Write an audio summary.

name A name for this summary. The summary tag used for TensorBoard will be this name prefixed by any active name scopes.
data A Tensor representing audio data with shape [k, t, c], where k is the number of audio clips, t is the number of frames, and c is the number of channels. Elements should be floating-point values in [-1.0, 1.0]. Any of the dimensions may be statically unknown (i.e., None).
sample_rate An int or rank-0 int32 Tensor that represents the sample rate, in Hz. Must be positive.
step Explicit int64-castable monotonic step value for this summary. If omitted, this defaults to tf.summary.experimental.get_step(), which must not be None.
max_outputs Optional int or rank-0 integer Tensor. At most this many audio clips will be emitted at each step. When more than max_outputs many clips are provided, the first max_outputs many clips will be used and the rest silently discarded.
encoding Optional constant str for the desired encoding. Only "wav" is currently supported, but this is not guaranteed to remain the default, so if you want "wav" in particular, set this explicitly.
description Optional long-form description for this summary, as a constant str. Markdown is supported. Defaults to empty.

True on success, or false if no summary was emitted because no default summary writer was available.

ValueError if a default writer exists, but no step was provided and tf.summary.experimental.get_step() is None.