c` and `d`, also not waiting
# for either `a` or `b`.
def my_func(pred, tensor):
t = tf.matmul(tensor, tensor)
with tf.control_dependencies([pred]):
# The matmul op is created outside the context, so no control
# dependency will be added.
return t
def my_func(pred, tensor):
with tf.control_dependencies([pred]):
# The matmul op is created in the context, so a control dependency
# will be added.
return tf.matmul(tensor, tensor)
Also note that though execution of ops created under this scope will trigger execution of the dependencies, the ops created under this scope might still be pruned from a normal tensorflow graph. For example, in the following snippet of code the dependencies are never executed:
loss = model.loss()
with tf.control_dependencies(dependencies):
loss = loss + tf.constant(1) # note: dependencies ignored in the
# backward pass
return tf.gradients(loss, model.variables)
This is because evaluating the gradient graph does not require evaluating the constant(1) op created in the forward pass.
Args | |
A list of Operation or Tensor objects which must be
executed or computed before running the operations defined in the
context. Can also be None to clear the control dependencies.
Returns | |
A context manager that specifies control dependencies for all operations constructed within the context. |
Raises | |
If control_inputs is not a list of Operation or
Tensor objects.
op_type, inputs, dtypes=None, input_types=None, name=None, attrs=None,
op_def=None, compute_shapes=True, compute_device=True
Creates an Operation
in this graph. (deprecated arguments)
This is a low-level interface for creating an Operation
. Most
programs will not call this method directly, and instead use the
Python op constructors, such as tf.constant()
, which add ops to
the default graph.
Args | |
The Operation type to create. This corresponds to the
OpDef.name field for the proto that defines the operation.
A list of Tensor objects that will be inputs to the Operation .
(Optional) A list of DType objects that will be the types of the
tensors that the operation produces.
(Optional.) A list of DType s that will be the types of the
tensors that the operation consumes. By default, uses the base DType
of each input in inputs . Operations that expect reference-typed inputs
must specify input_types explicitly.
(Optional.) A string name for the operation. If not specified, a
name is generated based on op_type .
(Optional.) A dictionary where the key is the attribute name (a
string) and the value is the respective attr attribute of the
NodeDef proto that will represent the operation (an AttrValue
(Optional.) The OpDef proto that describes the op_type that
the operation will have.
(Optional.) Deprecated. Has no effect (shapes are always computed). |
(Optional.) If True, device functions will be executed to compute the device property of the Operation. |
Raises | |
if any of the inputs is not a Tensor .
if colocation conflicts with existing device assignment. |
Returns | |
An Operation object.
device( device_name_or_function )
Returns a context manager that specifies the default device to use.
The device_name_or_function
argument may either be a device name
string, a device function, or None:
- If it is a device name string, all operations constructed in
this context will be assigned to the device with that name, unless
overridden by a nested
context. - If it is a function, it will be treated as a function from Operation objects to device name strings, and invoked each time a new Operation is created. The Operation will be assigned to the device with the returned name.
- If it is None, all
invocations from the enclosing context will be ignored.
For information about the valid syntax of device name strings, see
the documentation in
For example:
with g.device('/device:GPU:0'):
# All operations constructed in this context will be placed
# on GPU 0.
with g.device(None):
# All operations constructed in this context will have no
# assigned device.
# Defines a function from `Operation` to device string.
def matmul_on_gpu(n):
if n.type == "MatMul":
return "/device:GPU:0"
return "/cpu:0"
with g.device(matmul_on_gpu):
# All operations of type "MatMul" constructed in this context
# will be placed on GPU 0; all other operations will be placed
# on CPU 0.
Args | |
The device name or function to use in the context. |
A context manager that specifies the default device to use for newly created ops.
Raises | |
If device scopes are not properly nested. |
Finalizes this graph, making it read-only.
After calling g.finalize()
, no new operations can be added to
. This method is used to ensure that no operations are added
to a graph when it is shared between multiple threads, for example
when using a tf.compat.v1.train.QueueRunner
Returns a list of collections used in this graph.
name, scope=None
Returns a list of values in the collection with the given name
This is different from get_collection_ref()
which always returns the
actual collection list if it exists in that it returns a new list each time
it is called.
Args | |
The key for the collection. For example, the GraphKeys class
contains many standard names for collections.
(Optional.) A string. If supplied, the resulting list is filtered
to include only items whose name attribute matches scope using
re.match . Items without a name attribute are never returned if a
scope is supplied. The choice of re.match means that a scope without
special tokens filters by prefix.
Returns | |
The list of values in the collection with the given name , or
an empty list if no value has been added to that collection. The
list contains the values in the order under which they were
Returns a list of values in the collection with the given name
If the collection exists, this returns the list itself, which can be modified in place to change the collection. If the collection does not exist, it is created as an empty list and the list is returned.
This is different from get_collection()
which always returns a copy of
the collection list if it exists and never creates an empty collection.
Args | |
The key for the collection. For example, the GraphKeys class
contains many standard names for collections.
Returns | |
The list of values in the collection with the given name , or an empty
list if no value has been added to that collection.
Returns the current name scope.
For example:
with tf.name_scope('scope1'):
with tf.name_scope('scope2'):
would print the string scope1/scope2
Returns | |
A string representing the current name scope. |
Returns the Operation
with the given name
This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.
Args | |
The name of the Operation to return.
Returns | |
The Operation with the given name .
Raises | |
If name is not a string.
If name does not correspond to an operation in this graph.
Return the list of operations in the graph.
You can modify the operations in place, but modifications to the list such as inserts/delete have no effect on the list of operations known to the graph.
This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.
Returns | |
A list of Operations. |
Returns the Tensor
with the given name
This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.
Args | |
The name of the Tensor to return.
Returns | |
The Tensor with the given name .
Raises | |
If name is not a string.
If name does not correspond to a tensor in this graph.
gradient_override_map( op_type_map )
EXPERIMENTAL: A context manager for overriding gradient functions.
This context manager can be used to override the gradient function that will be used for ops within the scope of the context.
For example:
def _custom_square_grad(op, grad):
# ...
with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
c = tf.constant(5.0)
s_1 = tf.square(c) # Uses the default gradient for tf.square.
with g.gradient_override_map({"Square": "CustomSquare"}):
s_2 = tf.square(s_2) # Uses _custom_square_grad to compute the
# gradient of s_2.
Args | |
A dictionary mapping op type strings to alternative op type strings. |
Returns | |
A context manager that sets the alternative op type to be used for one or more ops created in that context. |
Raises | |
If op_type_map is not a dictionary mapping strings to
Returns True
if and only if tensor
is feedable.
Returns True
if and only if tensor_or_op
is fetchable.
name_scope( name )
Returns a context manager that creates hierarchical names for operations.
A graph maintains a stack of name scopes. A with name_scope(...):
statement pushes a new name onto the stack for the lifetime of the context.
The name
argument will be interpreted as follows:
- A string (not ending with '/') will create a new name scope, in which
is appended to the prefix of all operations created in the context. Ifname
has been used before, it will be made unique by callingself.unique_name(name)
. - A scope previously captured from a
with g.name_scope(...) as scope:
statement will be treated as an "absolute" name scope, which makes it possible to re-enter existing scopes. - A value of
or the empty string will reset the current name scope to the top-level (empty) name scope.
For example:
with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
c = tf.constant(5.0, name="c")
assert c.op.name == "c"
c_1 = tf.constant(6.0, name="c")
assert c_1.op.name == "c_1"
# Creates a scope called "nested"
with g.name_scope("nested") as scope:
nested_c = tf.constant(10.0, name="c")
assert nested_c.op.name == "nested/c"
# Creates a nested scope called "inner".
with g.name_scope("inner"):
nested_inner_c = tf.constant(20.0, name="c")
assert nested_inner_c.op.name == "nested/inner/c"
# Create a nested scope called "inner_1".
with g.name_scope("inner"):
nested_inner_1_c = tf.constant(30.0, name="c")
assert nested_inner_1_c.op.name == "nested/inner_1/c"
# Treats `scope` as an absolute name scope, and
# switches to the "nested/" scope.
with g.name_scope(scope):
nested_d = tf.constant(40.0, name="d")
assert nested_d.op.name == "nested/d"
with g.name_scope(""):
e = tf.constant(50.0, name="e")
assert e.op.name == "e"
The name of the scope itself can be captured by with
g.name_scope(...) as scope:
, which stores the name of the scope
in the variable scope
. This value can be used to name an
operation that represents the overall result of executing the ops
in a scope. For example:
inputs = tf.constant(...)
with g.name_scope('my_layer') as scope:
weights = tf.Variable(..., name="weights")
biases = tf.Variable(..., name="biases")
affine = tf.matmul(inputs, weights) + biases
output = tf.nn.relu(affine, name=scope)
[A-Za-z0-9.][A-Za-z0-9_.\-/]* (for scopes at the root)
[A-Za-z0-9_.\-/]* (for other scopes)
Args | |
A name for the scope. |
Returns | |
A context manager that installs name as a new name scope.
Raises | |
If name is not a valid scope name, according to the rules
Marks the given tensor
as unfeedable in this graph.
Marks the given op
as unfetchable in this graph.
Make device, colocation and dependencies stacks thread-local.
Device, colocation and dependencies stacks are not thread-local be default. If multiple threads access them, then the state is shared. This means that one thread may affect the behavior of another thread.
After this method is called, the stacks become thread-local. If multiple threads access them, then the state is not shared. Each thread uses its own value; a thread doesn't affect other threads by mutating such a stack.
The initial value for every thread's stack is set to the current value
of the stack when switch_to_thread_local()
was first called.
name, mark_as_used=True
Return a unique operation name for name
is used to generate structured names, separated by
, to help identify operations when debugging a graph.
Operation names are displayed in error messages reported by the
TensorFlow runtime, and in various visualization tools such as
If mark_as_used
is set to True
, which is the default, a new
unique name is created and marked as in use. If it's set to False
the unique name is returned without actually being marked as used.
This is useful when the caller simply wants to know what the name
to be created will be.
Args | |
The name for an operation. |
Whether to mark this name as being used. |
Returns | |
A string to be passed to create_op() that will be used
to name the operation being created.