
Computes the Poisson loss between y_true and y_pred.

Main aliases


Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.

tf.compat.v1.keras.losses.poisson, tf.compat.v1.keras.metrics.poisson, `tf.compat.v2.keras.losses.poisson`, `tf.compat.v2.keras.metrics.poisson`, `tf.compat.v2.losses.poisson`, `tf.compat.v2.metrics.poisson`

The Poisson loss is the mean of the elements of the Tensor y_pred - y_true * log(y_pred).


loss = tf.keras.losses.poisson([1.4, 9.3, 2.2], [4.3, 8.2, 12.2])
print('Loss: ', loss.numpy())  # Loss: -0.8045559

y_true Tensor of true targets.
y_pred Tensor of predicted targets.

A Tensor with the mean Poisson loss.

InvalidArgumentError If y_true and y_pred have incompatible shapes.