A helper method for creating metrics related to precision-recall curves.
labels, predictions, weights=None, num_thresholds=None, use_locking=None,
These values are true positives, false negatives, true negatives, false positives, precision, and recall. This function returns a data structure that contains ops within it.
Unlike _streaming_confusion_matrix_at_thresholds (which exhibits O(T * N)
space and run time), this op exhibits O(T + N) space and run time, where T is
the number of thresholds and N is the size of the predictions tensor. Hence,
it may be advantageous to use this function when predictions
is big.
For instance, prefer this method for per-pixel classification tasks, for which the predictions tensor may be very large.
Each number in predictions
, a float in [0, 1]
, is compared with its
corresponding label in labels
, and counts as a single tp/fp/tn/fn value at
each threshold. This is then multiplied with weights
which can be used to
reweight certain values, or more commonly used for masking values.
Args | |
A bool Tensor whose shape matches predictions .
A floating point Tensor of arbitrary shape and whose values
are in the range [0, 1] .
Optional; If provided, a Tensor that has the same dtype as, and
broadcastable to, predictions . This tensor is multiplied by counts.
Optional; Number of thresholds, evenly distributed in [0,
1] . Should be >= 2 . Defaults to 201. Note that the number of bins is 1
less than num_thresholds . Using an even num_thresholds value instead
of an odd one may yield unfriendly edges for bins.
Optional; If True, the op will be protected by a lock. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined, but may exhibit less contention. Defaults to True. |
Optional; variable_scope name. If not provided, the string 'precision_recall_at_equal_threshold' is used. |
Returns | |
A named tuple (See PrecisionRecallData within the implementation of
this function) with properties that are variables of shape
[num_thresholds] . The names of the properties are tp, fp, tn, fn,
precision, recall, thresholds. Types are same as that of predictions.
An op that accumulates values. |
Raises | |
If predictions and labels have mismatched shapes, or if
weights is not None and its shape doesn't match predictions , or if
includes contains invalid keys.