
Output a RandomDotStereogram Tensor for export via encode_PNG/JPG OP.

Given the 2-D tensor 'depth_values' with encoded Z values, this operation will encode 3-D data into a 2-D image. The output of this Op is suitable for the encode_PNG/JPG ops. Be careful with image compression as this may corrupt the encode 3-D data within the image.

Based upon this paper.

This outputs a SIRDS image as picture_out.png:

session = tf.compat.v1.InteractiveSession()
sirds = single_image_random_dot_stereograms(

out = sirds.eval()
png = tf.image.encode_png(out).eval()
with open('picture_out.png', 'wb') as f:

depth_values A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: float64, float32, int64, int32. Z values of data to encode into 'output_data_window' window, lower further away {0.0 floor(far), 1.0 ceiling(near) after norm}, must be 2-D tensor
hidden_surface_removal An optional bool. Defaults to True. Activate hidden surface removal
convergence_dots_size An optional int. Defaults to 8. Black dot size in pixels to help view converge image, drawn on bottom of the image
dots_per_inch An optional int. Defaults to 72. Output device in dots/inch
eye_separation An optional float. Defaults to 2.5. Separation between eyes in inches
mu An optional float. Defaults to 0.3333. Depth of field, Fraction of viewing distance (eg. 1/3 = 0.3333)
normalize An optional bool. Defaults to True. Normalize input data to [0.0, 1.0]
normalize_max An optional float. Defaults to -100. Fix MAX value for Normalization (0.0) - if < MIN, autoscale
normalize_min An optional float. Defaults to 100. Fix MIN value for Normalization (0.0) - if > MAX, autoscale
border_level An optional float. Defaults to 0. Value of bord in depth 0.0 {far} to 1.0 {near}
number_colors An optional int. Defaults to 256. 2 (Black & White), 256 (grayscale), and Numbers > 256 (Full Color) are supported
output_image_shape An optional tf.TensorShape or list of ints. Defaults to shape [1024, 768, 1]. Defines output shape of returned image in '[X,Y, Channels]' 1-grayscale, 3 color; channels will be updated to 3 if number_colors > 256
output_data_window An optional tf.TensorShape or list of ints. Defaults to [1022, 757]. Size of "DATA" window, must be equal to or smaller than output_image_shape, will be centered and use convergence_dots_size for best fit to avoid overlap if possible

A Tensor of type uint8 of shape 'output_image_shape' with encoded 'depth_values'