
Monte Carlo estimate of Ep[f(Z)]=Eq[f(Z)p(Z)/q(Z)].

With p(z):=explogp(z), this Op returns

n1sumi=1n[f(zi)p(zi)/q(zi)],zi q, Eq[f(Z)p(Z)/q(Z)] =Ep[f(Z)]

This integral is done in log-space with max-subtraction to better handle the often extreme values that f(z) p(z) / q(z) can take on.

If f >= 0, it is up to 2x more efficient to exponentiate the result of expectation_importance_sampler_logspace applied to Log[f].

User supplies either Tensor of samples z, or number of samples to draw n

f Callable mapping samples from sampling_dist_q to Tensors with shape broadcastable to q.batch_shape. For example, f works "just like" q.log_prob.
log_p Callable mapping samples from sampling_dist_q to Tensors with shape broadcastable to q.batch_shape. For example, log_p works "just like" sampling_dist_q.log_prob.
sampling_dist_q The sampling distribution. tfp.distributions.Distribution. float64 dtype recommended. log_p and q should be supported on the same set.
z Tensor of samples from q, produced by q.sample for some n.
n Integer Tensor. Number of samples to generate if z is not provided.
seed Python integer to seed the random number generator.
name A name to give this Op.

The importance sampling estimate. Tensor with shape equal to batch shape of q, and dtype = q.dtype.