
An execution callback that checks for infs and nans in output tensors.

This callback can be used with tfe.add_execute_callback to check for invalid numeric values. E.g.,


op_type Name of the TFE operation type (e.g., MatMul).
inputs The list of input tensors to the operation, currently unused by this callback.
attrs Attributes of the TFE operation, as a tuple of alternating attribute names and attribute values.
outputs The list of output tensors from the operation, checked by this callback for inf and nan values.
op_name Name of the TFE operation. This name is set by client and can be None if it unset.
check_inf (bool) Whether this callback should check for inf values in the output tensor values.
check_nan (bool) Whether this callback should check for nan values in the output tensor values.
action (ExecutionCallback) Action to be taken by the callback when inf or nan values are detected.

InfOrNanError iff inf or nan values are seen in any of outputs and action is "raise".
ValueError iff the value of action is invalid.