
Make a template, optionally compiling func_ into a graph function.

See make_template for full documentation.

name_ A name for the scope created by this template. If necessary, the name will be made unique by appending _N to the name.
func_ The function to wrap.
create_scope_now_ Boolean controlling whether the scope should be created when the template is constructed or when the template is called. Default is False, meaning the scope is created when the template is called.
unique_name_ When used, it overrides name_ and is not made unique. If a template of the same scope/unique_name already exists and reuse is false, an error is raised. Defaults to None. If executing eagerly, must be None.
custom_getter_ Optional custom getter for variables used in func_. See the tf.compat.v1.get_variable custom_getter documentation for more information.
create_graph_function_ When True, func_ will be executed as a graph function. This implies that func_ must satisfy the properties that function.defun requires of functions: See the documentation of function.defun for details. When executing eagerly, setting this flag to True can improve performance. Regardless of whether eager execution is enabled, enabling this flag gives the caller access to graph-function semantics, i.e., accesses to variables are totally ordered and side-effecting ops are not pruned.
**kwargs Keyword arguments to apply to func_.

A function to encapsulate a set of variables which should be created once and reused. An enclosing scope will be created either when make_template is called or when the result is called, depending on the value of create_scope_now_. Regardless of the value, the first time the template is called it will enter the scope with no reuse, and call func_ to create variables, which are guaranteed to be unique. All subsequent calls will re-enter the scope and reuse those variables.

ValueError if name_ is None.
ValueError if unique_name_ is not None and eager execution is enabled.