Module: tf.contrib.graph_editor

TensorFlow Graph Editor.


edit module: Various function for graph editing.

reroute module: Various function for graph rerouting.

select module: Various ways of selecting operations and tensors in a graph.

subgraph module: SubGraphView: a subgraph view on an existing tf.Graph.

transform module: Class to transform an subgraph into another.

util module: Utility functions for the graph_editor.


class ControlOutputs: The control outputs topology.

class SubGraphView: A subgraph view on an existing tf.Graph.

class Transformer: Transform a subgraph into another one.

class TransformerInfo: "Contains information about the result of a transform operation.


add_control_inputs(...): Add the control inputs cops to op.

assign_renamed_collections_handler(...): Add the transformed elem to the (renamed) collections of elem.

bypass(...): Bypass the given subgraph by connecting its inputs to its outputs.

can_be_regex(...): Return True if obj can be turned into a regular expression.

check_cios(...): Do various check on control_inputs and control_outputs.

compute_boundary_ts(...): Compute the tensors at the boundary of a set of ops.

connect(...): Connect the outputs of sgv0 to the inputs of sgv1.

copy(...): Copy a subgraph.

copy_op_handler(...): Copy a tf.Operation.

copy_with_input_replacements(...): Copy a subgraph, replacing some of its inputs.

detach(...): Detach both the inputs and the outputs of a subgraph view.

detach_control_inputs(...): Detach all the external control inputs of the subgraph sgv.

detach_control_outputs(...): Detach all the external control outputs of the subgraph sgv.

detach_inputs(...): Detach the inputs of a subgraph view.

detach_outputs(...): Detach the output of a subgraph view.

filter_ops(...): Get the ops passing the given filter.

filter_ops_from_regex(...): Get all the operations that match the given regex.

filter_ts(...): Get all the tensors which are input or output of an op in ops.

filter_ts_from_regex(...): Get all the tensors linked to ops that match the given regex.

get_backward_walk_ops(...): Do a backward graph walk and return all the visited ops. (deprecated)

get_consuming_ops(...): Return all the consuming ops of the tensors in ts.

get_forward_walk_ops(...): Do a forward graph walk and return all the visited ops.

get_generating_ops(...): Return all the generating ops of the tensors in ts.

get_name_scope_ops(...): Get all the operations under the given scope path.

get_ops_ios(...): Return all the tf.Operation which are connected to an op in ops.

get_tensors(...): get all the tensors which are input or output of an op in the graph.

get_walks_intersection_ops(...): Return the intersection of a forward and a backward walk.

get_walks_union_ops(...): Return the union of a forward and a backward walk.

get_within_boundary_ops(...): Return all the tf.Operation within the given boundary.

graph_replace(...): Create a new graph which compute the targets from the replaced Tensors.

keep_t_if_possible_handler(...): Transform a tensor into itself (identity) if possible.

make_list_of_op(...): Convert ops to a list of tf.Operation.

make_list_of_t(...): Convert ts to a list of tf.Tensor.

make_placeholder_from_dtype_and_shape(...): Create a tf.compat.v1.placeholder for the Graph Editor.

make_placeholder_from_tensor(...): Create a tf.compat.v1.placeholder for the Graph Editor.

make_regex(...): Return a compiled regular expression.

make_view(...): Create a SubGraphView from selected operations and passthrough tensors.

make_view_from_scope(...): Make a subgraph from a name scope.

ph(...): Create a tf.compat.v1.placeholder for the Graph Editor.

placeholder_name(...): Create placeholder name for the graph editor.

remove_control_inputs(...): Remove the control inputs cops from co.

replace_t_with_placeholder_handler(...): Transform a tensor into a placeholder tensor.

reroute_inputs(...): Re-route all the inputs of two subgraphs.

reroute_ios(...): Re-route the inputs and outputs of sgv0 to sgv1 (see _reroute_sgv).

reroute_outputs(...): Re-route all the outputs of two operations.

reroute_ts(...): For each tensor's pair, replace the end of t1 by the end of t0.

select_ops(...): Helper to select operations.

select_ops_and_ts(...): Helper to select operations and tensors.

select_ts(...): Helper to select tensors.

sgv(...): Create a SubGraphView from selected operations and passthrough tensors.

sgv_scope(...): Make a subgraph from a name scope.

swap_inputs(...): Swap all the inputs of sgv0 and sgv1 (see reroute_inputs).

swap_ios(...): Swap the inputs and outputs of sgv1 to sgv0 (see _reroute_sgv).

swap_outputs(...): Swap all the outputs of sgv0 and sgv1 (see reroute_outputs).

swap_ts(...): For each tensor's pair, swap the end of (t0,t1).

transform_op_if_inside_handler(...): Transform an optional op only if it is inside the subgraph.