
Parses tf.SequenceExamples to extract tensors for given FeatureColumns.

serialized A scalar (0-D Tensor) of type string, a single serialized SequenceExample proto.
context_feature_columns An iterable containing the feature columns for context features. All items should be instances of classes derived from _FeatureColumn. Can be None.
sequence_feature_columns An iterable containing the feature columns for sequence features. All items should be instances of classes derived from _FeatureColumn. Can be None.
name A name for this operation (optional).
example_name A scalar (0-D Tensor) of type string (optional), the names of the serialized proto.

A tuple consisting of (context_features, sequence_features)

  • context_features: a dict mapping FeatureColumns from context_feature_columns to their parsed Tensors/SparseTensors.
  • sequence_features: a dict mapping FeatureColumns from sequence_feature_columns to their parsed Tensors/SparseTensors.