
Reads from a collection of CSV-formatted files.

filenames A filename or list of filenames to read the time series from. Each line must have columns corresponding to column_names.
column_names A list indicating names for each feature. TrainEvalFeatures.TIMES and TrainEvalFeatures.VALUES are required; VALUES may be repeated to indicate a multivariate series.
column_dtypes If provided, must be a list with the same length as column_names, indicating dtypes for each column. Defaults to tf.int64 for TrainEvalFeatures.TIMES and tf.float32 for everything else.
skip_header_lines Passed on to tf.compat.v1.TextLineReader; skips this number of lines at the beginning of each file.
read_num_records_hint When not reading a full dataset, indicates the number of records to parse/transfer in a single chunk (for efficiency). The actual number transferred at one time may be more or less.

ValueError If required column names are not specified, or if lengths do not match.



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When possible, raises an error if the dataset is too small.

This method allows TimeSeriesReaders to raise informative error messages if the user has selected a window size in their TimeSeriesInputFn which is larger than the dataset size. However, many TimeSeriesReaders will not have access to a dataset size, in which case they do not need to override this method.

minimum_dataset_size The minimum number of records which should be contained in the dataset. Readers should attempt to raise an error when possible if an epoch of data contains fewer records.


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Reads a chunk of data from the tf.compat.v1.ReaderBase for later re-chunking.


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Reads a full epoch of data into memory.