Entry point for reading and writing data in Cloud Bigtable.

This BigtableTable class is the Python representation of the Cloud Bigtable table within TensorFlow. Methods on this class allow data to be read from and written to the Cloud Bigtable service in flexible and high performance manners.



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Retrieves the row keys matching a given prefix.

prefix All row keys that begin with prefix in the table will be retrieved.

A containing tf.string Tensors corresponding to all of the row keys matching that prefix.


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Retrieves all row keys between start and end.

start The start row key. The row keys for rows after start (inclusive) will be retrieved.
end (Optional.) The end row key. Rows up to (but not including) end will be retrieved. If end is None, all subsequent row keys will be retrieved.

A containing tf.string Tensors corresponding to all of the row keys between start and end.


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Retrieves the values of columns for a dataset of keys.

Example usage:

table = bigtable_client.table("my_table")
key_dataset = table.get_keys_prefix("imagenet")
images = key_dataset.apply(table.lookup_columns(("cf1", "image"),
                                                ("cf2", "label"),
                                                ("cf2", "boundingbox")))
training_data =, num_parallel_calls=64).batch(128)

Alternatively, you can use keyword arguments to specify the columns to capture. Example (same as above, rewritten):

table = bigtable_client.table("my_table")
key_dataset = table.get_keys_prefix("imagenet")
images = key_dataset.apply(table.lookup_columns(
    cf1="image", cf2=("label", "boundingbox")))
training_data =, num_parallel_calls=64).batch(128)
  • 'name'

*args A list of tuples containing (column family, column name) pairs.
**kwargs Column families (keys) and column qualifiers (values).

A function that can be passed to to retrieve the values of columns for the rows.


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Retrieves row (including values) from the Bigtable service at high speed.

Rows with row-key prefixed by prefix will be retrieved. This method is similar to scan_prefix, but by contrast performs multiple sub-scans in parallel in order to achieve higher performance.

Specifying the columns to retrieve for each row is done by either using kwargs or in the columns parameter. To retrieve values of the columns "c1", and "c2" from the column family "cfa", and the value of the column "c3" from column family "cfb", the following datasets (ds1, and ds2) are equivalent:

table = # ...
ds1 = table.parallel_scan_prefix("row_prefix", columns=[("cfa", "c1"),
                                                        ("cfa", "c2"),
                                                        ("cfb", "c3")])
ds2 = table.parallel_scan_prefix("row_prefix", cfa=["c1", "c2"], cfb="c3")

prefix The prefix all row keys must match to be retrieved for prefix- based scans.
num_parallel_scans (Optional.) The number of concurrent scans against the Cloud Bigtable instance.
probability (Optional.) A float between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive). A non-1 value indicates to probabilistically sample rows with the provided probability.
columns The columns to read. Note: most commonly, they are expressed as kwargs. Use the columns value if you are using column families that are reserved. The value of columns and kwargs are merged. Columns is a list of tuples of strings ("column_family", "column_qualifier").
**kwargs The column families and columns to read. Keys are treated as column_families, and values can be either lists of strings, or strings that are treated as the column qualifier (column name).

A returning the row keys and the cell contents.

ValueError If the configured probability is unexpected.


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Retrieves rows (including values) from the Bigtable service.

Rows with row-keys between start and end will be retrieved. This method is similar to scan_range, but by contrast performs multiple sub-scans in parallel in order to achieve higher performance.

Specifying the columns to retrieve for each row is done by either using kwargs or in the columns parameter. To retrieve values of the columns "c1", and "c2" from the column family "cfa", and the value of the column "c3" from column family "cfb", the following datasets (ds1, and ds2) are equivalent:

table = # ...
ds1 = table.parallel_scan_range("row_start",
                                columns=[("cfa", "c1"),
                                         ("cfa", "c2"),
                                         ("cfb", "c3")])
ds2 = table.parallel_scan_range("row_start", "row_end",
                                cfa=["c1", "c2"], cfb="c3")

start The start of the range when scanning by range.
end (Optional.) The end of the range when scanning by range.
num_parallel_scans (Optional.) The number of concurrent scans against the Cloud Bigtable instance.
probability (Optional.) A float between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive). A non-1 value indicates to probabilistically sample rows with the provided probability.
columns The columns to read. Note: most commonly, they are expressed as kwargs. Use the columns value if you are using column families that are reserved. The value of columns and kwargs are merged. Columns is a list of tuples of strings ("column_family", "column_qualifier").
**kwargs The column families and columns to read. Keys are treated as column_families, and values can be either lists of strings, or strings that are treated as the column qualifier (column name).

A returning the row keys and the cell contents.

ValueError If the configured probability is unexpected.


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Retrieves a sampling of row keys from the Bigtable table.

This dataset is most often used in conjunction with to construct a set of ranges for scanning in parallel.

A returning string row keys.


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Retrieves row (including values) from the Bigtable service.

Rows with row-key prefixed by prefix will be retrieved.

Specifying the columns to retrieve for each row is done by either using kwargs or in the columns parameter. To retrieve values of the columns "c1", and "c2" from the column family "cfa", and the value of the column "c3" from column family "cfb", the following datasets (ds1, and ds2) are equivalent:

table = # ...
ds1 = table.scan_prefix("row_prefix", columns=[("cfa", "c1"),
                                               ("cfa", "c2"),
                                               ("cfb", "c3")])
ds2 = table.scan_prefix("row_prefix", cfa=["c1", "c2"], cfb="c3")

prefix The prefix all row keys must match to be retrieved for prefix- based scans.
probability (Optional.) A float between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive). A non-1 value indicates to probabilistically sample rows with the provided probability.
columns The columns to read. Note: most commonly, they are expressed as kwargs. Use the columns value if you are using column families that are reserved. The value of columns and kwargs are merged. Columns is a list of tuples of strings ("column_family", "column_qualifier").
**kwargs The column families and columns to read. Keys are treated as column_families, and values can be either lists of strings, or strings that are treated as the column qualifier (column name).

A returning the row keys and the cell contents.

ValueError If the configured probability is unexpected.


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Retrieves rows (including values) from the Bigtable service.

Rows with row-keys between start and end will be retrieved.

Specifying the columns to retrieve for each row is done by either using kwargs or in the columns parameter. To retrieve values of the columns "c1", and "c2" from the column family "cfa", and the value of the column "c3" from column family "cfb", the following datasets (ds1, and ds2) are equivalent:

table = # ...
ds1 = table.scan_range("row_start", "row_end", columns=[("cfa", "c1"),
                                                        ("cfa", "c2"),
                                                        ("cfb", "c3")])
ds2 = table.scan_range("row_start", "row_end", cfa=["c1", "c2"], cfb="c3")

start The start of the range when scanning by range.
end (Optional.) The end of the range when scanning by range.
probability (Optional.) A float between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive). A non-1 value indicates to probabilistically sample rows with the provided probability.
columns The columns to read. Note: most commonly, they are expressed as kwargs. Use the columns value if you are using column families that are reserved. The value of columns and kwargs are merged. Columns is a list of tuples of strings ("column_family", "column_qualifier").
**kwargs The column families and columns to read. Keys are treated as column_families, and values can be either lists of strings, or strings that are treated as the column qualifier (column name).

A returning the row keys and the cell contents.

ValueError If the configured probability is unexpected.


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Writes a dataset to the table.

dataset A to be written to this table. It must produce a list of number-of-columns+1 elements, all of which must be strings. The first value will be used as the row key, and subsequent values will be used as cell values for the corresponding columns from the corresponding column_families and columns entries.
column_families A tf.Tensor of tf.strings corresponding to the column names to store the dataset's elements into.
columns A tf.Tensor of tf.strings corresponding to the column names to store the dataset's elements into.
timestamp (Optional.) An int64 timestamp to write all the values at. Leave as None to use server-provided timestamps.

A tf.Operation that can be run to perform the write.

ValueError If there are unexpected or incompatible types, or if the number of columns and column_families does not match the output of dataset.