Apply 1D conv with un-shared weights.
inputs, kernel, kernel_size, strides, data_format=None
Arguments |
3D tensor with shape:
(batch_size, steps, input_dim)
if data_format is "channels_last" or
(batch_size, input_dim, steps)
if data_format is "channels_first".
the unshared weight for convolution,
with shape (output_length, feature_dim, filters).
a tuple of a single integer,
specifying the length of the 1D convolution window.
a tuple of a single integer,
specifying the stride length of the convolution.
the data format, channels_first or channels_last.
Returns |
A 3d tensor with shape:
(batch_size, output_length, filters)
if data_format='channels_first'
or 3D tensor with shape:
(batch_size, filters, output_length)
if data_format='channels_last'.
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Last updated 2020-10-01 UTC.
[null,null,["Last updated 2020-10-01 UTC."],[],[]]