
Constructs a Predictor from a SavedModel on disk.

export_dir a path to a directory containing a SavedModel.
signature_def_key Optional string specifying the signature to use. If None, then DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY is used. Only one of signature_def_key and signature_def
signature_def A SignatureDef proto specifying the inputs and outputs for prediction. Only one of signature_def_key and signature_def should be specified. input_names: A dictionary mapping strings to Tensors in the SavedModel that represent the input. The keys can be any string of the user's choosing. output_names: A dictionary mapping strings to Tensors in the SavedModel that represent the output. The keys can be any string of the user's choosing.
tags Optional. Tags that will be used to retrieve the correct SignatureDef. Defaults to DEFAULT_TAGS.
graph Optional. The Tensorflow graph in which prediction should be done.
config ConfigProto proto used to configure the session.

An initialized Predictor.

ValueError More than one of signature_def_key and signature_def is specified.