Computes a device_assignment of a computation across a TPU topology.
topology, computation_shape=None, computation_stride=None, num_replicas=1
Attempts to choose a compact grid of cores for locality.
Returns a DeviceAssignment
that describes the cores in the topology assigned
to each core of each replica.
and computation_stride
values should be powers of 2 for
optimal packing.
Args | |
A Topology object that describes the TPU cluster topology.
To obtain a TPU topology, evaluate the Tensor returned by
initialize_system using . Either a serialized
TopologyProto or a Topology object may be passed. Note: you must
evaluate the Tensor first; you cannot pass an unevaluated Tensor here.
A rank 1 int32 numpy array with size equal to the
topology rank, describing the shape of the computation's block of cores.
If None, the computation_shape is [1] * topology_rank .
A rank 1 int32 numpy array of size topology_rank ,
describing the inter-core spacing of the computation_shape cores in the
TPU topology. If None, the computation_stride is [1] * topology_rank .
The number of computation replicas to run. The replicas will be packed into the free spaces of the topology. |
Returns | |
A DeviceAssignment object, which describes the mapping between the logical cores in each computation replica and the physical cores in the TPU topology. |
Raises | |
If topology is not a valid Topology object.
If computation_shape or computation_stride are not 1D int32
numpy arrays with shape [3] where all values are positive.
If computation's replicas cannot fit into the TPU topology. |